In Memorium – CoH – Various and Sundry

Continuing my series of City of Heroes characters … Over the years, Margie did a lot of solo play in City of Heroes, on a variety of servers. She actually got four solo toons to 50 (including one the day before last of the game), and many others into their 30s and 40s. One advantage … Continue reading “In Memorium – CoH – Various and Sundry”

In Memorium – CoH – Exalted

Continuing my series of City of Heroes characters, server by server … Our toons on Exalted were a more recent phenomenon, with the server opened up for play for VIP members only with the introduction of CoH’s Free-to-Play option. We weren’t interested it for the hoity-toity VIP exclusivity so much as it was another server to … Continue reading “In Memorium – CoH – Exalted”

In Memorium – CoH – Victory

Continuing my series of City of Heroes characters, server by server … If Champions was our first, best server home, Victory was where we moved afterwards.  It had some of our top characters, and also represented the period when Going Rogue came out and we generated a truck-load of alts to run through Praetoria. Almost … Continue reading “In Memorium – CoH – Victory”

In Memorium – CoH – Pinnacle

Continuing my series of City of Heroes characters, server by server … Pinnacle was an oddball server for us — some early legacy characters, plus one pair that really took off. So Margie had a character named Kazima on Champion, a Broadsword / Invuln scrapper.  She started out partnering with Honeygun for a while, but when Dave … Continue reading “In Memorium – CoH – Pinnacle”

In Memorium – CoH – Virtue

Continuing my series of City of Heroes characters, server by server … For some folks, Virtue was the server, and it was almost always pretty crowded. Margie and I never got into Virtue as a pair, mainly because of the crowds/lag.  I think we did some Red-side gameplay, but that was about it for the … Continue reading “In Memorium – CoH – Virtue”

In Memorium – CoH – Freedom

Continuing a server-by-server look at the alts I played in City of Heroes … In the midst of much drama llamaing, a group of us got together on the  Freedom server and created the “Hostess Heroes” — a series of snack food-inspired characters: Bear Claws, Ginger Snap, twinkie Kid, Brownie Points, Cheesy Poof, Bazooka Josephine, … Continue reading “In Memorium – CoH – Freedom”

In Memorium – CoH – Champions

The first in a server-by-server retrospective of City of Heroes characters … Champions was my first, best server. Well, I’m not sure if it was first. But it was the best. It’s where we got invited to supergroups first, the Freedom Phalanx — and eventually created our own, the mighty Consortium of Justice, part of … Continue reading “In Memorium – CoH – Champions”

Guess I’m still in that “Depression” stage

Or maybe the bottom line is that advancement in CoH was more about the achievement  and reaching the goal than the journey. Because I confess I am utterly uninterested in hopping onto CoH and doing any gameplay.  Which I feel like a kick in the gut whenever an opportunity that would have previously been, “Hey, … Continue reading “Guess I’m still in that “Depression” stage”