A melange of articles I don’t have quite the get-up-and-go to get-up-and-blog in detail:
- Kids are blogging! By themselves! Unsupervised! Gads! Okay, granted, kids do dumb things. Fine. Educate them. Educate their parents. Making personal blogs or certain blog spaces verboten only makes them forbidden fruit. Hasn’t the education system learned anything?
- How the President learns of a nuclear attack.
- Seeing the shockwaves of guns. Very cool.
- This looks very cool — especially for people who walk around and read a lot. :cough:
- Google Cache of copyrighted material is fair use.
- This “Hey, D&D geeks are funny” movie that Kate forwarded is funny — or would have been, about ten years ago. Or maybe fifteen. And at about half the length.
Sure, but I wasn’t *playing* D&D ten years ago!
Neither was I!
Uh… Because my gaming group dissolved over twenty years ago…