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Thoughtful Thursday

It’s The Thursday Thumb-Twiddler….

It’s The Thursday Thumb-Twiddler.

1. If you knew that in one year you would die, suddenly, how would you change anything about the way you are now living?

I’d start saving money. Cut down on unnecessary expenses.

That would be either to have additional money for Margie and Katherine after I was gone, or to spend some money to do some things I couldn’t do later. Travel (domestic and international). Take some time off to write (and finish writing).

I’d like to think that I’d give the boot to Old Man Procrastination.

I’d quietly up my company Life Insurance.

And do some things I’ve not done. Skydive. Fly a plane. SCUBA dive.

Spend time with Kitten.

Catalog photographs.

Stop worrying about so much.

And, of course, the follow-up question is, why don’t you do all those things now? Maybe I’ll ask that next week.

2. Your father-in-law is foreign-born, and you’ve just learned that he was an agent of long-standing for a nation that is very unfriendly toward yours. Do you report him to the authorities? Is your answer any different if he’s still acting as an agent?

Suspending my disbelief for a moment …

Certainly if he was active, I’d have to report him. If he was inactive … I still might. I don’t have much patience for that sort of thing, to be honest, and he would still have valuable info for the authorities (I might offer him the opportunity to go in voluntarily, if I thought he was not a flight risk).

3. If you could stand at the pinnacle of any man-made or natural object, what would it be?

The International Space Station. Absotively.

On Earth? The Acropolis comes to mind. Maybe Everest. Or some point beside (or inside) Angel Falls.

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