“Final” or “climactic” it appears not. At least one prominent diocesan conservative priest has (in an e-mail being CCed about) zinged Bishop O’Neill for deciding that no canons had been broken — since, after all, we’re talking about a same-sex committed relationship, clearly (according to the writer) at odds with Scripture, and thus at odds with all sorts of canonical stuff.
And, on top of that, obviously it was being done in mimicry of an actual marriage, and thus is even further beyond the pale.
Thus, the cleric concludes, the bishop is now on record in support of the anti-Scriptural concept of gay marriage.
It’s noteworthy that this is precisely the sort of reaction that Bp. O’Neill wanted to avoid, at least before he was ready for it — but it’s also indicative of the equally hard-line beliefs that he faces having to balance, and the possible futility in trying to do so.