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The Last Late-Night School Craft Project

So senior parents are expected to make a photo collage (using a clap-board template) for their students to be put up in the halls during prom/afterprom next weekend. It could be about high school, friends, or various lifetime pix.

Given +James Hill‘s photogenic nature, it was an enjoyable project to put together. I came up with a set of way-too-many pix, he culled the list down to only somewhat-too-many, then I put everything together.

And, per his instruction, noting “James” as his name.

Fun times. Nostalgic times. And a memento.

Three notes:

  1. With one possible exception (upper right corner), James noted that none of the marching band pix were from this year. I think there were some in the earlier picture sets, but they didn’t make the final cut for one reason or another. (There is a pic of James playing the bass flute at last weekend’s spring concert, though.)
  2. Even more extraordinary, we ended up with a set of pictures without any of James with his tongue stuck out at the photographer.
  3. Special note to the pix bottom left and right corners, which were shot by our friend +Kate Testerman, who does excellent Senior Photos (or any other photography) for anyone in the Denver area who is looking for such professional services.

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5 thoughts on “The Last Late-Night School Craft Project”

  1. The first thing I got was ‘parents are supposed to do this?’

    I’m all for supporting our kids, but I’d be annoyed if *I* got homework.

    Then I thought ‘great James can do this, how did that work among the wider community?’

  2. Too be clear, as I said in an earlier post you are you. I just wonder how it works with James making such an announcement. There must be people of his generation whom didn’t realise, and then, given this is parent homework, parents who went “what?”

    1. Well, we’ll see — this was encouraged from the school as something the parents could to do help celebrate their seniors graduating. I imagine there are also students doing them in lieu of parents.

      They are going up this weekend for the Prom, so will be visible primarily by just the student body, not the parent.

      The labeling by name (and vetting of the pictures) was done by James, and he’s unworried about the wider community because, as he put it, “Pretty much only friends go looking for each others’ posters” and his friends largely know. (And those that didn’t were informed this past week when he changed his data on Google and Facebook — which did provoke a conversation with a remote friend he’d forgotten to mention it to, but who was also supportive of the whole thing.

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