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An odd and interesting morning. I’m off today, since my company does a 4-9s-and-a-4 schedule, which on holiday weekends translates into 4-9s-and-an-8 the week before, and 4-9s the week of,…

An odd and interesting morning. I’m off today, since my company does a 4-9s-and-a-4 schedule, which on holiday weekends translates into 4-9s-and-an-8 the week before, and 4-9s the week of, which means 4-day weekends. And that’s enough numbers. Suffice it to say that it was nice not working today.

Margie went in, though, so I’m Mr. Mom this morning. Which isn’t bad. Aside from occasionally becoming clingy, Katherine’s a good Squiggy.

Got to work on my web page (which is progressing nicely, save my inability to FTP the damned thing up to my web site. I don’t know if that’s a DollarHost problem, or a too-many-hops problem between my notebook and them. Irritating.).

[Oops. Had to read to Katherine, change Katherine, and put her down for a nap.]

In the meantime, watching Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom, and (on AMC), Ft. Apache. The second Indy outing is only watchable as an Indy movie. John Ford’s western is good stuff, though, with Henry Fonda, John Wayne, and black-and-white glory.

So a Man Walks Into a Menu Bar

I’m working on my web page. Actually, our web page, since Margie has a presence. It’s a complete redesign, using FrontPage and cleaning up all sorts of obsolete stuff. Should…

I’m working on my web page. Actually, our web page, since Margie has a presence. It’s a complete redesign, using FrontPage and cleaning up all sorts of obsolete stuff. Should be really neat once it’s done.

Once it’s done.

Getting there, though. You’ll read about it here, first.

If you want to see the old web page, you can go to the old web page.


Online journals popular with the opinionated Mercifully, I can at least claim to have gotten into blogging before (barely) USA Today wrote an article about how it’s popular….

Online journals popular with the opinionated

Mercifully, I can at least claim to have gotten into blogging before (barely) USA Today wrote an article about how it’s popular.

Credit? Or blame?

// — It’s all about Falling Down. By the way, I figured I should credit the guy who got me blogging — Doyce. The interesting thing about Doyce’s blog is…

// — It’s all about Falling Down.

By the way, I figured I should credit the guy who got me blogging — Doyce. The interesting thing about Doyce’s blog is that reading it on a regular basis (or as regular as his ISP allows) doesn’t diminish from the amusing anecdotes he has to tell in person. Good stuff.


South Suburban Golf Course So Doyce and I went golfing today. On the one hand, neither of us had scores worth writing home about. On the other hand, the Ball…

South Suburban Golf Course

So Doyce and I went golfing today. On the one hand, neither of us had scores worth writing home about. On the other hand, the Ball Loss Rate was much lower than at some of the other courses we’ve been on. And, as Doyce noted, there are much worse views and places one could be on a Saturday afternoon.

My folks are visiting in a couple of weeks. We’ll probably go out again then. Funny. My folks both golfed when I was a kid, as did my Mom’s folks. When we’d visit Nono and Nona, they’d usually go out golfing at least once. I have memories of playing with cut-down clubs at the Stanford driving range. And, eventually, playing when we’d visit Santa Barbara. Even took some classes at a local golf course when we lived in Diamond Bar.

And then, for years … nothing. No real interest. Nobody to golf with.

When I moved to Denver, I was bequeathed my Nono’s golf clubs — some original Ping irons, some woods. They sat, gathering dust, in my garage for five years.

And yet … I started discovering folks around me who golfed. Doyce. A couple of his friends. Folks at work. And it became, sort of, what the hell?

So I don’t golf nearly enough to be good at it. Weeks, months go by without my picking up my clubs. And, when I do go out, I don’t play all that well.

But Doyce was right. There are lots worse places to spend an afternoon. And it’s fun, and if you focus on the fun parts, and don’t get too angsty about the times you send the ball off at 80 degrees to your aim, or when you send the ball dribbling forward five feet … well, what the hell.

Besides, I don’t get much exercise. It’s nice to think I have a “sport” I play.

“I don’t know,” Margie comments. “Are you allowed to blog in your underwear?”

So now all I need

So now all I need to do is figure out how to get a cool “comments” tag like D-Man has….

So now all I need to do is figure out how to get a cool “comments” tag like D-Man has.


Discretion, of course, is necessary. If I started writing things like, “Boy, that friend of mine, Joe, he’s sure smells bad.” Or like, “And so, when nobody was looking, I…

Discretion, of course, is necessary. If I started writing things like, “Boy, that friend of mine, Joe, he’s sure smells bad.” Or like, “And so, when nobody was looking, I took that notebook computer from the Help Desk and brought it home for keeps.” If I started writing things like that, it might be … embarrassing. Because it would guarantee that Joe, and my Boss, would both end up viewing my blog. Can’t have that.

So. Discretion. That still leaves a lot to talk about. Life. The Universe. Jokes. The significance of 47. And if Joe and my Boss (not their real names, of course) should happen to read this — hi, guys.

I don’t see this blog as being as successful as Some I Know. For one thing, I doubt I’ll be able to maintain a steady stream of discussion. Sure, this has a big advantage over a hardcopy journal, to wit, I can get to it anywhere I can get to an Internet connection. Which makes it a lot more handy than my journal was. Still … my life is busy. And, frankly, when there are people around, I do better writing to them, or talking to them, directly. If I post stuff in my blog, then have to e-mail people saying, “Hey, check out my blog!” … well, that seems a bit redundant.

And there shall be a beginning …

The movie’s over, Margie’s still at D&D, Kitten’s asleep. What else is there to do but create a blog? It is, of course, the In Thing. “Keeping up with the…

The movie’s over, Margie’s still at D&D, Kitten’s asleep. What else is there to do but create a blog?

It is, of course, the In Thing. “Keeping up with the Joneses” is, sometimes, “Keeping up with the Testermans.” At least when it comes to doing geeky stuff.

I kept a journal in college. Couldn’t keep it going after I graduated. Real Life is like that.

(This is coming out a little terse. That’s probably because so far Blogger has blown up on me twice, losing all I wrote. Bleah.)

So maybe I’d better post this, then continue.

Testing … testing … testing …

Testing … testing … testing …….

Testing … testing … testing ….