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***Dave Does the Comics – Issue 22 (11 Dec 2011)

A nice blend of comic publishers this week on the podcast, and two, count ’em, two 5-star ratings.  Woot!

Hover over the pictures below to see the ratings out of 5 stars (with an occasional comment).  And scroll to the end for both the podcast playback button and a Very Special DDtC Announcement.

X-23 #18 - My Least Favorite Comic This Week
X-Factor #228 - Favorite Comic and Favorite Cover This Week
Gladstone's School for World Conquerors Vol. 1 - Favorite TPB and Best All-Ages Read This Week

So after this week DDtC is going on holiday hiatus for three weeks, returning the week of 7 January 2012.  Between being away from my Local Comic Store, not to mention my Special Recording Booth at DDtC Studios, it’s just not practical to try and to it.  So enjoy the break, enjoy the holidays, and ponder how I’ll fit a month’s comics into a single DDtC issue when I return!

***Dave Does the Comics – Issue 21 (4 Dec 2011)

Short week this week in the pull stack — which is a good thing, since I was sick, got there late, etc. and so forth.  But we had a number of TPBs arrive in the mail this week, too, so those get to be covered, too.

As always, here are the covers — hover to see the stars (out of 5) each book got.

Herc #10 - Least Favorite Comic and Cover of the Week
The Boys, Vol. 9 - Best Cover of the Week
Fables #111 - Favorite Comic of the Week
Batgirl Vol. 3 - Favorite TPB of the Week

Next week — a special Dave Does the Comics announcement!

***Dave Does the Comics – Issue 20 (27 Nov 2011)

I’m thankful for a lot of things this year, not least of which is the great support my family’s had for this podcast.  Thanks, guys — I know it’s a PitA sometimes.

Lots of comics this week, which I barely made it through with both the holiday, visiting family, and my desperate NaNoWriMo efforts.  Interestingly, a lot of noteworthy covers this week, too, for good and ill.

Invincible #85 - Best Cover of the Week. Love that effortless flying.
Superman #3 - Worse Cover of the Week: Beware the blue bum!
Fantastic Four #600 - Least favorite comic I read this week. No spoilers!
Usagi Yojimbo #142 - Favorite Comic (and All-Ages Comic) This Week
Preacher TPB Vol. 9 "Alamo" - Best Damn TPB I Read This Week

And next week … it’s December! Eek! Have any good comics or collections on your wish list?

***Dave Does the Comics – Issue 19 (20 Nov 2011)

Leading up to Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for all the excellent comics I found in my pull box this week.  Yeah, there were a few clunkers, but it was overall a good time reading through these.

Listen to the podcast with the play button at the bottom of the post.

Red Hood and the Outsiders #3 - Least Good Comic I Read This Week
Sergio Aragones Funnies #5 - Best All-Ages Comic I Read This Week
Supergirl #3 - The Best Comic Book Cover That I Saw This Week
Fear Itself #7.3 - Best Comic I Read This Week
Preacher Vol. 1 "Gone to Texas" TPB - Best TPB I Read This Week


***Dave Does the Comics – Issue 18 (13 Nov 2011)

Despite the ongoing saga of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), I’ve carved out some of my precious weekend to present you with … yet another DDTC Podcast!

Mister Terrific #3 - Least Favorite Comic I Read This Weak (cancel!)
Batman: Brave and the Bold #13 - Best All-Ages Comic This Week (Robins!)
Journey Into Mystery #631 - Best Comic and Best Cover This Week
SMBC Vol. 2 "The Most Dangerous Game" - Best TPB I Read This Week

Ahoy! Thar be the Missing Podcast!

Les has posted the Stupid Evil Podcast from last weekend up on his blog, which means I can download it then post it here on my blog, too, because that’s how we do things around here.

This time out, it was Les and me and George Wiman from Decrepit Old Fool.   Les says the rhythm was off a bit, and I’m not sure if that’s because he was feeling a bit off, or because he was late (though DOF and I had a fine time chatting back and forth on Skype), or because Les and George and I are so in tune with so many things that it was sort of like, “Let’s talk about chocolate.  Well, I think chocolate tastes good.  Well, so do I. Me, too. Um … okay, what do we talk about next?”

Topics we covered include:

  1. Google’s Reader and Plus debacle.
  2. Videogames, machinisma, geek life.
  3. Herman Cain and Mitt Romney.
  4. Mississippi’s Personhood Proposal (fortunately gone down to defeat in the interim).
  5. Apple pays its corporate taxes.
  6. Occupy Wall Street
  7. Why 2012 will likely be more of voting against Obama’s opponent than voting for Obama.
  8. Stewart vs Colbert vs Maher
Regardless of what Les says about the content, I had fun. And now you can, too.


***Dave Does the Comics – Issue 17 (5 Nov 2011)

Winter is (effectively) here, which means sometimes delays in getting to my Local Comic Book Store. Still, I managed to pick up my pull list and read it in plenty of time (hours, at least) for the podcast … WHEREIN we highlight some pretty good stuff that came out this week, some excellent titles to hop onto right now, a cover with women who aren’t about to fall out of their costumes. Also, I wax lyrical the 200th issue of Stan Sakai’s Usagi Yojimbo. Go, Stan, go!

The podcast link’s down at the bottom of the post. Enjoy!

Stormwatch #3 - My Least Favorite Comic Book This Week
Villains for Hire #0.1 - My Favorite Cover of the Week
Incorruptible Vol. 5 - My Favorite TBP Read This Week
Usagi Yojimbo #141 - My Favorite Comic and All-Ages Comic of This Week (and Perhaps Favorite Series of All Time)

See you next week!

Time to ramble some more

Remember, listening to a podcast is great family fun, but only if you've contributed topic suggestions!

As Les notes, we’re doing another Stupid Evil Podcast next weekend, so here’s your opportunity to offer up suggestions on stuff we should talk about.  We actually do refer to the list of suggestions now and again, so don’t be shy.

This podcast will include as a Special Guest Star our very own George Wiman, the Decrepit Old Fool.  DOF is one of those short list of bloggers I’d love to meet in person, so I’m very much looking forward to the podcast.

***Dave Does the Comics – Issue 16 (30 Oct 2011)

Another week, another bucket o’ comic books to review.  Lots of good news for Marvel, ratings-wise; not so good for the end of the second month of DC’s New 52. But we get a video to review as well, so that should be fun.

Comic book covers galore … (hover over them for the ratings):

Captain Swing #4 - Least Favorite Comic I Read This Week
Journey Into Mystery #630 - Best Comic I Read This Week, and Best Cover, too.
Batman: Brave and the Bold #12 - Best All-Ages Comic This Week
Alias, Vol. 1 - Best TPB I Read This Week
Batman: Year One - Best Comic Book Video I Saw This Week

I neglected to mention that Jessica Jones, in Alias above, is the character that Bendis has brought in (along with Luke Cage) into his long run on the various Avengers titles. Not quite as good as in the original, but, then, she’s not the focus of the books.

***Dave Does the Comics – Issue 15 (23 Oct 2011)

Big, big week in terms of number of comics, and short, short week in terms of my time being able to read them.  But I managed to plow through, in service of you, my several listeners.  Some great stuff, and not so great stuff, including a passel of Issue 2s from DC, the end of both “Fear Itself” and “Uncanny X-Men” from Marvel.

Uncanny X-Men #544 - Best Cover of the Week, nicely summing up the action and emotions inside.
Birds of Prey #2 - Best Book I Read This Week

Possessions, Book 2 - Best All-Ages Book I Read This Week

Avengers Prime - Best TPB I Read This Week

By the way, I misspoke in the podcast — Avengers Prime was a follow-up series to the “Seige” arc in the Marvel Universe, which followed up the “Dark Reign” arc that I cited. These cross-over events get a bit tiring to keep straight.

***Dave Does the Comics – Issue 14 (15 Oct 2011)

Another week, another comic book review podcast.  This outing we get some good and some bad, as usual, plus some Questionable Content.

Mister Terrific #2 - Worst Comic I Read This Week. Not bad, but just so very not good.
Jennifer Blood #5 - Best Cover of the Week (Tim Bradstreet)
Batgirl #2 - Best Comic I Read This Week
Questionable Content Vol. 2 - Best TPB I Read This Week

In post-podcast reading, I discover that JLA: Age of Wonder was originally published as a two-part comic in 2003. Which explains why it’s showing up in a DC age that’s anything but.

***Dave Does the Comics – Issue 13 (9 Oct 2011)

Lucky Thirteen! We touch on some continuing books and some new titles out this week.

As always, I welcome recommendations for new titles to try out or review.

Action Comics #2 - Best cover this week
Mystic #3 - Best All-Ages Book I Read This Week
The Boys #59 - Best Comic Book I Read This Week
Morning Glories Vol. 2 - Best TPB I Read This Week

UPDATE: I realized, after I had the podcast put to bed, that I hadn’t explained really why I thought Action Comics #2 is the best cover for the week. It’s certainly not a Big Action (so to speak) cover, but it has a restrained fury, a menace, that works on a number of levels — the menace of guns on Clark, and the observers in the window, and the restraints and headgear, but also the menace of this alien powerhouse, barely restrained but threatening possible bloody violence on his captors. It captures some of what Morrison’s trying to bring to the Superman mythos quite nicely.

***Dave Does the Comics – Issue 12 (2 Oct 2011)

This was a long one, probably mostly because there were so many good or key comics out I wanted to discuss.  We get the wrap-up of the New 52 premieres, a lot of problems with inkers and colorists, a great kid’s book (Possessions), and a remarkable new/old Graphic Novel, out just this week.

Here are the covers:

Batwoman #1 - Best Cover (and most luscious artwork inside) I Saw This Week (I was delayed a few weeks picking it up)
Possessions, Vol. 1, Best All-Ages Book I Read This Week
Rachel Rising #2 - Best Comic I Read This Week
New Teen Titans "Games" - Best Graphic Novel I Read This Week. This is the full slipcover, front and back; lovely Perez artwork here.

Top-rated titles this week:

  • Mighty Thor #6
  • New Avengers #16.1
  • Batwoman #1
  • Possessions Vol 1
  • Rachel Rising #2
  • New Teen Titans “Games”

(No New 52, ahem.)

Podcast, They Recorded …

And here’s the result of Les and my doing yet another of our intermittent joint podcasts on Saturday. It’s an hour and twenty minutes of casual nattering back and forth over such amazing topics as:

  • Troy Davis
  • Rick Perry
  • Other GOP candidates
  • Extremism vs compromise
  • Prohibition
  • Comic books and the comics industry
  • Howard the Duck
  • Shakespeare
  • Other stuff we’re reading
  • Why muting your cell phone during a podcast is a good professional tip.

Plus sundry side comments here and there.

And, honestly, it’s not nearly as organized as it sounds.

Many thanks to Les for doing all the heavy lifting on this, in terms of recording and mixing and all that good stuff.  I just sat there and talked, which isn’t that much effort for me, obviously.

(Cross-posted from SEB)

***Dave Does the Comics – Issue 11 (25 Sep 2011)

Another block of weekly comic reviews, for your listening pleasure.  This week, we take on more of Marvel’s “Fear Itself,” “Schism,” but, more importantly, a big week in the DC “New 52” extravaganza.

Covers are shown below (and you can hover over them and see my ratings out-of-five-stars).

Best cover of the week -- perhaps because it's been flashed around so much that it's become iconic, but it really captures the warrior aspect of this new WW run.
The (original?) WW #1 art, when she was going to (still) have pants.
Young Justice #8, the best kid/youth-friendly comic of the week
Best comic book I read this week. Not a shabby cover, either.
The best trade paperback I read this week

For those who are wondering what all the kerfuffle is about on Catwoman and Red Hood and the Outsiders, you can look here for a great article all about it by Laura Hudson. It includes a variety of illustrations from the actual comics in question, which may or may not be safe for work.

Because more nattering is just what the doctor ordered!

So it’s time for another podcast — in this case another Stupid Evil Bastard Podcast, starring Les and me.  Our last one was back in July, so I’m sure there’s something or another we can find to talk about.

As Les asks, any suggestions?

***Dave Does the Comics – Issue 10 (17 Sep 2011)

Issue 10! Be sure and buy all the alternative covers!

This episode we talk about more DCnU New 52 Issue 1s, what DC has done to two of the most enjoyable female characters in the DCU and (unfortunately) why, and a graphic novel of a comic I am far too late in the game in following: Morning Glories.

Also … WTF happened to the Batwoman #1 on my pull list?!  Unhappy …

New Avengers #16 - Best Comic I Read This Week (and a very good cover, too)
Best Cover This Week - I love the despair on the heroes' faces. Also a damned fine story.

Morning Glories Vol. 1 - Best TPB I Read This Week

I ran a bit long this week (again), hitting 18 minutes.  Still pondering whether or how to cut stuff back, or just let that be my equilibrium spot.

***Dave Does the Comics – Issue 9 (11 Sep 2011)

This week, we talk about the next wave of DCnU titles debuting, get a chunk of Dynamite action, and talk about Matt Wagner’s old “Trinity” series.  There were a lot of comics I liked a lot this week, but nothing new that was amazing. (Though I still managed to fill 21 minutes of podcast, eek!)

If there’s a comic you think I should be reading, or that you want to hear a review about, let me know.

If you have suggestions for changes in format — longer bits on fewer comics, for example — let me know that, too!

New Avengers Annual #1 - Best Comic Book of the Week (that I read, at least)
Batgirl #1 - Best Cover of the Week, by Adam Hughes
Matt Wagner's Trinity - Best Graphic Novel (and Kid-Friendly Comic) I read this week. Not new, but worth finding.


***Dave Does the Comics – Issue 8 (3 Sep 2011)

It’s the Labor Day Comic Books podcast that everyone’s been waiting for, huzzah! This week we look at the changing of the guard at DC, the final issue of Flashpoint that Changes Everything Forever (sh’yeah), and the first issue of Justice League. Also some Marvel X.1 issue, the end of Greg Pak’s run on Incredible Hulk(s), the beginning of Warren Ellis on Secret Avengers, and some shiny Serenity goodness.

Best Comic and Best Cover of the Week
Best Graphic Novel of the Week
Adam Hughes' lovely original multi-cover spread for "Serenity - Brighter Days". Just because I like all the characters enjoying (or anticipating enjoying) their newfound wealth soooo much.

See you next week!

Tweets from 2011-08-28

  • ST:TOS Rewatch: “The Menagerie, Pt 1” Crazy Spock is scarily effective. Beep vs BeepBeep. Old turtleneck outfits. Effective re-use of pilot. #
  • Star Trek TOS was a seminal influence on SF tropes since then. It contributed very little original, but very little it didn’t influence. #
  • Going to be a scorcher on the course today. Our Lady of the Beer Cart, watch over us and intercede, often. #
  • Had best drive for the foursome. Pulling my weight. #
  • Blessings be upon Our Lady of the Beer Cart! #
  • Clouds, huzzah! #
  • Happy with my game so far. Not too embarrassing. #
  • And at the 19th hole. Pretty pleased with how I helped the team. #
  • So overall did great with driver, decent with putter, almost all else sucked. But only lost two balls, and team was -1, so call it a victory #
  • Hmmm … feeling peckish for producing a podcast … #