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… Has been reconnected

Well, mail seems to be (finally) flowing once again. My nose, on the other hand, has reduced its (over)flowing. So my life should return to normal as of tomorrow. Huzzah….

Well, mail seems to be (finally) flowing once again. My nose, on the other hand, has reduced its (over)flowing. So my life should return to normal as of tomorrow. Huzzah.

The number you have reached …

My mail is most distinctly down. I’ve set up the new accounts on Averdata properly, as far as I can tell. Trying to access mail produces no error. Mails I…

My mail is most distinctly down. I’ve set up the new accounts on Averdata properly, as far as I can tell. Trying to access mail produces no error. Mails I send to that address ( don’t bounce. It all falls into a black hole …

This, of course, comes at the extremely convenient moment when I’m feeling like crap, and when Margie needs to get the mails that are forwarded from her office to her hill-kleerup address. Timing is all.

I have an e-mail (from my account) in to Averdata, but haven’t heard back from them. There’s no phone number on the page to contact them directly (grrrr). I’ll see what happens.

Anyway, anyone who reads this who actually wants to contact me should try the Earthlink addy. That seems to be working. For the moment ….

Slosh, slosh, slosh …

See previous post on my head and its contents. So this was a perfect day for the host/DNS cutover from DollarHost to Averdata. This blog was down for most of…

See previous post on my head and its contents.

So this was a perfect day for the host/DNS cutover from DollarHost to Averdata. This blog was down for most of the day because I was trying to use Explorer’s FTP, which kind of masks the whole directory shuffle that Averdata does, which meant I was not creating the directories I thought I was.

Mail seems to be connecting (no errors), but I haven’t seen any come in all day, which is worrisome. If nothing comes in tonight, I’ll check with the Averdata people.

None of the other web content is up, which is okay in a way because I haven’t pointed anyone over to as of yet. On the other hand, evidently all the uploads I did the other night went into the other directory, which is a tad annoying.

That and I managed to “ruin” B5 Season 4 by leaving a tape cued up between two episodes, rather than to be the beginning of the tape. Not a huge problem, except that it was the Big, Climactic Battle tape, so Doyce went straight to the happy post-war party tape, and kept waiting for the flashback …

Slosh, slosh, slosh …

Back in the saddle again

And so life begins to return to a more normal-like state. Back in the office this morning. Doug’s back in this week, too, which means I can take off one…

And so life begins to return to a more normal-like state. Back in the office this morning. Doug’s back in this week, too, which means I can take off one of my several hats. Day-to-day concerns, like calling in on the furnace, setting up eye appointments, etc., become the norm, rather than 24-hour news coverage.

Which is how it should be.

Still, folks continue to natter on about what happened, what we are doing, and where we are going. Which is good, too, since once we stop talking about it, we let the agenda be controlled by others.

I’m neither in the camp of the “The Guvviment is going to use this to take away all our rights, slaughter innocent abroad, and tattoo barcodes on our foreheads” folks, nor am I in the camp of the “Nuke ’em all until the glow and let God sort ’em out” people. I’m in the camp that’s ready to act, not sure what that action should be, but willing to entertain reasonable ideas. Which is where I suspect most folks are.

Jackie and Doyce were over last night, as we try desperately to catch up with this past season of Buffy and Angel. I would laugh at Doyce’s efforts to make this happen, if we weren’t also participating in those efforts.

Got an e-mail from Wil thanking me for mentioning his site on my blog. Which is kind of weird in a bunch of ways it shouldn’t be, and kind of neat in a bunch of ways that are too geeky to go into right now.

Well, daylight’s burning (not really, it’s cloudy out), and time’s a-wastin’ (quite true). Let’s move ’em out.

Program! Get Your Program!

Okay, maybe that was a bit labored …. I’ve evidently relearned enough HTML to be able to program up the template I’m now using. Not that HTML is anything special…

Okay, maybe that was a bit labored ….

I’ve evidently relearned enough HTML to be able to program up the template I’m now using. Not that HTML is anything special to write home about. And therein lies the problem.

See, it’s clear that if I’m going to do some really cool stuff, I’ll have to do something more sophisticated. I’ll have to use (cue drum roll) Cascading Style Sheets (cue crash of thunder and ominous brass chords).

I’ve done a little peeking around at other blogs. And, frankly, these guys (and gals) scare me, ’cause they’re a lot better at this than I’ll ever be. Of course, a lot of them do it for a living. And a lot of others have No Life and are willing to stay up until the crack of dawn screwing around with this stuff.

Still, it’s a little humbling.

On the other hand …

… is what I have functional? Yeah. Does it look nice? I’d like to think so. Is there anything I want to do with it that I can’t do now? Well, aside from loading in under 15 seconds, no. (And part of that is that I’ve been posting so much and keeping at least two weeks online.)

So do I really have to go to a multimedia extravaganza?

Probably not.

But it would be nice to think I could.

Archives are Go!

The archive stuff is magically working again. I suspect (given the debugging I did, before giving up and using another method) that it was my fault, not some strange, arcane,…

The archive stuff is magically working again. I suspect (given the debugging I did, before giving up and using another method) that it was my fault, not some strange, arcane, Blogger problem.

Anyway, the cool Java drop-down menu (along with other, more “normal” options) can be found here, courtesy of Phil Ringnalda, with discussion on the general topic of reformatting archive files into a more aesthetic form to be found here.

Tragedy attracts spammers

Tragedy attracts spammers Okay. There are worst scum than those who turn a tragedy like this to their own ideological gain. It’s those who turn it (and the compassion that…

Tragedy attracts spammers

Okay. There are worst scum than those who turn a tragedy like this to their own ideological gain. It’s those who turn it (and the compassion that wells up from it) to their own pecuniary gain.

It’s one thing for Messrs. Falwell and Robertson to spout their vitriol. At least I can assume that it is heartfelt, if horrifically misguided, and respect it on that accord. It’s quite another for people to exploit the charity and giving spirit and the desperate desire to do something we’re all feeling and try to make hay from it.

These folks are the Internet equivalent of looters. They should be shot on sight.

The template. At last.

And now for something completely different (thank God) … Okay. Mostly my bad. Clearly the template editing processes is doing some interpreting or compling of the template as it is…

And now for something completely different (thank God) …

Okay. Mostly my bad.

Clearly the template editing processes is doing some interpreting or compling of the template as it is saved. So, for example, you cannot save a template that does not have a [Blogger] or [/Blogger] tag, or lacks that section altogether. Which is what was happening (I left off the closing tag).

Only mostly my fault because, well, jeez, folks, interpreters/compilers have been giving meaningful error messages for, well, decades now. You don’t just say, “Huh, doesn’t fit the format, so lah-dee-dah, we’ll just pretend he never hit save.”

Now I just have to keep tweaking it so that it all fits on the screen and so that it loads in something less than five minutes. I have to do something about my nested tables, clearly.

Catching up is hard to do

Well, back to work today. The ‘Rents are off to the airport this morning, and I’m already at the office, trying to play catch-up. Mercifully for y’all, this means no…

Well, back to work today. The ‘Rents are off to the airport this morning, and I’m already at the office, trying to play catch-up. Mercifully for y’all, this means no long, drawn-out blogs about my religious life or similar matters. At least, not until this evening.

Doyce reassures me, by the by, that the template stuff is Blogger’s fault, not mine. Keen. So either my template will get changed sometime today, or not.

Mutter, mutter mutter …

Took the opportunity of the Broncos being on Monday Night Football to update my Blogger template. Looks really neat. Alas, for some reason I seem to be unable to update…

Took the opportunity of the Broncos being on Monday Night Football to update my Blogger template.

Looks really neat.

Alas, for some reason I seem to be unable to update my existing template to the New, Improved, Very Green Thing.

I open up the Edit Template window, copy in the text from my text editor, all looks well, and, hey presto, publish … and back to the old version. Open up the template editor, and the old template is still there.

I’m not sure if I’m doing something stupid, if Blogger is doing something stupid, or what. If anyone has any immediate hints, let me know. Meantime, I’ll give it a try in the morning.

Who Is Your Weblogger Twin?

Who Is Your Weblogger Twin? This site supposedly lets you find your “weblogger twin,” which, presumably, means that, based on a dozen questions, you can find some other blogs you…

Who Is Your Weblogger Twin?

This site supposedly lets you find your “weblogger twin,” which, presumably, means that, based on a dozen questions, you can find some other blogs you will enjoy. The author, Firda, has managed to get everyone in the bloggerverse buzzing over this — though she herself calls it a “silly quiz.”

My top five “twins” are:

# 1 Firda of Weblog Wannabe
# 2 Caroline of
# 3 Caterina of
# 4 Meg of Not So Soft
# 5 Nikolai of Fairvue Central

Of these, only one looks like one I would be liable to visit again. I’ll not go into further detail (professional courtesy), but not much twinny stuff going on here.


My archive listing code has broken, for reasons unknown to me. Please stand by. I took down the links to my home page(s), largely because they really aren’t finished yet,…

My archive listing code has broken, for reasons unknown to me. Please stand by.

I took down the links to my home page(s), largely because they really aren’t finished yet, and I don’t want folks to be wandering in until I’ve picked up the toys from the floor and done the dishes stacked in the sink.

We get comments

Or maybe we will if the “Mail me” code below works. It’s not real comments (and won’t be, until I move my ISP), but it will at least allow folks…

Or maybe we will if the “Mail me” code below works. It’s not real comments (and won’t be, until I move my ISP), but it will at least allow folks who think I’m really keen (or full of crap) to let me know that.

Just what I need, more reading material

Rey has a blog….

Rey has a blog.

Picture Perfect

I’ve put a picture of me and Katherine at the top of the page. It’s so cute I could scream. It’s main (and glaring) flaw is that it ignores my…

I’ve put a picture of me and Katherine at the top of the page. It’s so cute I could scream. It’s main (and glaring) flaw is that it ignores my Better Half. If I can get an equally fun one of Margie and me (or even the three of us together), I’ll put that up instead.


I am a cheapskate. At least when it comes to the Net. I hate to spend any money that I don’t have to for a “hobby.” So the next thing…

I am a cheapskate. At least when it comes to the Net. I hate to spend any money that I don’t have to for a “hobby.”

So the next thing on my Blogger wish list is a way to get comments. A few reasons. I want to know that somebody is reading this stuff. And I want the opportunity to explore some of the topics further.

Big problem: so far all the commentary stuff I’ve seen requires server-side services, and, being a damned cheapskate, I’m on the cheapest, barest-bones hosting plan I can get. So no SSI, no PHP, no ASP. So far, I seem to be SOL.

Doyce says he has another cheap host in mind. Of course, he said he’d e-mail me about it, too, so …


Blogvision An expansion of the theme below (i.e., from earlier today) on how having a blog has an impact on things. I was driving off to my golf game on…


An expansion of the theme below (i.e., from earlier today) on how having a blog has an impact on things.

I was driving off to my golf game on Saturday, and I noticed myself … noticing things. Hmmm. Light rail — that’s neat. Gotta write about that. Oh, look, folks queued up at the light rail station to go to the game. Hah — idiots! Y’know, they don’t have gravel igloos like CDOT has here back in Southern California — I remember how amused I was when I first saw them. I should share that. Gotta talk about my ring finger some time, too. And so forth.

They say that the best way to learn to write is to write. When you are going to write, it makes you think about writing. When you’re going to be blogging observations about the world about oneself, it makes you observe said world.

Perhaps we need to encourage more politicians to blog.

What to do, what to do?

So mail is down at the office this morning. Which serious puts a crimp into what I can do. So I’ve been noticing that the Archives section of my blog…

So mail is down at the office this morning. Which serious puts a crimp into what I can do.

So I’ve been noticing that the Archives section of my blog template is generating an annoying Javascript error.

So … I’ve fixed it. Woo-hoo. The old programming skills haven’t completely atrophied. Of course, since I actually created a separate archive directory (which is good practice, and which seems to be encouraged by the Blogger documentation), a lot of the relative references that the archiving processes use don’t work, so I’ve had to hardcode the blog URL into a whole bunch of the template code. Messy. Annoying.

Of course, the really annoying thing here is that, as of WinXP, Java will not be automatically available on new PCs (i.e., it is not part of the default XP installation). Micro$oft claims this is necessary due to their court settlement with Sun, which is, ah, a prevarication on their part. The goal is actually to make the C## scripting language (owned by M$, natch) the de facto scripting standard on the web. Sincek, of course, if it isn’t owned by M$, it can’t be allowed to be a standard ….

Which means that, eventually, either bits and pieces of my blog (and many, many web pages) will break, will need to be recoded in C##, and/or will require that people download a Java VM (for XP-or-newer systems) or C## VM (for pre-XP/non-M$ systems) (or both).

Bad enough that M$ and Netscape “broke” the HTML standard. Bad enough that server-side scripting is still a crapshoot depending on what sort of host you have. Now we’re breaking standardized client-side scripting. Granted that Sun has a finger in this, since they kept trying to twist M$’ arm. But the reality is, it’s yet another step forward for the MicroBorgs, one step backwards for the Web.

End of Diatribe. Time for lunch.

The Deconstruction of Blogging

So a man walks into a blog … (That wasn’t meaningful, but the phrase occured to me, and I wanted to use it). Doyce raised the issue over in his…

So a man walks into a blog …

(That wasn’t meaningful, but the phrase occured to me, and I wanted to use it).

Doyce raised the issue over in his blog of why those who write blogs do it. Rather than simply comment over there, I’ll comment here — since I have this damned page and can do with it as I like.

On one level the reasons are probably as varied as there are people doing it, if not moreso. But for myself, the following come to mind:

Narcissism. There’s something terribly self-important about the idea of writing one’s personal opinions and experiences and posting them out there in the Internet for the entire frickin’ global community to read. I mean, what an ego-boost. And what presumption, that one’s inner thoughts (edited to whatever degree one does) are actually worthy and entertaining enough to be so posted.

(Digression. One day when I was in 6th Grade, we got back our little packet of school pictures — the individual kind. They came, of course, with a flimsy little cardboard frame. I noticed some folks putting their 5×8 self-portrait into their frame and putting it on their desk. I thought this was amusing, so I went them one better, and put my sheet of wallet-sized shots into the frame, so that, Andy Warhol/Op-Art-like, there were several shots of me gazing outward sedately. One of the neighboring 6th Grade teachers, Mrs. Snyder, who was something of a wag and who knew me because of my zany intellectual hi-jinx with one of her students, happened to spot this and dubbed me Narcissus on the spot. She even clipped a New Yorker cartoon of Narcissus gazing into the pool, while his girlfriend asks, “Narcissus, is there someone else?” and gave it to me. Today, of course, she’d be be sued, fired, and probably tarred and feathered. At the time, it was a useful, if odd, lesson for me, not to mention an anecdote for my future blogging.)

On a more innocuous plane, it’s push communication. I could write a lot of this stuff (“How I Spent My Labor Day”) in e-mails to people. It’s simpler, in some ways, to blog it. Of course, I don’t really know if anyone (aside from a very few people) actually read this, so it may not be being pushed very far.

It’s journaling. In other words, it doesn’t matter who’s reading it, as much as that I am writing it. There’s probably some of that, but I could do it a lot more simply in another format, and without worries of who might be reading it restraining me from commentary on certain items. (It occured to me, as we were going through our Buffyfest this weekend, that Dawn ought to be journaling in a blog, with appropriate hilarity ensuing.)

Perhaps, in the long run (as Meery Berry implied in her comments to Doyce), there’s not much different between what drives one to write a blog, and what drives one to write. All of the above could apply to writing a novel, a textbook, or a poem. Or, for that matter, in a more abstract fashion, sculpting, painting, or spraying oneself with Cheeze Whiz and reading the phone book naked (made possible by a grant from the NEA). There’s the (necessary) Narcissism of believing one has something to say that is worth hearing. There’s the desire to promulgate information that can’t be sent out any other way. And there’s an element of self-therapy in working through thoughts and beliefs and ideals in another venue that offers its own opportunities (and pitfalls).

It’s worth more thought, one of these days.


I’ve been tweaking my blogger template (if that wasn’t already obvious). Which meant I had to dig back into the old brain pan for my HTML knowledge, sadly atrophied with…

I’ve been tweaking my blogger template (if that wasn’t already obvious). Which meant I had to dig back into the old brain pan for my HTML knowledge, sadly atrophied with such tools as FrontPage, since that’s what the blogger template stuff requires. A fun exercise.

Watching Farscape this evening. Over the last year, it’s been about the only “Gotta watch it, go out of my way to watch it, or tape it, or whatever, gotta watch it” show on my schedule. (We’ve been reeeeealy negligent of Buffy/Angel this year, despite Doyce’ best efforts.)

Well, starting next week (maybe late week, maybe even next week), the ante gets upped, since SciFi is now stripping the earlier seasons of Farscape M-F. Which means (a) Margie and I need to watch them at 6 p.m. every weeknight, and (b) we need to tape them, so Doyce, who doesn’t get SciFi [cosmic balance for my not being able to get DSL, perhaps], can watch it.

On the bright side, I don’t have to buy any more Farscape tapes via