Character customizatin CoX

If I said that the new face designs shown here as new for I15 strike me as being much the same as what are currently available, would I sound ungrateful?

What I’d almost rather see these days is actual emotive faces. A baseline face that you can make smile or frown or grimace. That would be nice.

2 thoughts on “Character customizatin CoX”

  1. You wouldn’t sound ungrateful, you’d sound accurate.

    The faces and costumes in I15 are the work of a rookie artist, and it really shows. The art department seems stuck in a “exoproto” rut as we now have the umpteenth iteration on the theme.

    But BAB’s dev diary hinted that much improved character customization is on the way for CoX. Which is good, because CO has raised the bar by a huge margin on them.

  2. I definitely think CoX is going to have to scramble to this first challenge in the superhero MMO space.

    I don’t mind the “exoproto” stuff they’ve been doing — there’s some good stuff in there, and beats seamless tights like we had before. In some cases, it’s a bit too specialized (esp. some of the stuff in the booster packs). But the new stuff being touted is not all that impressive.

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