Cool article on the Munitions, Archery, and Gadgeteering power sets in Champs Online. These represent gun-based powers, archery (duh), and any number of roboticist / “toyman” / “mad thinker” sort of inventor goodness.
One of the nice things noted here (in context of the munitions) is that, once you’ve acquired a given weapon form, then as you get additional powers and enhancements, you can apply them to the forms you have / want. Love those pistols? You can keep using them with your added attacks. Want to be carrying around an arsenal? Sounds like you can.
Customization = good. I hate being stuck with either a single weapon (see CoX AR Blasters) or have to trade in the weapon I like for the latest most-powerful thing I’ve found (see LotRO).
Also: new screen shots.
Gadgets are interesting, I didn’t get to play a LOT with them before a recent character wipe, but I definitely loved the Munitions Bots.
Right now I’m really liking , but I hear it’s due for a balancing pass because it’s VERY tough. I thought my Brick with was a tough guy, but the makes him look like a wimp in the damage output arena.
Definitely enjoying providing feedback. So far the ranged powers are far more survivable than the melee powers, but I need to play a lot more of both.
Well, good that they’re doing some balancing. I don’t mind “tough” — as long as it’s “winnable.”
Question, Arty … what are the consequences of defeat?
They’re trying out a new mechanic that’s not penalty driven, rather reduces a bonus you get for NOT being defeated. I don’t know how it’ll work out, or if that’s what the final will look like.
Frankly I HATE defeat penalties in MMOs. THe penalty, to me as the player, is time lost for getting back from the rez point and redefeating stuff.
You know, I’ve been very critical of CO but the latest screen shots and info coming out of the production have me very impressed. Look at the details around the energy fists, the fact your claws character can have actual claws instead of Wolverine blades…it looks great.
Most of all what I’ve seen of the character creator has me very impressed. CoH has its work cut out for its costume creator to remain up to snuff, because as soon as CO releases CoH’s character creation is going to seem archaic by comparison.
Now if only they’d make a Mac client…
I think the CO costume editor will STRIVE to beat the CoX one, and even has some bells and whistles CoX will probably steal later, but the Beta version is still VERY clunky, and nowere as intuitive to use as the CoX creator. Now, it’s only Beta, so I know it’s due for polish, but it’s rough right now, even if it CAN do some very cool stuff.
Interesting way of handling defeat. Yeah, there’s a tension between defeat meaning something and defeat being too onerous. I’ll be curious to see how that works out.
Yeah I really haven’t gotten the hang of the colour palette yet