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Waiting for Sherlock

Like everyone else, I want my fix of "Sherlock" much sooner than two years from now — indeed, I'll be ready for it this coming weekend.  That said, it's no surprise that Moffat (or, for that matter, Cumberbatch and Freeman) have a lot else in their schedule before we get another "Sherlock" series, even if everyone's committed to it.

Series 3 was — interesting. I still enjoyed it a lot, but it was in many ways more self-indulgent and interior-scaped than the previous two series, somewhat to its detriment. Flashbacks, memory castles, floating text, crazy dreams, weird percpetions, etc. and so forth are all fine and dandy, but they can be overdone.

So, too, can the idea of Sherlock being a high-functioning sociopath, or Watson being a self-destructive thrill-seeker, or that hilarity automatically ensues from same.

I saw an article somewhere along the way that the series had "jumped the shark" in the most recent set of episodes. I disagree — but I wasn't as enthralled this time out as I have been before. Don't get me wrong — I'll be buying (and watching) the disc set, and eagerly awaiting S.4 (whenever) — but I'm hoping the trends won't be continuing in the direction they were this time out.

Reshared post from +Les Jenkins

The show is so good I can wait two years for the next season. Done it twice already. Just wish they'd do more than 3 episodes if we're going to be waiting that long.

You Might Have to Wait Two Years for ‘Sherlock’ Season 4
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