City of Rogues – bits and bobs (Part 2)

Played Going Rogue most of the day yesterday.  We got our first duo through the Level 20 Content — Margie’s Golden Judgement (Elec/Shield Tank) and my Velorio (Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster), running as Wardens (“good” Resistance).

I have to say the justification for the transition from Praetoria to “Primal Earth” was a bit silly (“We’re going to insert you into Earth society to demonstrate that not all Praetorians are bad guys out to conquer the world, so that the folks there will help us against Emperor Cole”), but the actual execution of it was nice, including the choice of going to Paragon City or the Rogue Isles.  (I would have liked to have been a “hero” in RI, but that’s not an option provided.)

It will be interesting to see what bits of the Praetorian storyline carry over into Paragon; there’s at least one contact provided that sounds like it’s involved in that.

Anyway the execution was nice, even sentimental.  I look forward to seeing how it’s framed for Loyalists when we get there with our next pair.  I also look forward to returning to Praetoria for future stories.

A few other items:

  1. It took me a while to get the hang of multiple ammos with Dual Pistols.  I have a post coming on that.
  2. Going Rogue is very, very arc-driven (and meta-arc driven).  It’s a much tighter story than CoV, let alone CoH.  It’s the right direction for them to be going.  Question is, can they retrofit some of that into the existing game content?
  3. Had a few problems on some missions with only the person who’s mish it was getting the exposition dump (or dramatic farewell) at the end from the last person you talk to.  Which was okay, since Margie and I play in the same room, but would have been a bit more problematic otherwise.
  4. The final mission we were on was focused on Enriche, the rather creepy, probably mind-controlling soft drink / fortified water that everyone in Praetoria drinks.  Which was fine, except we hadn’t really done any stories related to Enriche.  Not sure if we missed something, or if that’s in other Loyalist/Resistance arcs, but it sort of came out of nowhere.

Going Rogue has clearly perked up my attention in City of Heroes.  How long that will last, going through the different types of characters possible, remains to be seen, but it’s been quite enjoyable so far.

Now to go through the semi-wrenching transition from tank/blaster to scrapper/controller …

2 thoughts on “City of Rogues – bits and bobs (Part 2)”

  1. I am loving my Elec/Elec Dominator, have you tried one of those? It is quite a set… Melee driven, but at level 17 I can handle 6-8 even level minions with no concern(an no enhancments either).

    I enjoy your page very much so, being on a military computer, a lot of the webpages I read usually (CoH Forums) are blocked. Thankfully yours is not. I look forward to your next post.

  2. I’ll have to try that some time. I’ve not done a lot with Doms myself.

    I’m glad to be of gaming info service. I’m sorry to hear things are blocked there in Okinawa. If you have any questions that come up, don’t hesitate to ask.

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