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Unblogged Bits (Tue. 9-Aug-11 1731)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. This is probably true… « Stupid Evil Bastard – Yup, probably so. Given the alternatives.
  2. Daves eat free at Famous Dave’s this Sunday – The Denver Post – Only problem is, I don’t like barbecue.
  3. Grammar Test Keeps Idiots Off Of The Internet | Happy Place – Heh.
  4. House GOP Plans To Exploit Jobs Crisis To Permanently Shut Down The Federal Government’s Ability To Regulate – It is, of course, part of the Far Right’s master plan for decades. What’s remarkable is that they’re being so open about it now.
  5. Evangelicals Question The Existence Of Adam And Eve : NPR – Zany. Theology cannot trump scientific observation; if it does, you’re doing (both) wrong. That evangelicals believe that the literal reality Adam and Eve tale is a fundamental, creedal part of their faith is difficult to understand; that they’re willing to ignore science because it is counter to that literal reality is simply crazy.
  6. Nebraska GOP Sen Candidate Compares Welfare Recipients To Scavenging Raccoons – Right. Those welfare recipients have it sooooooo easy, rolling in dough and all they have to do is not work. And watch out for animal control, of course. (Yeesh.)
  7. Whole Foods Caves to Wingnuts, Will Not ‘Celebrate or Promote’ Ramadan – Yeesh.
  8. Watch A Video Of The Impressive Dragons In The ‘How To Train Your Dragon’ Arena Show – That’s … pretty darned cool.
  9. The Double Amputee Sprinter with Carbon Fiber Legs Will Race in the World Championships [Sports] – It will be interesting to see how this issue evolves over time (and how one draws a distinction between advanced materials in prosthetics vs in other athletic gear).
55 view(s)  

6 thoughts on “Unblogged Bits (Tue. 9-Aug-11 1731)”

  1. Re: Famous Dave’s
    Dude, FD’s is what barbecue is supposed to be. I’m happy to have found it after years of disappointment.

  2. So I could get half off an entree at the one a mile from here. What entrees do they have that don’t involve barbecue? Do they have hamburgers?

  3. Burgers?
    Dunno. They have fantastic ribs. And chicken, but who cares? Fantastic ribs.
    I order them ‘naked’ and use small amounts of the 6 kinds of sauce on the table to lightly tweak the tasty, tasty ribs that are just fine without sauce. Sides are ok, = really good for a bbq restaurant. Excellent service so far at the one at Arapahoe & Parker.
    Burgers? Really? Go to a burger joint. Famous Dave’s is a shrine for meat.

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