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The next Senator from the Great State of Iowa?

Personally, I think she's angling for a VP nomination. I mean, she has the Palin hokey-folks delivery and policy idiocy down pat.

She currently holds a slight lead over her Democratic contender.

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Iowa Senate Candidate Joni Ernst Will Castrate UN’s Evil ‘Agenda 21′ Plot To Make You Ride A Bicycle
Iowa Senate candidate Joni Ernst pledges to protect America’s heartland from a non-existent threat that exists only in the minds of conspiracy theorists

He won because he isn't Eric Cantor

That's the main explanation I take from all of this. Dave Brat, who beat Cantor in the GOP primary in Virginia, doesn't seem to have any well-thought-out positions, though I know if I were running for the position of US Representative I'd have done the homework on pretty much everything that's on the front page of the paper for the last month or two.

And if I were an economics professor, I suspect I'd have some sort of policy about the minimum wage. I mean, that's pretty darned basic.

So as far as I can see, he wasn't elected for himself, but because he wasn't associated with the GOP Leadership. Which is illustrative of the problems with the blanket "throw the bums out" philosophy of elections: you really want to have some idea about what bums you're throwing in.

Reshared post from +Les Jenkins

Talk about  a train wreck about to happen. This should be interesting to watch.

The Man Who Just Beat Eric Cantor Won’t Answer Basic Policy Questions
“I thought we were just going to chat today about the celebratory aspects,” he said.

For all of you (wishfully) thinking the Tea Party is dead

That's … pretty staggering. Completely unexpected, from all the news I read. 

I have no use for Cantor, to be honest, and my best hope out of this is that it will further fracture the GOP, create some lovely new outrageous quotes from its Far Right fringe, and actually boost the Dems this fall.

But still … wow.

Eric Cantor succumbs to tea party challenger Tuesday
The House Republican leader succumbs to David Brat, a little-known conservative activist.

Political Platform Zaniness

Courtesy of the Texas GOP.

Granted, political platforms tend to be, any more, fairly fringe ivory tower ideals that nobody thinks will happen (or even particular want to have happen).  But this bunch of proposals can essentially be summed up as "we need to use our God-given guns to drive off all the scientists, poor people, non-English-speakers, gays, and socialists in Jesus' name."

Reshared post from +George Wiman

Democrats aren't perfect but Republicans are crazy, Texas edition.
I often hear people saying that Democrats and Republicans are the same. In the sense that Democrats are not liberal enough, sure. But read over these excerpts from the Texas Republican party platform and… just stop saying that Democrats are the same.

Texas Republicans setting a bad example
You really must read the temporary Texas Republican Party platform for 2014. They have a clear vision for the future of America, and it is a hellhole. I skimmed through it this morning and there wa…

Texas + GOP = Zany

Waiting for them to also recommend dunking for curing witchcraft and human sacrifice for alleviating drought.

Reshared post from +The Wire

"Cure the gays" could soon be official state party policy.

The Texas GOP Advances Its ‘Cure the Gays’ Platform
The Texas Republican Party moved one step closer to adding an endorsement of the widely discredited practice of using therapy to “cure” LGBT people to their party platform on Thursday.

Idaho fills its National Humor-Providing Quota for the year

They did in this debate between for GOP contenders for Governor this hear — the existing Governor, a State Senator, a Biker and former SeaBee, and Crotchety Santa Claus.  I made it through about 2/3 of this hour-long show before I had to shut it off, but the scary thing is how, after a while, they begin to all sound alike …

The Tea Party Declares War!

Or so says the email I got from them (the folks), attacking "the RINO elitist GOP establishment who are, unabashedly, at war with the party's own base, the energized, principled grassroots Tea Party movement."

Paging Manichaeus, paging Prophet Manichaeus … please pick up the white courtesy phone …

'Using the GOP Establishment as a launching pad to ensure that Reagan-style conservatives — the base of the Republican Party — are defeated by Establishment, statist Republicans. Republicans who will in turn so anger the GOP base that the base simply refuses to turn out in November. Thus handing President Obama and the statist forces of Big Government a victory they should never have had and in fact would be unable to earn on their own.'

I tend to be something of a centrist, myself — but my view of the center is where it was 40 years ago or so, not where the conservatives have shifted the Overton Window of politics to.

Still, it's interesting how similar the RINO vs DINO and base-withdrawing-support arguments from both sides sound.

I do have to say, it's been a while since I heard the word "statist" thrown around so much.
'You see, the GOP establishment is lying to you. They benefit from being Big Government Party #2. They, and their crony capitalist friends, do not believe in "free markets" as we do in the Tea Party movement. They use the power of big government to pass laws and regulations that benefit their financial contributors. It's an ugly, unpatriotic arrangement that is a detriment to our great nation.

Never have I so agreed with something the Tea Party has said.

'GOP leaders tell us repeatedly that all will be well in the world as long as Republicans control the presidency and both Houses of Congress. Well, guess what? We did that! For a significant portion of the George W. Bush presidency, the GOP held the House and the Senate and they CHOSE TO GROW GOVERNMENT!'

And deficits. 
'We must elect more principled, Tea Party candidates like Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and Rand Paul. Electing a majority of GOP RINOs will only continue to push our country over the cliff!'

Well, I agree with the latter sentence, at least. Though probably not in the way the writer intended.

Time to pop some popcorn. This election cycle should be interesting.

The Boehner dilemma and why things aren’t likely to improve

Short version: Boehner wants to be Speaker, and if he tries to corral the hardliners he's afraid they'll vote him out.  So he wants to be the leader … but that means he can't lead.

And those hardliners?

'When you get the members off the talking points you come to a simple conclusion: They don't face consequences for taking these hardline positions. When you hear members talk candidly about their biggest victory, it wasn’t winning the House in 2010. It was winning the state legislatures in 2010 because they were able to redraw their districts so they had many more conservative voters. The members get heat from the press but they don't get heat from back home.'

So the Speaker's afraid of the career consequences, nobody else wants the job, and the hardliners driving the truck through the guard rails don't face any electoral consequences.  Sounds like a recipe for … well, just what we're seeing now.

Reshared post from +Cynthia S.

Excellent interview with #RobertCosta   by +Ezra Klein 

Robert Costa: When you get the members off the talking points you come to a simple conclusion: They don't face consequences for taking these hardline positions. When you hear members talk candidly about their biggest victory, it wasn’t winning the House in 2010. It was winning the state legislatures in 2010 because they were able to redraw their districts so they had many more conservative voters. The members get heat from the press but they don't get heat from back home.

Why Boehner doesn’t just ditch the hard right
‘What we’re seeing is the collapse of institutional Republican power,

Remember when the GOP was going to tone things down?

Yeah, seems like only a few months ago when Republican leaders and strategists were all talking about how they had to stop being ideologically extreme and pursue the interests, and votes, of women, minorities, youth …

So is this massive flurry of GOP activity on abortion, etc., simply reverting to form? Or trying to raise money now before putting back on a "moderate" face next year (or in 2016)?  Or a sign that somr of them are worried they might not be around in 2-4 years, and need to pass these laws while they still can?

Whatever it is, I really don't get the sense that they are making much effort to win the hearts and minds of the folks they were all outwardly sure they had to win the hearts and minds of.

Rubio Plans To Introduce Texas-Style Abortion Ban In The Senate
Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) is planning to introduce a bill in the Senate that would ban abortion after 20 weeks, the Weekly Standard reported on Wednesday. The bill is meant to mirror anti-abortion legislation passed last month by the House of Representatives. Under the plan reportedly being proposed by Rubio, a woman would be unable […]

Best news for Democrats in the last week

Because what the Dems really want is Tancredo's "kick out all the illegals and build a 200-foot high  wall on the border, maybe with a moat" style of Republican candidate in a major state race. Not only does it portray Republicans exactly as the Dems want to see them portrayed, but it splits the GOP vote in the state between the Nativists and anyone else. Just like the last time he ran.

Tom Tancredo considering a run for Colorado governor in 2014