And here’s the Thumb-Twiddler.
1. New Years resolutions: worthwhile modifier of personal behavior, or fruitless way to set yourself up for failure?
I suppose there is value in it. After all, we tend to let days slip into weeks slip into months. Having a regularly scheduled event (other than Lent) to consider our shortcomings and resolve to do something concrete about them — even if we fail — is useful.
2. What should you have resolved for the New Year? Not what you did resolve, mind you, but what should you have resolved?
I resolved to lose weight. I should have resolved to exercise.
3. You’re suddenly able to send a brief message back to yourself on 1 January 2002. What would you say?
“Order your Christmas cards earlier. Back up your hard drive. Don’t bite off more than you can choose. All will be well.”
On #3, Julia’s suggestion of taunting myself about how cool Two Towers will be is also a fun idea.