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Target locked …

Some time early next year, we’ll have the van paid off. At which point it will be time to start shopping for a replacement for my ’95 Saturn coupe. Timing…

Some time early next year, we’ll have the van paid off. At which point it will be time to start shopping for a replacement for my ’95 Saturn coupe.

Timing is everything.

(And, yes, I know that it is utterly and totally impractical for our climate and needs. Just shut up and let me enjoy the moment.)

(via Blogatelle)

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13 thoughts on “Target locked …”

  1. Sweet!!

    And hey…we should have our van paid off by the beginning of (well, a few months into) the new year, and will be getting Lou a new car to replace his 1994 Dodge Shadow.

    We’re going to get a hybrid, since he drives so much for his work, it’s impractical not to. He’s got to try sitting in the Civic…Jack Gulick has a Toyota Prius, and it’s just a shade tight for Lou to fit very comfortably in. He can deal, but I’d like a better fit for him.

    But that Bug is really cute.

  2. Uh-huh. And would this convertible beetle be the spiritual descendent of ol’ Miniver Cheevy? Gonna stick with blue?

    Boy, I wish I could get a new car. My ’97 Hyundai has 137,000 miles on it, and every two weeks something breaks. Today it’s the starter that was put in 4 months and 10,000 miles ago. sigh

  3. That bug is a very pretty car!

    I didn’t have my Prius (not nearly as pretty, but I like the lines) with me when I was in Colorado this spring, and I think I’d hate hearing its tiny gas engine scream if I tried to drive it west out of Denver. It was tough enough just pushing through Franconia Notch here in NH.

    Of course, watching the regenerative braking flood out the kWh as I came back down might be worth it…

  4. Do a lot of fact-checking on the bug, Dave…
    I heard somewhere that it has a lot of maintanance/mechanical problems… (hearsay, sorry I don’t have a source)

    It is cute, though.
    And it has a nominal back seat…
    I like this cute thang

  5. Well, yeah, of course, Jenn. But I was looking for something really cool that was only unreasonable for weather and space, not also for cost … 😉

    (Yeah, the Z3 is one of my Lust Cars. Though I’d settle for anything in the 911 family, too — even something with a whale tail.)

    I’m desperately trying to avoid a Sensible Family Sedan, like a Camry or Sable or something like that. {shudder}

  6. Hey, I bought my PT Cruiser because it was cool and practical. Eight foot ladders and large boxes from Ikea are no trouble for me… I’m PT Cruiser Lass.

    And the new turbo models are only a couple thousand more and lose only a mile or so a gallon.

  7. Well, whatever we get can’t be any longer than the Saturn — the length of the garage on that side is limited.

    The question is whether we need two cars that can carry four adults or two adults and a kid or two, or whether a commute car for me makes more sense.

  8. Well, I don’t know about the bug. However, I love my VWs. You can get the Jetta with a TDI. We get about 55 MPG city with ours.

  9. I am seriously looking at (as serious as I am at the moment) the Jetta. I owned one, once upon a time (after my beloved ’71 Superbeetle, which Scott refers to above), and enjoyed driving it a lot. There are some Passat models that might be a decent compromise, too.

  10. And, as if the Blog Gods decided to have a chuckle, the pink slip for the paid-off van just showed up in today’s mail …

    So now we’re saving up for the down payment each month.

  11. Although I’m not lobbying for anything –
    1995 Saturn SC 173 inches overall
    2002 PT Criuser 168 inches overall
    2002 Jetta GI 172.5 inches overall

    I just happen to have alot if car info at my fingertypes. I wonder why…

  12. Hmmmm. That’s actually a bit of a surprise (about the length of the PTC, not that you have the info at your fingertips).

    Actually, I’m surprised that the Jetta is that long.

    We’ll see.

  13. When we bought the Passat we LITERALLY drove EVERY available model in the class. I was finally at the point of “As long as it isn’t the Oldsmobile I don’t care!!!!” We ended up with the VW because it had the most “bells and whistles” for the money. Lots of stuff that was standard on the VW was extra on the rest. Plus, Consumer Reports liked them lots. Best car of the class etc at the time 2000 model year.
    No, I don’t work for VW. 🙂 I just love them.
    I’d say the Jetta is that long because it has a ton of room. Some what Tardis-like.

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