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Unblogged Bits (Tue. 9-Aug-11 1130)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. DC Women Kicking Ass – Guest Post: Women of Many Origins – Hey, look — I did a guest post! About comics!
  2. 7 Casino Technologies They Don’t Want You to Know About [Security]: Brad Chacos – MaximumTech
  3. Cantor Acknowledges S&P’s Warnings On Taxes, But Urges Colleagues To Ignore Them | ThinkProgress – Well at least he’s consistent.
  4. Historic papers lost from British National Archives – Yikes.
  5. Gay Couple Married Seven Years Loses Battle with U.S. Immigration and DOMA, Gets Deportation Order: Andy Towle
  6. NASA finds DNA components in meteorites, says they originated in space (video): Amar Toor
  7. Megyn Kelly Defends The Family Medical Leave Act – Good for her.
  8. Last Year, British Official Insisted Austerity Cuts Wouldn’t Affect Ability To Contain Civil Unrest – Now London Is Burning – I can’t condone rioting and destruction, but a telling comment: “You wouldn’t be talking to me now if we didn’t riot, would you?”
  9. Donations revive SETI quest – Cool.
  10. Air Force’s “Jesus Loves Nukes” training no more? – I don’t have a problem with discussion / training about ethics related to war. Indeed, I’d feel better knowing that these questions had been raised. “Jesus loves nukes” sounds silly, but if you’re going to have an armed forces, would you rather they were just shrugging and “obeying orders” without consideration of the ethics of what they’re doing? My main objection to the USAF’s training was that it seemed founded solely in Christian teaching, which is inappropriate.
  11. Facing Backlash For Disenfranchising Voters, Gov. Walker Reverses Course On Plan To Close Several DMV Offices | ThinkProgress – Well, glad to see a at least a bit of backtracking.
  12. U.S. Court of Appeals Allows Torture Case Against Rumsfeld To Go Forward | ThinkProgress – I’ll be curious to see how far the courts — or Administration — allows this to go forward. Can’t wait for the DoJ to claim some sort of “state secrets” doctrine for policy decisions.
  13. Construction of Disneyland – Fun photo album. Man, it was all just orange groves in those days.
  14. Too much in gear? (A tri-umph?) – Unfortunately, it’s a visual trope I see way too often, from folks who ought to know better.
  15. A Thank You for the Tea Party. – “Never doubt …”
  16. Santorum: Marriage Equality Will “Destroy The Family” – Curses! Rick Santorum has seen through our Cunning Leftist Plan to legalize gay marriage solely as a means of destroying the clergy and the American family so that we can take control of Everything! And we would have gotten away with it, too if not for that pesky ex-senator!
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