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Forty thousand mostly minority voter registrations vanish in Georgia. How convenient

No, no, nothing funny going on here at all, nothing to see, move along …

Voter Registration Drive in Georgia Leads to Lawsuit
A nonprofit group working to register minority voters in Georgia filed suit, claiming officials have failed to process tens of thousands of voter applications ahead of the Nov. 4 vote.

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7 thoughts on “Forty thousand mostly minority voter registrations vanish in Georgia. How convenient”

  1. Well, it sort of did look like something funny was going on, according to this story:

    "And in that process, they discovered either significant errors or intentional falsehoods, he said: Fifty signatures were forgeries; 513 applicants were dead; 1,637 were convicted felons ineligible to vote; 2,124 listed no dates of birth; 2,195 had invalid or out-of-state ZIP codes; and 39,276 were active voters, already registered, Kemp said"

    I'm guessing these questions came up in trying to get all the info.

  2. And it's completely appropriate (not to mention mandatory) for the county registrars to look through the information and determine if it's complete or appropriate or not. No problem with that. (And, also clearly, GotV folk aren't allowed to do anything with the forms once they've been filled out — e.g., if they get a stack of forms from a church, and one of them just says "Edward," they can't toss it out but have to hand it in.)

    The question at hand, though, is why the New Georgia Project (per the article) has 56,001 names that they say were put on voter registration forms and submitted that are not showing up on the voter rolls at present. The 39K number, the most significant one above, wouldn't seem to include those, since they are names that are showing up already in the rolls.

  3. 1. A military cargo plane crashed. The contents were not "inexplicably 'lost'".
    2. Those were outgoing ballots, not incoming votes.
    3. From one ZIP code.
    4. Federal officials recommended new ballots be sent out.

    That hardly sounds like a fishy conspiracy.

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