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Weekend in (near) Review

FRIDAY: Margie had to go into work. Katherine had her last day of school (!). I hung out at the house with my folks, who are out for a…

FRIDAY: Margie had to go into work. Katherine had her last day of school (!). I hung out at the house with my folks, who are out for a visit this weekend, though I spent a good chunk of that time on the phone and on email regarding a big conversion going on this weekend.

SATURDAY: This was the Unofficial Kitten Birthday Day. Pancakes in the morning. Opening of Many Gifts shortly thereafter. Denver Zoo during the day. Melting Pot for dinner. Good times.

SUNDAY: Church, brunch, shopping, party prep. Folks over at the house in the afternoon and evening — Doyce & Kate, Stan, Jackie, Angie, Dave G. Big Cataan game at the breakfast table, smaller GreedQuest game in the family room. Pork loin and salad and ratatouille and cookies and shortcake — and lots of good wine and beer and coffee. Rolled up to bed late, but happy.

MONDAY: The plan was to go to the Botanic Garden and then the “Dig Your Own Iris” sale over on Santa Fe — but given it’s supposed to be a 50% chance of thunderstorms, we’re thinking maybe it will be just a quiet day at home, watching movies, reading, playing games, whatever.

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