So, what about those other super-hero MMOs?

The super-hero genre is one that I enjoy a lot. It allows a lot of individual variation  in very dramatic fashion for the various toons. The thought did occur to me that, in moving from City of Heroes, I might think about shifting over to Champions Online or DC Universe Online again.

Then I checked my old posts on the blog:

Transitions (Mar 2010)

I just came the the realization that I have next to zero interest in ever playing Champions Online again. Which ticks me off to no end since (as I’ve said a dozen times) there are so many things about the game I like. I just find the overall experience an awful, not-terribly-fun grind.

Because occasionally I feel like I should post something other than tweets (Feb 2011)

Never signed up for DCUO after doing the beta stuff — bright and shiny but annoying non-instanced missions and overly combat-oriented.

Mr. Kiss-Kiss Bang-Bang (Dec 2011)

  • Champions Online: She was bright and shiny and promised so much but gave back so little.  We had some fun times, but ultimately she was never someone I could settle down with.
  • DC Universe Online:  Another try at rekindling an old relationship, but it was just too much of the same old grind.  I keep thinking I might give her a call some day, have some coffee, no strings attached, but I can never quite work up the interest.
  • Margie had an extensive post on CO experience here. And I had one here.

    So … for anyone who’s been playing those, has any of that criticism actually changed? Are these actual games we should consider picking up again?

    3 thoughts on “So, what about those other super-hero MMOs?”

    1. I’ve played both CoH and Champions Online for very small periods and I never got into either one. Which is funny when you consider that Champions was one of the pen and paper RPGs I and my friends played the hell out of as teenagers. Of the two, I thought CoH was more “Champions-ish” than Champions Online was. I haven’t played either of them recently to address your questions so I’m not sure why I’m responding.

      But here it is.

    2. I like DCUO a lot better than CO. The things I dont like about DCUO I often associate with the fact that it is designed to play on a PlayStation as well. I feel the UI in many cases is cumbersome and limited. I also feel DCUO just has a horrible community. I’ve yet to play the game where I didn’t have to deal with at least one or two jerks. And that’s turned me off. I just don’t think there is a game on the market that puts it all together as well as COH.

    3. I might try some F2P DCUO, @BrimstoneAshe. I just sort of recall it feeling totally like a punch-em-up keymashing game. We never stuck with it after the beta.

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