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Unblogged Bits (Mon. 17-Oct-11 2330)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. God is not registered to vote in New Hampshire – Anita Perry seems to be a bit of Marie Antoinette, only with a persecution complex.
  2. A History of Hell and a whiff of sulfur – This one goes on the Wish List.
  3. Wallnau: Don’t Say “Dominionism,” At Least Not In Front Of The Media – Stay classy, Dominionists.
  4. Seriously, why? – YES!
  5. Circle of Loathe – DORK TOWER, Monday, October 17, 2011
  6. History – SMBC October 17, 2011 – Yup!
  7. Pat Robertson: Those Struggling Financially Must Keep Tithing – I object less to Robertson suggestion that those who are struggling financially should continue to give donations to God, as much as his basically suggesting that they can do so because, really, they aren’t managing their money correctly in the first place, and that’s why they’re struggling, so it’s ALL THEIR FAULT. Thanks, Pat.
  8. iPhone’s Siri Got You Green With Envy? Try Out Iris for Android [Download] – I don’t know that I’m looking for a voice recognition assistant on my mobile phone, but …
  9. Media Matters staff: Fox’s Mike Huckabee Gets Laughs For Suggesting Voter Suppression – Stay classy, Mike!
  10. Crackdown politics – Really? Obama’s Dept of Justice is going full tilt against state-legal medical marijuana (and people who rent property to dispensaries, and newspapers that take ads for them, etc.)? Wow. Must be a slow campaign cycle …
  11. UltraViolet Restrictions On Green Lantern Makes Reader Feel Ultraviolent – Ah, yet another step in the “You don’t own it, you only license it at our convenience” media evolution. Yuck.
  12. 6 Classic Kids Shows Secretly Set in Nightmarish Universes | – And now, from some writers with too much extrapolatory time on their hands …
  13. 5 Unintentionally Hilarious Soviet Versions of Good Ideas | – (Snicker.)
  14. Thirteen Observations by Lemony Snicket | – Yes. This.
  15. Cantor to address the rich-poor gap – Print View – Note: I think nobody (or very, very few) are talking about “pushing different people down the economic ladder.” Most folks are just talking about not stealing pieces from the bottom of the ladder in order to make the top of the ladder that much higher (and more rickety).
  16. Lies, damned lies & antisemitism at Occupy Wall Street
  17. New Legislation Would Shut Down U.S. Education System, Give Each American Student $3,000 To Start Own Small Business | The Onion – As with so many other Onion stories — there are probably far too many people in this country who would think this a good idea.
  18. 6 Classic Kids Shows Slapped Together From Recycled Material | – Some scary stuff here …
29 view(s)  

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