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Things are a scosh crazy right now

I’m not quite sure why. Work has been very busy — reports and system go-lives and personnel issues and a new fiscal year kicking off. Home, too, has had all…

I’m not quite sure why. Work has been very busy — reports and system go-lives and personnel issues and a new fiscal year kicking off. Home, too, has had all sorts of events going on. I’m doing this gaming Lexicon that usually ends up taking a lot more time than “write 500 words” sounds like it should take. There’s karate.  There’s City of Heroes play, complete with Zombie Apocalypse (which seems to be the MMO theme this year). There’s karate. There’s various errands and housekeeping and pumpkin-carving and …

There don’t seem to be enough hours in the day.

I keep making lists of things that need doing, and if I get to about a quarter of them, that seems like a good day. Bills to pay, Thankgivings to send invites for, yards to pay attention to, rooms to tidy up. Too many things. *sigh*

So I apologize for the dearth of posting here. I actually have a ton of links I want to throw out there before the election in A WEEK renders them moot (some non-political posts, too). I am, in fact, looking very much forward to the election, whatever the outcome (which is an easy thing to say when I’m pretty sure the outcome is going to be what I want), since it will reduce some of the election-news-following-frenzy that’s been a good chunk of my online life the last month.

But let it be noted that, even as frenzied as things are, and even this late in the evening, I do want to wish my lovely (and ever-patient) wife a Happy Birthday. Kiss-kiss, love!


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