CoX – I12 interview

The splash-screen interview with Posi and Castle. Nice description of the EVAs, and then this little fun bit:

He’s also excited about the addition of traditional RPG branching tree dialogue, something they didn’t have in City of Heroes until this Issue and will now begin to use quite a bit. “In this issue it’s just the test bed for it, we got the tech late into the development process so we were not able to use it everywhere we wanted to,” said Miller.

This allows them to put options into conversations or theoretically do things like present players with situations like which wire to cut when diffusing a bomb. It sounds simple, but it makes their options as mission designers much greater. Miller could not – however – comment on whether they plan to go back over old content and backwards integrate this technology.


That should be pretty cool.


2 thoughts on “CoX – I12 interview”

  1. This is probably the most exciting thing from that interview, but I haven’t seen a lot of buzz over it . . so, we shall see!

  2. It’s certainly the one item I’ve seen that goes beyond QoL and character building enhancements, into something that can actually make the missions more interesting in and of themselves.

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