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Your Comic Book Meme for Today

Choose four of these nine to protect you from the other five trying to kill you.

I could see this going a lot of different ways, but I'd probably choose Captain America and Batman (because they are obsessive about fulfilling their duty to protect) and Thor and Iron Man (because they're kick-ass powerful, and Stark's smart enough to deal with the strategic picture).

Hulk would be too easy to distract. Punisher is sufficiently monomanical, but I've seen him thwarted too often. I'd rather be killed than have Deadpool protecting me. Deathstroke would be just as likely to kill me if he were made a better offer. I considered Doom over Stark, but he'd be too likely to have his own agenda (or "protect me" by downloading my brain into a Doombot and letting the attackers take my body, or by letting my family get killed while I'm kept "safe").

But surely there's room for discussion here.

Reshared post from +XtremePyroSonic, The Blazing Gamer

Choose wisely friends and choose very carefully ;P

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4 thoughts on “Your Comic Book Meme for Today”

  1. So, right off, I agree with your logic. Plus, I think the villains would be too self-centered to team up. So, Doom would clash with Iron Man, Hulk would go after Thor, and Cap would take on Punisher, leaving Batman to deal with Dead Pool and Deathstroke (easy enough for him).

    1. @Solonor – The pairing you describe makes sense. Cap and Bats could / would interchangeably handle the other three (who would be unlikely to coordinate their efforts).

  2. I think I'd have to have hulk on my team or he'd be on their team and that could be a problem seeing as he could one shot almost anyone else there.  He'd be a bit of a liability, and easily distracted like you say, but better that than him picking up the building you're in and throwing it around like a baseball.

  3. I certainly wouldn't be happy about the Hulk coming after me, +Craig Geddes, but I wouldn't be happy about any of these guys coming after me. I trust Thor and Iron Man to keep him under control, or trick him into jumping into orbit, or something.

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