CO: More videos (via BD and YouTube)

BD found a video showing someone demonstrating all the travel powers.


CO, Oddly enough, has all the same travel powers of CoX, but as added the Batman/Spiderman swinging travel power (which will look silly when there is *nothing* to actually swing off of) and the Buggs Bunny Tunnelling Travel Power.

Well, yes and no. 

First off, there are only so many super-hero travel powers — and most of them are “fly.” CO has plenty of added variants on that, though, including Ice Slide and Earth Flight (riding the rock), Hover Disk, and Fire Flight. Are they functionally the same as Flight? Sure. Do they have a nice character difference? Absotively, just as the Jet Boots do.

And Rocket Boots may be the same as Jump — but, again, I think it’s nice to have it as a separate item. (And let me say, I love making Tick-like crunch spots in the pavement.)

Teleport is teleport, sure — but I like the CO targeting mechanism.

I don’t like Super-Speed with trailing arms, though.

I concur that webslinging is goofy when there’s nothing to sling to — but, hell, that’s been the case with Spidey (and Batman, etc.) for years.

Plus, also via BD, some demos of the character designer. Wow. Looks great — lots of textures, logical organization and labeling — coolness. Nice addition of back items. And the body scaling controls look positively useful. I’ll be very interested in trying this out.



The videos I embedded yesterday, btw, seem to have gotten frelled up (in their embedding); I’ve traded them for links.

4 thoughts on “CO: More videos (via BD and YouTube)”

  1. I guess I would be happier if the Ice Travel Powers actually looked Icy, like Frozone’s from the Incredibles. Something than just a hunk of ice floating in the air.

    Same with the Hover Disk, it should have the look of Silver Surfer…and not just like all the other flying travel powers.

  2. Hover Disk is okay — I mean, it’s a hover disk.

    Ice Travel would be the ultimate cool if it involved persistent ice bridges behind one, I agree. (Though why one accepts, even in comic terms, an earth elemental flying on a stone, but not an ice elemental flying on a chunk of ice, is beyond me.).

    I suspect persistent ice structures would be a bit server-load-intense. But they’d still be (so to speak) cool.

  3. I don’t see how there is any sidewalk left in the CO universe. Looks like all of the travel powers leave massive cracks and holes. I wonder if you can turn that off?

  4. Well, when your power is grabbing a big hunk of stone and flying off on it, it will perforce leave a hole for at least a while (until the SmartCrete(tm) patches itself).

    I suspect that for casual “landing” damage, there will be a graphics setting to turn that off.

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