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Oh, good. The White House is using doctored InfoWars videos now

Of course they are.

Huh. When I was mentioning Orwell related to the President a few posts back, I didn't think we were quite heading that deep into 1984 territory.

White House Spreads Doctored Video to Justify Temper Tantrum Against CNN Reporter

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6 thoughts on “Oh, good. The White House is using doctored InfoWars videos now”

  1. Trump showed himself to be a tyrannical dictator and against the freedom of the press . Too bad Trump did not like the question , he is the president and he will be asked questions he finds embarrassing and shameful to his narcissism and ego self. Today the video was found to be of low quality and frames were speeded up by it's self or may have been doctored . But Trump has shown the whole world on live TV telecast , his true nature . He is a dictator and pure bully . I also see what Trump did to the journalist is a distraction from the story of Jeff Sessions resigning and replacing him with Matthew George Whitaker , which is an illegal appointment by Trump . I am for a boycott by the media against Trump and his bullying and disrespect of the free press rights and freedoms Trump is completely against . BOYCOTT TRUMP PRESS BRIEFINGS !!!! AND JIM ACOSTA SHOULD SUE TRUMP AND SANDERS FOR A DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER CLAIM . He has a well documented claim , being that it was all rerecorded and seen world wide on live TV . Trump has gone too far . If he does not like the duties and actions of his job as president , he also must resign . He is president , not the dictator of America!!!!!!

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