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Trump just had an awful press conference. Or did he?

As +John E. Bredehoft notes, crazytalk and meltdown are in the eye of the beholder. I look at Trump yelling at and insulting journalists and the press in general, trash talking GOP politicians who lost, threatening "war" on the Democrats if they look at him cross-eyed, and generally behaving like a lunatic and say, "Wow, he's just awful / over-stressed / deluded / dangerously grasping for straws."

But a dyed-in-the-wool Trump supporter says, "Yeah, stand up to those shady, lying journalists! Kick those RINOs in the teeth as a lesson against wavering from American nationalism! Show you are large and in charge and not interested in being 'politically correct' or 'polite' to the enemies of the people!"

And there are just enough people in the middle who are sort of, "Well, yeah, but that's Trump, and if only those pushy reporters wouldn't act so disrespectfully, maybe he wouldn't be so cranky, so can't we all just get along?."

All of which suggests that, no matter how nutty and nasty Trump goes over the next couple of years, barring some monumental gaffe or error or self-destructive action or massive coronary, it's quite possible he'll win reelection in 2020. Because enough people either like (envy) that he's an unrepentant asshole, or have become inured to his zaniness.

Donald Trump’s first post-election press conference was a complete disaster
He threatened Dems, sparred with reporters, and called out Republican losers.

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12 thoughts on “Trump just had an awful press conference. Or did he?”

  1. Yup.

    “Can’t we all just get along” becomes a squishy defense for doing nothing, if you don’t in fact oppose the people who are actively harming others.

    But there’s a lot of “would everybody please stop screaming?” While we’re trying to sound the fire alarms.

  2. I’m wondering what, if anything, would make the MAGA worshippers tire of the act.

    Election losses wouldn’t. Even if Trump loses in 2020, he could conceivably have followers until the day he dies.

  3. 45 has now moved into the stage of normalizing dictator behaviour. The press gallery provides him with a regular audience to attack and get the public used to it and becoming deaf to the free press.

  4. Chances are indeed he'll win again. What shocked me even more in the past few years than Trump winning the presidency, was the way his supporters stand by him whatever he says or does The irrational behaviour of these people frightens me to be honest.

  5. +Wim Decraene Agreed. But it's not irrational behaviour. It's a deliberate strategy rather like the farmer-pimp who pimps his wife and kids at the bar on Friday, gives the john his keys, and by the time his keys are returned, he has deliberately gotten drunk. On arriving home "drunk", he then pretends to be jealous/ full of righteous wrath and beats the raped wife or molested kid for adultery or fornication. If the neighbours call the cops, he'll sleep it off in the drunk tank and be out by Sunday. Because, of course, he just has to drive the family to church. And everybody blames the beatings on the drinking…….. If only he could quit drinking.

    Infowars and the other "Alt-Right" outlets laid it all out in their posts — dressed up in enough offensive garbage to insure that no "libtard" would ever read their actual gameplay.

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