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Tennessee Travel

We had our last day of meetings yesterday — overall a good set of days of discussion, much less rushed and initiative-packed than some similar meetings we’ve had.  Good stuff…

We had our last day of meetings yesterday — overall a good set of days of discussion, much less rushed and initiative-packed than some similar meetings we’ve had.  Good stuff

After various delays and discussions, myself, a Colleague, and the Boss were all heading back to Nashville to catch early flights out this morning.  So it turned out that the Boss followed me the whole way back to the airport (where he’d pick me up for our hotel after I turned in my rental).  Being concerned about losing him (as traffic intervened) or about going slower than his usual speedy wont (when it didn’t) made it a less-than-relaxing trip, though it was amusing to pick up a very powerful (and clear) Chicago news station as I was getting into the Nashville metro area.

After we’d checked in, we went and picked up my Colleague and the Boss and headed over to some older parts of Nashville, in particular Broadway, which has gone though some serious urban renewal and is now home of many, many bars/music joints.  We went to Tootsie’s Orchid Lounge and listened to the ear-numbing sounds of Anthony Orio and the Goodfellers and drank bad American light beer and generally had a great time for a number of hours.

That led to about three hours of sleep last night, since Rob was driving me to the airport this morning, meeting at 6.  Yawn. 

On the bright side, Rob got me into the Delta Premier Lounge, where the Elite Meet to Eat Morning Breakfast Treats. 

On the down side, that meant I was stuck there watching Fox & Friends, a “news” show that alternates between hyperbolic outrage, snide ridiculing character assassination, and self-righteous martyrdom by the ultra-far-left MSM.  I feel like scrubbing my brain with sandpaper>.

On the other hand,  I was able to sleep pretty much all the way on the flight back to Denver, which was refreshing if not comfortable.

The other down part of of the trip was that I managed to leave a pair of slacks and two shirts hanging in the closet at the Hampton Inn in Tullahoma — which a call to the front desk indicated have vanished mysteriously.  I will follow up with them, but …

Good to be home.

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One thought on “Tennessee Travel”

  1. You need to take earplugs as a prophylactic against “Fox and Friends” and similar noise pollution. I don’t leave home without them any more.

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