Task Force Musings

I’ve been pondering getting some sort of a TF organized, probably for 10-12 March (weekend after next). I think it’s easier to do on a weekend day/night than trying to get things organized (and finished) on a weeknight (or spanning weeknights).
Possible options:
On the hero side …

  1. Positron (lvl 10-15, 3 starters, 15 missions): Big Lungs/Christmas Present (10/11), Ho Ho/Princess Peep (11), Amethyst Crown/Fallen Twice (14/12).
  2. Synapse (lvl 15-21, 4 starters, 15 missions, Babbage/Clockwork King): The Azures (16), Fazenda/Araware (17).
  3. Sister Psyche (lvl 20-26, 5 starters, 14 missions, Clamor): Torchielle/Kazima|Hildegard (22/22|20)
  4. Manticore (lvl 30-36, 7 starters, 10 missions, Hopkins): Velvet/P-Siren (31)
  5. Major Flagg/Respec 3 (lvl 44-50, 3 starters, 5 missions): Psi-clone/Amorpha (48)

On the villain side …

  1. Virgil Tarikoss (15-20, 4 starters, 6 missions, Infernal/Bat’zul): Ravenous/Charity (16/15)

Hmmm. Actually fewer possibilities than I’d think, given our number of characters. And I suppose that the Respec mish and, perphaps, Tarikoss could be done in a long evening (though Tarikoss took us 6 bloody hours the only other time I’ve played it).
Any of my faithful readers have a preference (based on your availability/interest/stable)? Based on comments here, I’ll organize something in the most appropriate forum.

Roll Call

Current status on characters:

  • 48 – Psi-clone: Very light play over the last week. Played around with the Elite Boss downgrade for small groups, which worked pretty well. HeroStats dithered a lot, but we’re about 19h from levelling to 49, which means we really should spend more time with PC/A.
    Which is part of the problem at the moment — I’m feeling like we should play PC/A, less that I want to play PC/A. Harrumph. Not sure what’s going on there.
    Well, maybe I do — part of it is resenting the sense that, now that I’m almost 50, I need to go to the extra effort to get “closure” with him. And part of it is that, presently, I’m having a lot more fun punching things (see Lynn, Honor, Mr. Azure, Mr. Ravenous …).
    Brought him in for the Longbow Elite PvP soiree, in which I had reestablished to me that PC works a lot better in a support role than as a front-line combatant (which, effectively, everyone is in the PvP zone). I also was reminded how Spines has a -Fly on it, which kinda sucks when you’re fighting a Spines Scrapper in PvP and depend upon Fly to get away (or stay out of reach). Oh, and that Phred, by tagging along behind me, provides a good pointer for folks who can’t see me with invis. Feh.
    Like the person he resembles, Psi-clone works better in a controlled, organized, minimal-surprises situation.

  • 31 – Velvet Jones: No activity. Missed a Phalanx Prestige day in there (need to talk to the management about posting reminders on the boards).
  • 23 – Lynn Calodo: Got a lot of action with her. She’s working out well in PUGs (which there seem to be a plethora of in Striga), but she’s also pretty decent solo. Siphon Life is fun.
    Not much action in the Nexus Program at the moment, but at least it gets me into CC.

  • 22 – Torchielle: No activity, aside from RP on the “Have You Been Saved” forum story (and not much of that, given my schedule).
  • 17 – Fazenda: Mmmmm. Minor action. Need to play more. When’s the next Knight Night?
  • 16 – Mr. Azure: Did some playing over the past few weeks. Good scrappery goodness with miniscule endurance drain. And, always, fun to play.
  • 14 – Amethyst Crown: No activity. At the top of the “slot on Champion that can be freed up” list.
  • 12 – Honor the Flag: Not much action over the last week, but still having fun with her. Surprised I haven’t had more PUG invites — have spent several periods standing around waiting for something (with minimal desire to tank my way through missions solo).
  • 11 – Ho Ho: Endurance, and the speed of the attach chain, remain problems, but still fun to play.
  • 10 – Big Lungs: No activity. Second on the list to drop.
  • 09 – Al McGordo: No activity. Would like to get back on with him, but not feeling like playing someone that low level right now.
  • 08 – Fr. Frank: No activity.
  • 17 – Mister Thorne: No activity. Not much anticipated. Bleah.
  • 15 – Mister Ravenous: Brutish goodness. With Charity keeping him healed and buffed, he’s a big, furry, well-dressed juggernaut. I just wish we had more folks to RP with. On the other hand, at 15 he’s now Strike Force-enabled, so maybe we can get an SF going soon.
  • 11 – Eliza Dee: No activity. I like her. I want to play with her. Hard to justify when I have another brute I’m levelling up.

PvP with the Longbow Elite

Tonight was the LE Meet-n-Beat, which very much lived up to its name. The LE focus on PvP in the various zones that allow for that, and sundry Alliance folks (including Psi-clone) joined up to patrol Warburg with them in two teams.
Okay, first off, confirmed every suspicion I’ve ever had about PvP, i.e., unless you’re someone who’s crafted your character for it, it’s pretty much an exercise in frustration. Unless you like getting gacked by high-level stalkers (or are one yourself).
On the other hand, it did allow for play of a scenario that would not be possible (or, if possible, would not be nearly as fun) in a PvE zone, one which has a long tradition in comics history, to wit: Oh my God! Those aren’t the Longbow Elite! They’re evil robots made up to look like the Longbow Elite and designed to assassinate the Alliance leadership!
Hilarity ensued, especially with those of us who weren’t in on the initial plan. And fun for all that. Certainly made the experience worth it.
Outside of that, played the afternoon and night with Mr. Ravenous and Charity, who dinged 15 and 14 respectively. Yay!


Spent most of the afternoon on as Lynn, and, between soloing and PUGging, got her up to nearly 24. She’s great in a group with decent healing and buffing, but remains a bit brittle on her own. Not much to easily do about that, alas.
In the evening we hopped on as Psi-clone and Amorpha. I’ve been feeling apprehensive about playing them, not wanting to deal with AVs and coordination with other heroes and stuff like that. After our last AV battle, I was gun-shy about duoing one.
Instead, we worked on some old story arcs, then tackled our initial AVs with the new Elite Boss settings (with 2 players, we can be up to Rugged, the middle reputation setting, and have the AVs spawn as Elite Bosses).

  1. Black Swan: Dark energy attacks in the Necropolis. The latter meant we could hop directly to her and bypass the various Shadows (which were decent but not spectactular eats).
    Came up as a level 48 Elite Boss (orange). And went down, pretty quickly, as same. I had to cast a couple of heals on Amorpha, but by and large Black Swan was a cream puff for us.

  2. Psychic Babbage: Psychic attacks in the ruined city. Amorpha had this one in her hopper. He came up as another level 48 Elite Boss (orange) for us. Hopped directly to him (the various clockwork in the city conning blue and white), got all our buffs ready, and … launched.
    As in “ate our launch.” I mistimed my initial hit, so he spent some initial focus on me. My psychic defenses were doing okay, Amorpha started whomping on him, things were …
    Bam. “Gah!” Heal. Heal. Jump. Bam. “Argh.” Oh, and look, Amorpha’s down, too.
    Hrm. Off to hospital. Replan strategy to actually take dude not just seriously, but seriously.
    Go back. Line up. Prep. Fire off my buffs. Gargle chicklets. Tap the Vanguard medal. Twist the Wedding Band. Initially attack with the Phantom Army on the opposite side of Psychic Babbage.
    And the rest was rought but manageable. He wasted his alpha strike on the phantoms, and we may not have locked him down, but we kept him pretty distracted until we could take him down, down, down.

  3. Dominatrix: Grav controller in a warehouse. We’ve been on a dozen missions against her, and they’ve never been very life and death. In this case, she conned as a level 49 elite boss (red). And, after warmup on all her BDSM punks, it was not a very big deal.
    Had her locked down, had her distracted, had her taken care of without a lot of pain and anguish.

Good times. We discoed after that, which we took as a sign that we should call it an evening.
The elite boss versions are giving smaller XP, of course. But as long as we don’t die trying to duo them, we should be okay.

Positron Speaks!

Interview with Mark Miller, a/k/a Positron, on upcoming CoX stuff. Some highlights …

Q) Are there any plans to ‘upgrade’ some of the older CoH zones to include things that can be seen in some of the newer CoH zones and CoV, like mob patrols or mobs damaging each other? If so, which zones are going to see the facelifts first?
Yeah, we are starting with the lower end zones first. Atlas Park, Galaxy City, and Kings Row are getting the old “wave and walk” cops removed from them, and we are adding in patrolling Paragon Police officers.
War Witch has also gone in and created a lot of environmental dialog to liven up those zones. In addition the textures and graphics in the CoH zones will be brought up to the quality seen in CoV over the next couple issues.

Which all sounds very spiffy, except for the CoV graphics coming to CoH, to the degree that they impact performance.

Q) Another big talking point are trenchcoats. What are the current state of trenchcoats in CoH/V? When can players expect to see them implemented?
NPCs are getting them in issue 7. The Thugs in the Thug Mastermind powerset will have them, as will some of the new Paragon Police. Players will get them this year, but they will be a “prestige” piece that you have to earn in some way.

So looking forward to a trenchcoat. I think Mr. Azure would look stunning in one.

Q) There are some differences between the powersets available to heroes and villains in the CoH/V world. What are the plans to allow this difference in available powersets to be reduced? Are there any powersets that are seen to be hero- or villain-exclusive? Will Plant Control remain a villains-only power because plants are naturally evil?
I wouldn’t say that plants are naturally evil, but weeds on the other hand… What’s the difference between a plant and a weed? A plant dies when you try to keep it alive, and a weed lives when you try to kill it.
That being said, Geko and I discussed just the other day how we are going to get some of the CoV powersets over to the CoH Archetypes. Stay tuned.

It’s a tough one. I think it’s good that there are differences between CoV and CoH — but, by the same token, it would be great to have power X over in game Y …

Q) On a personal note, I just have to ask: is a Dual Pistols powerset anywhere in terms of new powers that will be introduced to CoH/V or is it something that doesn’t even appear on the dev whiteboard?
I own the Criterion Collection versions of both The Killer and Hard Boiled… you can safely assume it’s on MY whiteboard.

I see a flurry of trenchcoated pistol-wielders coming on. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

This and that

Late afternoon soloing with Lynn. Got into a PUG that showed promise, but turned into a minor fiasco. Way too many people with knockback blasts, which meant …

  1. My chance of lining up anyone for the Shadow Maul cone dropped to nearly zero.
  2. My chance of hitting anyone more than once without running after their flying body dropped to nearly zero.
  3. The chance (in the large city map we were on) of taking out one group without throwing someone back into, thus aggroing, another group, dropped to nearly zero.

Managed to not die for most of the mission, at which point — the one sane person on the team (besides me) having discoed, I took my leave. Not something I do lightly in mid-mission, but the chance of it being finished any time soon seemed very slender.
Ran over to Striga later. Perfected assassin/ninja tactics with her doing various hunt missions (having found her oddly fragile vs. Warriors as yet). Managed to get out of debt, and nearly to 23.
With Margie, after dinner, ran Mr and Mrs Azure. Dinged 16 with them both, which means Integration for me (yay). Rediscovered along the way how nasty Abominations are en masse, and determined we’d rather lose XP by letting the Mrs. confuse them (esp. the Embalmed) than lose XP via debt.
That minor hiccup aside, I was very please by how we did with them, again. They have many of the strengths of the PC/A team (not surprising, as they have very similar power sets).
Engaged in witty Azure banter, but the Coalition channel remains intermittent — occasional flurry of traffic, with lots of dead silence in-between.

Illness and a Good Diet

After my last round of conference calls, I tried to take it easy for the day, recovering from my throat infection. Eventually spent some time on as Honor and as Lynn, ran in a few PUGs, continued apace.
After dinner, signed on with Ho Ho to join in on the Hostess Heroes. Ran (yet once again) the Valentines Day missions, and ran into the increasing problems of (a) too many people to comfortably fit on one team, (b) too broad a range of levels, and (c) too few obsessively-driven mission leaders, such that we spent a lot of time standing around.
Eventually broke up into two teams, and mine ran off to the Hollows. Made a lot of progress, had fun, etc. etc.


The weekend was kind of minimally CoHy after the Faathim game … Saturday night was our church dinner party, Sunday I was traveling (and got into the hotel late).
Did play a short bit Sunday afternoon with the Azures, which was, as always, fun.
Despite lack of Stamina and having a non-stop attack chain, Mr. A’s endurance never budges (even with Sprint on). Of course, that’s a bit deceptive, since, as a Regen A big part of that is, with Regen, he’s got Quick Recovery. Another part is that he doesn’t have an toggles running (so far) — that changes next level).
But he’s a pretty decent scrapper, and Mrs. A’s support Mind Control is damned nice, too. They are, in many ways, the flip side of PC/A. An enjoyable pair to play.

Faathim the Kind

Ran the Faathim Saga (Shadow Shard #3, I believe) tonight. Took much less time than expected — we started rolling aorund 8, and were done by a bit after Midnight.
A lot of the TF is “defeat 50 X in Shard Zone Y,” which wasn’t all that exciting. There were a few “regular” missions.
The climactic battle was … well, not all that challenging.
On the other hand, it was a great group — Shock.Therapy, Hyperthermian, Psi-clone, Amorpha, Puck Bunny, Li Nakamura, Kinetica, Kessa. Any time spent with that group is well worth it — and when we encountered resistance, we blew through it.
PC and A both dinged 48. No more sidekicking! Since we were 47 and we had 50s in the group, most of the opposition were purple and red, which helped the XP gain for us.
And, for the record — Fly is definitely the way to go in the Shard. (Recall Friend was pretty damned useful, too.)
A nice evening.

Buy low, sell high

Today’s trivia item:

  1. To buy a level 45 SO Healing from Crimson (a normal contact on PI) costs 108K. To buy it from Ghost Falcon (the “store” contact on PI) costs only 54K, a 50% savings. Buying from GF makes sense.
  2. Selling a level 53 SO EndRed to Ghost Falcon will net you 14.5K. Selling the same SO to a “real” store on Talos will net you 22.3K, a 50% (or so) benefit. Selling to GF makes no sense. (Unless, of course, you count in the marginal convenience factor — you can sell everything to GF, but going from him to, say, 3 stores on Talos, will take you an extra 5 minutes or so).


Diverse Hands II

Continued on with the odd mash-ups between heroes and villains. Lynn Calodo and Kazima joined up with some folks for the Hero/Villain quests (Lynn dinged, Kazima dinged shorly thereafter), then later, over on Virtue, Honor the Flag and Copper Mountain joined in (Honor dinged once, Copper dinged twice).
I’m not all that devoted to the badges, but the gameplay is always good fun.
I need, though, to make a point this afternoon of getting everyone logged in long enough to get the Heart of Xness badge and the toga piece (though very few folks I have, if any, will ever go for the toga thing — well, maybe Velvet). Not sure who, if anyone, I want to still run through the Valentines stories. Torchy, probably, and maybe Velvet. Possibliy Eliza Dee, just because I miss playing her. Heck, we should probably see if we can push the Azures through (“You’re ‘Beautiful,’ darling.” “You’re ‘Beautiful,’ too, dear.”).
The disads of so many alts is coming back to bite us. Though, to be honest, if I *don’t* run those mishes any more, I think that would be fine. It’s the teaming and gameplay on them I’m enjoying, not (once again) going through an incredibly laggy Arachos set.
Honor continues to proceed apace, development-wise. I discovered that she’s still not able to tank a half-dozen orange Arachnos types. Getting better, though, and I seem to have stabilized my endurance needs, even with Energy Melee consumption.
Lynn — is now tied for 4th highest character in my stable, which is mildly alarming. (Though Margie’s soloist, Blue Point, is now tied for second in hers.) It was kind of cool Lynn ending up as one of the more powerful characters in the Valentines group (even when we were facing the right level of baddies). I had some fun playing her, too.
She’s joined up in the new “Nexus Program” (the revised Allies of the Alliance). We’ll see how that goes. In related news, I’ve dropped the (briefly joined) “OOC RP” chat channel, given some folks who’ve subsequently migrated to it. Still finding the “Alliance OOC” to be a lot of fun and meeting my OOC needs.
And briefly got on as PC to get the CoJ tied into the Nexus and the Longbow Elite. It will be interesting to see how (or if) that latter group stays tied to the Alliance, and how each will affect the other.

Diverse hands

Tried to continue the Snap missions last night with Christmas Present and Mr. Ravenous, but, even dialed down to Villainous, still had major problems. The spectrals were smash resistant, and their and the arrow-slinger debuffs were slowing our attacks even further.
Got a request from Doyce for a Virtue hero to assist in similar efforts. Ended up with, instead, him and Ana and Jackie and BD and Sword joining us. Much, much fun — a good group to run with, both playwise and banter-wise.
Mr. R dinged to 14, so … travel power! Huzzah!
Reorganized after that arc was finished to a similar team (only with, for us, Fazenda and Araware) to do the Ganymede missions again. Which made (with Pizzaz) two Emp/Nrg Defenders, which was kind of fun (as took turns being the first by a half-second to do targeted or area heals).
Again, good banter, fun times.
Nice evening. It’s actually been kind of fun doing stuff with a variety of different characters (both ours and others). We’ll be finally getting back to Psi-clone/Amorpha this weekend, but it’s been kind of nice taking a break.
For the record (and for anyone who is confused, which sounds to be many from chatter):

  1. Any toon that signs on in the Valentines time frame will get the Heart of Xness badge and the toga costume part.
  2. There are various exclusive badges available in the various PocketD missions during this period — the Hero/Villain missions, for example, are exclusively in this period. Not sure if that’s true for the DJ Zero mission.
  3. If you give someone your CoV trial code and they then upgrade to a real account in the timeframe, then you (and they) will also get the laurel wreath and sandals costume pieces.

Graphic results

So Margie was having ongoing problems with the graphics on her machine, even after the card was replaced. Strange texture flashing and invisible buildings and other oddities.
Many mutters about CoX graphic tweaks and searching and cursing ensues for some weeks.
Finally, I suggest, “Hey, I just saw another mention of that ‘-useTexEnvCombine’ tweak — let me install it on your machine.”
Margie, desperate, agreed.
So while she was upstairs kissing Kitten good night, I opened up the shortcut …
… and saw it was already there.
And … um … realized I had put it in after her card went south and we were trying to run it on the native onboard graphics. And I realized …
… that was probably causing the problem now.
I never even thought of claiming I’d “fixed” it when I took the switch out.
I was just glad to see Margie’s graphics back to normal. 🙂

Valentine’s Day

Well, once our yummy dinner was done, we hopped on …
… well, that was after I’d commented to Margie that it was about this time last year that I’d roped her in persuaded her that playing CoH might be fun … and that we’d been doing it for a year now … and, damn, it’s been fun doing it with her.
Enough soppy stuff.
… and, of course, we had to play Mr. and Mrs. Azure a bit. Always fun, even if CC is a bit less chattery than before.
After that, we decided we’d do some Pocket D stuff. Mr. Ravenous from the villain side, Christmas Present from the heroes.
Well, the hero side (with Ravenous gimped down to 10) went okay. Actually, it went swimmingly. We tore through Council/Arachnos like knives through butter.
Then we went to the villain missions (with CP SKed to 12).
First off, CP being down a level didn’t help. Especially since everything was yellow and orange for me.
My being on … well the second level of reputation difficulty (“Zillions of ’em, Mr. Rico!”) didn’t help, either.
So we fought huge gobs of folks and barely survived even with the Drops of goodness from the bartenders. And that was just the first mob. The second was bad, too. The third —
— well, somewhere in there, we both died. And we decided, since it was latish and I really needed to reset to simple “Villainous,” we’d call it an evening.
So, out with a whimper. But still a fun evening.


Last night was Monday Munchies. We had a team of 7-8 most of the evening, and did passably well. Aside from one near-TPK, in fact, the missions went pretty smoothly (at least as far as my tank was concerned). We suffered significantly more casualties traveling through the Hollows to our missions than otherwise. Hrm.
No Controllers, which, in a group that size, is odd.
Ho Ho‘s attack chain started getting wonky mid-evening, which I eventually realized was because my temp lowbie power had gone away, leaving me with two slow axe chops and Brawl. Battleaxe does some nice damage (and amazing knockdown/back), but it’s sloooooow (and endurance sucking). I was toying with using my next level for another attack, but I think I’m going to stick with Taunt (control!) and maybe slot some recharge speeds instead.
In other news, Lynn is a desperately short distance away from dinging 22. She’s running in Striga at the moment. After some painstaking and difficult soloing of the first ship mission, she got pulled into a PUG of 8 on the same mission, which was basically a non-stop wading through Council (and which netted much XP).
Still need to get her into the new Alliance “Allies” group.
And did some brief before-sending-Margie-to-bed Ravenous/Charity, noodging closer to 14 and travel powers. Just too damned fun.


Interesting study out on how video gaming helps train the brain to better multitask:

A body of research suggests that playing video games provides benefits similar to bilingualism in exercising the mind. Just as people fluent in two languages learn to suppress one language while speaking the other, so too are gamers adept at shutting out distractions to swiftly switch attention between different tasks.
A new study of 100 university undergraduates in Toronto has found that video gamers consistently outperform their non-playing peers in a series of tricky mental tests. If they also happened to be bilingual, they were unbeatable.
“The people who were video game players were better and faster performers,” said psychologist Ellen Bialystok, a research professor at York University. “Those who were bilingual and video game addicts scored best — particularly at the most difficult tasks.”

See? All this CoH/CoV play is just to train my brain! It’s good for me!

I am not an animal! Well, actually …

Spent a goodly amount of time this weekend continuing to march Mr. Ravenous and Charity at Home up to travel powers (14) and SF eligibility (15). Marched them all the way up to 13, in fact, which was quite nice.
The two of them are going like gangbusters. Charity contributes shields and heals, backed up with some nice debuffing attacks, while Mr. R. takes the baddies apart. I took Dull Pain at 12 and have hit it only once since then. Biggest problem I have at the moment, besides desperately needing Stamina, is status protection — stuns from RIP billy clubs and knockdown/back from shotguns. I need to carry more purples, but beyond that …
… well, I realize I keep trying to design Mr. R. as a Tank, which he’s not. He’s not even a Scrapper. He’s a Brute. So defensive powers (the Invuln side of things) needs to take second place to More Attacks. Except, at the moment, I’m stuck in the drive to travel powers and Stamina — plus Unyielding, to deal with those status issues — which means I can’t take another attack until 22, which just sucks.
Here’s what I have (planned thru 44) for him so far:

Exported from version 1.5C of CoH Planner
Archetype: Brute
Primary Powers – Ranged : Super Strength
Secondary Powers – Support : Invulnerability
01 : Resist Physical Damage damres(01)
01 : Jab acc(01) dam(3) acc(7) dam(17) endred(17) dam(31)
02 : Punch acc(02) dam(3) acc(5) dam(11) endred(15) dam(27)
04 : Temp Invulnerability damres(04) damres(5) damres(7) endred(9) endred(15) endred(34)
06 : Swift runspd(06)
08 : Haymaker acc(08) dam(9) acc(11) dam(23) endred(23) dam(27)
10 : Combat Jumping endred(10)
12 : Dull Pain recred(12) recred(13) recred(13) hel(31) hel(33) hel(33)
14 : Super Jump endred(14) jmp(34) jmp(36) jmp(36)
16 : Unyielding endred(16) damres(37) damres(40) damres(40)
18 : Health hel(18) hel(19) hel(19)
20 : Stamina endrec(20) endrec(21) endrec(21)
22 : Knockout Blow acc(22) acc(25) dam(25) dam(36) dam(37)
24 : Taunt recred(24) rng(37)
26 : Rage recred(26) recred(46) recred(46)
28 : Invincibility endred(28) defbuf(29) defbuf(29) endred(31) thtbuf(33) thtbuf(34)
30 : Resist Elements damres(30)
32 : Resist Energies damres(32)
35 : Hurdle jmp(35)
38 : Unstoppable damres(38) recred(39) recred(39) recred(39) damres(40) damres(43)
41 : Foot Stomp acc(41) acc(42) endred(42) dam(42) dam(43) endred(43)
44 : Hurl acc(44) acc(45) dam(45) dam(45) dam(46)

The 40-plus stuff is provisional to whatever the Epic powers turn out to be for Brutes.
I’d love to get Knockout Blow earlier, but just can’t see where to fit it in.