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Unblogged Bits (Fri. 28-Jan-11 1631)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. Their Own Private Europe – – The GOP hereby formally requests that “facts” not be allowed to interfere with their “talking points.” Thank you.
  2. Tussling Over Jesus – – “To me, this battle illuminates two rival religious approaches, within the Catholic church and any spiritual tradition. One approach focuses upon dogma, sanctity, rules and the punishment of sinners. The other exalts compassion for the needy and mercy for sinners — and, perhaps, above all, inclusiveness.” I know which one resembles most the Jesus I read about in the Bible.
  3. Charlie Callas, Zany Comedian, Dies at 83 – – Sorry to see him go.
  4. Jerry Springer | Springer Liberals Won | Springer Howard Stern | Mediaite – An interesting interpretation.
  5. Arizona Introduces Legislation Targeting Birthright Citizenship – We had to destroy the Constitution to save it!
  6. What Is The LEAST Dangerous, Cutest Thing We Can Outlaw Next? – “How about those scary animals that have clipboards and dream up worst case scenarios for every aspect of childhood? Let’s ban THOSE! But no, first we must worry more about The Children.” Crikey.
  7. “WTF?” Palin completely misunderstands what “Sputnik Moment” means « Millard Fillmore’s Bathtub – “One gets the impression Palin does not think much of science, nor education, nor especially science education. She could use some lessons in history, too. Sputnik didn’t bankrupt the Soviet Union. Ignoring Sputnik might have bankrupted the U.S.”
  8. YouTube Looks to Integrate Comments From Facebook & Twitter – Clever. A pity there’s no call for Buzz integration …
  9. Amazon Sales Up 40% in 2010 – That’s pretty remarkable, both the numbers and the Kindle-vs-paperback sales.
  10. Google Starts Censoring BitTorrent, RapidShare and More | TorrentFreak – It’s hardly censorship, but … well, it’s an odd thing for them to do — completely ineffective, even trivial, yet an intentional step. Is it a (poorly considered, but intentionally harmless) sop to Big Media, or the start of something less savory from Google in this area?
  11. KFC’s Top Secret 11 Herbs and Spices Revealed! | Internet Today – And it’s not from Wikileaks, either. 🙂 (Actually, there’s no sourcing, so I can’t vouch for the authenticity.)
  12. Egypt Leaves the Internet – I suspect all sorts of unintended consequences, none of which will do the government, nor the people, of Egypt any good.
  13. Tea Party Patron Saint Ayn Rand Applied for Social Security, Medicare Benefits – See! She really IS an inspiration for all those stimulus-bashing but stimulus-relying-upon GOP leaders!
  14. Letting Another Crisis Go to Waste: Weak Agreement on Senate Rules Finalized – As far as I can tell, once again the Dems let slip a chance for real change. “Reverence for institution” and “collegiality” are values their GOP counterparts seem to have only when convenient.
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