CoX: Dual Pistols in review

Golden Judgment (the Tank) and Velorio (the Dual Pistols Blaster)

This isn’t going to be any detailed guide to the Dual Pistols power — more scribbling down my own notes for next time with Dual Pistols.  I ran Velorio through Going Rogue up to 20 with the set.

As a set, DP is lovely.  The animations (some of which vary from use to use of a given power) are lovely.  Sometimes a bit much (throwing around ammo in all directions seems wasteful, vs. a flame blaster’s AoE attack), but overall quite nice, from the fancy-twirling Dual Wield, to the deliberately lethal Executioner’s Shot.

The biggest nuance with the power set is Swap Ammo.  You can, in theory (and, perhaps, for RP) go without the power.  Velorio  didn’t, which meant I had to decide in any given combat (or even during it, since it’s a quick swap) between:

  • Basic bullets:  baseline Lethal damage, chance of knockback/down.  The knockback chance made it less attractive to me, duoing with a Tank.  For a soloist — or someone who wants basic bullets for their own character’s artistic integrity — it’s fine.
  • Cryo bullets:  partial Cold damage, +slow.  I believe the damage is a little less than basic bullets. I tended to use these when we were being mobbed by more powerful opponents — slowing their attacks relative to us was a force multiplier.
  • Incendiary bullets:  partial Fire damage, DoT.  Net-net, a higher damage set, albeit with DoT.  I tended to use this when we were plowing through lower-level types.
  • Chemical bullets:  partial Toxic damage, damage debuff.  I tended to use these when going up against a boss — anything to lessen the damage the Tank was having to stand up to would keep my delicate little Blaster in better health.

There’s a lot I haven’t played with in the set — I skipped the first quickie power, as well as Suppressive Fire, and, at level 20, hadn’t hit my snipe yet, etc.  But it’s nicely done.  I enjoyed it.

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