Katherine had a tornado drill at her school today.
A tornado drill, ferchrisssakes! What kind of Bizarro World state do we live in these days? Everyone knows that duck-and-cover exercises are for Earthquakes and Nuclear Attacks, and that you do it under your desk, not out in the (interior) hallway!
What are they teaching our kids these days?
Tornadoes. Yeesh.
A good thing just the same since you all down there seem to get more warnings then up here.
Earthquake drill? Que pasa Earthquake drill?
I mean just because you live five miles from an active fault doesn’t mean that you should have earthquake drills. Granted, I think that there have only been 2 under the 4 range since I was in highschool.
Now the fun time to live here was back in the Sixties when the Rocky mountian Arsonal was bust pumping toxic waste into a fault. Slidy slidy good times.
I’m California boy. All this “tornado” stuff is just too weird for me. 🙂