Late night runaround

Late when I got on last night, after Overly Large But Exceedingly Yummy Project Team Dinner. Margie was likely already in bed, or, failing that, being a polite host to my folks (who, ironically, are in Colorado while I’m in California).
So I figured I’d be soloing, and decided to bring in Velvet (after a disastrous late-night soloing with Torchielle the night before).
Ended up on a pick-up team for a good chunk of the time. Very undisciplined (nobody wanted to coordinate starting the attack, and we just continued rolling down the corridor once it started), but we did okay — and Velvet has the highest survivability for that sort of thing. Biggest problem was running out of endurance. Went up a couple of pips, had some fun, earned a tray-full of DOs, called it a night.

5 thoughts on “Late night runaround”

  1. yeah….
    MK wasn’t on last night, and you were getting on just as I was logging off ((11-ish).
    The other night Zazi was able to solo Dr. Vazh. I figured I clear out the stuff blocking the way, take a look at what I was facing, and then do some recruiting. But Zazi had the luckiest damn placement of the good doctor that I

  2. Very nice.
    Don’t know that we’ll be on tonight (I get in at 7, we’re going out for dinner, need to be good hosts, I’m exhausted), but would certainly enjoy doing a bit more running about with Zazi.

  3. D20 to night, so I wont be on until some time tomorrow. Either Ciunas, Puck, Mofo, or Zazi. Probably a combo of the group depending what is going on.

  4. Ok Dave…
    I will say that it was very amusing for me to see us Saturday night all behaving like kids at christmas all showing off our new toys, while doing the same with all of our CoH characters.
    Had me smiling all the way home.
    In other news MoFo picked up the the Vazh disease after the party, so I’ll have to deal with that some thime this week.
    Puck managed to get in on some great big scary missions sunday on either side of the Server crash. Some debt, and much fun. Both had Jen Sparow in a very subdued manner. It was fun to play with the big dogs.

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