Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- The DHS Report “Controversy” Is All For Show – Public posturing mostly for politics and punditty publicity? Color me shocked, shocked!
- Minnesota once again embarrassed by Michele Bachman [Pharyngula] – Michele Bachmann is the gift that keeps giving. If only she weren’t a voting member of Congress!
- Henry Jenkins and Babylon 5’s Straczynski live, MIT, May 22 – Always enjoyed Joe’s panels at the San Diego Comic-Con. Wish I was going to be in the MIT area next month …
- The Necessity of Knowledge – Amen, brothers and sisters.
- Reagan’s DOJ Prosecuted Texas Sheriff For Waterboarding Prisoners – It’s actually a very lengthy article about the legal precedents that could have, but were not, cited in the “waterboarding is peachy-keen” torture memos.
- Men are no more promiscuous than women, survey finds – Telegraph – Interesting. I’m sure more research will follow.
- Keith Olbermann: “Hannity Volunteers to be Waterboarded” – You know, I’d be willing to contribute to a waterboard-a-thon.
- Krugman gets it right – Yeah, cue the “those who forget the past” thing.
- US to issue ‘prison abuse’ photos – So here’s the strategy: whether or not there are ever further trials, the ideal way to both acknowledge and disavow this kind of evil is to widely publicize it. Which the White House can now do. Good.
- Doctors criticise ‘gay treatment’ – Swell. Next up, “Doctor announces treatment for being a right-wing jerk. ‘It takes care of it in two out of three wingnuts,’ doctor declares. Conservatives protest this will only fan prejudice against them, and there’s nothing wrong with being a right-winger.”
- Carrie Fisher Roasts George Lucas – Heh. Fisher proves herself again a pretty funny lady.
- Think Progress » GOP Senators Who Used Budget Reconciliation To Pass Bush Agenda Items Now Calling It ‘Chicago Style Politics’ – “But — but — that’s when the Good Guys were in control! It’s like torture — it’s not evil when we do it!”
- A secret look into the iPhone App Review Process: It’s run by eight-year-olds – Wow. That’s pretty lame. But I guess appearances are a lot of everything.
- Moon and Morning Star – Lovely.
- The burkha-logic of NOM – This is an excellent article, dead on target on the plight of the poor constantinians (a term I must be sure to remember). Money graf: “This points to the key confusion of the persecuted hegemons. They are unable to distinguish between challenges to their hegemony — to their privilege — and threats to their faith itself. This is a spiritually perilous confusion, particularly so for Christians who claim to follow a crucified outcast.”
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