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This?  _This_ is The Donald's "October Surprise" "bombshell" that will "change everything"?

Trump offers to write a $5 million check to whatever charity(ies) Obama wishes if Obama hands over (to The Donald's satisfaction) all his college records, college applications, passport applications, etc., by the 31st.

Given that folks on the Right have been agitating for this stuff (and whatever other scraps of paper they can collect about Obama) as part of a variety of spooky conspiracy theories for years, the only thing "new" here is that Trump is making it all about himself and his conditional charitable largesse.  And  making things all about himself is, in fact, nothing new for Trump.

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25 thoughts on “Bumshell”

  1. On the other hand, if Obama has nothing to hide he could be doing a charity quite a service.

    At least Trump didn't say an "anonymous source" told him things about Obama's college records, ala Harry Reid.

  2. On the other hand, if Obama has nothing to hide he could be doing a charity quite a service.

    At least Trump didn't say an "anonymous source" told him things about Obama's college records, ala Harry Reid.

  3. He hardly had to, since the obvious implication is that there's something Awful and Scandalous and Suspicious and Muslimkenyansocilistifying about the records in question.  Records that are not public records, and which there's neither precedent nor tradition for asking for.

    Unlike the income tax records from the last decade of a candidate for president whose father released a dozen years because a one-year release could hiding something.

  4. He hardly had to, since the obvious implication is that there's something Awful and Scandalous and Suspicious and Muslimkenyansocilistifying about the records in question.  Records that are not public records, and which there's neither precedent nor tradition for asking for.

    Unlike the income tax records from the last decade of a candidate for president whose father released a dozen years because a one-year release could hiding something.

  5. Well, the easy way to belay all suspicion is to just release the records then. If Trump's offering five million for a charity, Obama should take him up on it….especially if he has nothing to hide. Precedent or not.

    Trying to blow it up into Gasp! It's a CONSPIRACY doesn't make it any less valid a point. He's not the only one asking the questions.

    Trump, at least, is offering up something tangible unlike Reid and his "anonymous source".

  6. Well, the easy way to belay all suspicion is to just release the records then. If Trump's offering five million for a charity, Obama should take him up on it….especially if he has nothing to hide. Precedent or not.

    Trying to blow it up into Gasp! It's a CONSPIRACY doesn't make it any less valid a point. He's not the only one asking the questions.

    Trump, at least, is offering up something tangible unlike Reid and his "anonymous source".

  7. A few of you above I won't name names are as lame as Trump is. There will be no acknowledgement of Trump by Pres. Obama except probably to say he will not wheel and deal with clowns. Obviously Trump at his age is full filling his bucket list. And number 1 on his list is "taking Obama out" his obvious hatred of the man has been no secret. Maybe Trump should take that 5 mil and buy a new wig…instead of spending a buck at the dollar store for the one he currently wears.

  8. A few of you above I won't name names are as lame as Trump is. There will be no acknowledgement of Trump by Pres. Obama except probably to say he will not wheel and deal with clowns. Obviously Trump at his age is full filling his bucket list. And number 1 on his list is "taking Obama out" his obvious hatred of the man has been no secret. Maybe Trump should take that 5 mil and buy a new wig…instead of spending a buck at the dollar store for the one he currently wears.

  9. I've never much cared for the "I'll give X to charity if you do Y that you don't want to do" tactic, no matter from whom or for what cause.  My immediate reaction is, "Why don't you just give it to charity with no strings attached, doofus?"

  10. I've never much cared for the "I'll give X to charity if you do Y that you don't want to do" tactic, no matter from whom or for what cause.  My immediate reaction is, "Why don't you just give it to charity with no strings attached, doofus?"

  11. How is it that people who insist that it’s vital that Obama turn over this stuff also claim that there’s no need for Romney to reveal his tax records? Neither seems to be particularly germane, and both should be treated equally.

    Of course, that works in reverse, too.

    1. Except that there’s a long precedent of presidential candidates turning over their tax returns. In fact, one of the pioneers of that was George Romney, Mitt’s dad, when he was running.

      That’s about behavior and financial transactions and commitments within the past decade. Whereas what Obama (or Romney, for that matter) did applying for or while in college strikes me as much, much less germane to anything.

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