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Best. Response. To Ann Coulter. EVER

Tweeted Ann Coulter after the last presidential debate: "I highly approve of Romney's decision to be kind and gentle to the retard."

The greatest danger of folks like Ann Coulter is that they pull people down to their level, coarsening dialog, and becoming the "abyss staring back into you" when one confronts them for nastiness.

Mr. Stephens, I applaud you for completely short-circuiting that danger. (h/t +Isaac Sher)

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An Open Letter to Ann Coulter
The following is a guest post in the form of an open letter from Special Olympics athlete and global messenger John Franklin Stephens to Ann Coulter after this tweet during last night’s Presi…

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14 thoughts on “Best. Response. To Ann Coulter. EVER”

  1. Fair enough, and probably as cogent a response as she's capable of understanding.

    (Jeez, when you even have Michelle Malkin criticizing you for making a stupid comment, you gotta know you went a bit too far.)

  2. Fair enough, and probably as cogent a response as she's capable of understanding.

    (Jeez, when you even have Michelle Malkin criticizing you for making a stupid comment, you gotta know you went a bit too far.)

  3. I didn't know this, but Obama made a Special Olympics joke on Jay Leno in 2009, but Schwarzenegger defended him afterwards. Obama, talking about his bowling, said "It was like the Special Olympics or something." After the brouhaha began, Schwarzenegger commented, ""I know, because of conversations I've had with the president about Special Olympics … I know where his heart is….Every one of us sometimes makes a mistake, right? Something comes out of your mouth and you say, 'Oh, I wish I wouldn't have said that.' "

  4. I didn't know this, but Obama made a Special Olympics joke on Jay Leno in 2009, but Schwarzenegger defended him afterwards. Obama, talking about his bowling, said "It was like the Special Olympics or something." After the brouhaha began, Schwarzenegger commented, ""I know, because of conversations I've had with the president about Special Olympics … I know where his heart is….Every one of us sometimes makes a mistake, right? Something comes out of your mouth and you say, 'Oh, I wish I wouldn't have said that.' "

  5. Now this is funny. I couldn't find any evidence that Coulter herself commented on Barack Obama's golf remark, but I found the following in a chat board on Coulter's own website:

    "Is Obama nuts? Never mind- I know the answer. I would love to see what kind of excuse his PR people come up with to explain his horrendous remark. The very fact that he takes his office so lightly as to appear on Jay Leno is scary. But then to firmly plant both feet in his mouth is unpardonable. I wonder how many Democrats became Republicans after that gaff (sic)."

    In another thread, jeannedb offered the following comment on Obama's 2009 gaffe. I suspect that Coulter lost this woman as an admirer after Coulter's recent tweet.

    "I know this is probably not a big deal to most people here but as a mom whose child will hopefully someday compete in the Special Olympics – I think Obama was an ill-informed jerk for making such a stupid comment."

  6. Now this is funny. I couldn't find any evidence that Coulter herself commented on Barack Obama's golf remark, but I found the following in a chat board on Coulter's own website:

    "Is Obama nuts? Never mind- I know the answer. I would love to see what kind of excuse his PR people come up with to explain his horrendous remark. The very fact that he takes his office so lightly as to appear on Jay Leno is scary. But then to firmly plant both feet in his mouth is unpardonable. I wonder how many Democrats became Republicans after that gaff (sic)."

    In another thread, jeannedb offered the following comment on Obama's 2009 gaffe. I suspect that Coulter lost this woman as an admirer after Coulter's recent tweet.

    "I know this is probably not a big deal to most people here but as a mom whose child will hopefully someday compete in the Special Olympics – I think Obama was an ill-informed jerk for making such a stupid comment."

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