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Snow Day (with pictures)

We got a fair amount of snow — and it's still coming down — but what probably caused more concern was the drifting from the wind.

We're supposed to get another 3" or so over the course of the day — which may mean some changes to plans for this evening (for better and worse).

Snow – 2015-12-15

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6 thoughts on “Snow Day (with pictures)”

  1. We have approximate 8" in my neighborhood. Rascal initially didn't want to go down the steps to the sidewalk, but nature finally got the better and he made it all the way to the cross street; he then did his business and immediately turned around to return home (no going around the block to pick up his morning "p-mail"). He refused to even consider getting close to the door after my shower (we usually go out twice before work — once just after getting up and then after my shower/right before I leave for work).

  2. Two near accidents getting to work. SUV behind me (thankfully quite a ways behind me) about lost control when a fire truck caused responsible drivers to pull over. The SUV ended up plowing into the snow banks to the side of the street just behind me rather into my rear bumper.

    As I pulled away after the fire truck passed, saw them in the rear view mirror getting out to try to figure out how to dig out (obviously just putting in reverse didn't work).

    Second was just outside work. Car started backing down (slight incline up to Franklin parking facility). Almost lost control right into my front bumper.

  3. Drove to Boulder on 36 to get my hair cut about 9am. Two west-bound lanes were clear with nominal such between lanes. East-bound not quite as good, but very clear. Not snow pack on either side. Really amazing after the years before the toll-lanes when CDot seemed to ignore the highway completely.

  4. Yikes. Glad you were okay.

    Still coming down here, and windy. At least 8" up on the railing. Temps arount 18F. Hoping the meeting I need to go to tonight is canceled.

  5. Finally stopped. Shoveled the driveway (enough for the Outback, at least), and the sidewalk and steps. Got up to 15 inches or so down along the sidewalk, but some of that is probably drifting; the driveway was more like 8-10".

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