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Kitchen Project – Day 4

Needs more backhoe!

More progress in getting more dirt dug up. By the end of the day, the area for the extension of the new foundation was pretty well cleared out. Next up, as I understand it, will be getting the guys out to put in the helical piers that will keep the whole thing in place.

This week will be challenging for the project, as tomorrow we get some snow and rain in the afternoon, and temps dropping below freezing with sundown. and stays below freezing until, oh, Friday or so (with some more snow in the meantime). That won't necessarily prevent the piers being put in, or the forms being put together for the extended foundation, etc., but it will keep them from doing any concrete pouring until temps climb back up a bit — and temps don't look to be going up above 40 as far as the ten-day forecast can be counted on.


In Album Hill-Kleerup Kitchen – 2014-11-09

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Kitchen Project: Backhoe On Parade

Both ends of the backhoe are getting a workout — the scoop to digg for the additional foundation, and the blade to carry the dirt around to the driveway. The space is so constrained in the side yard, though, that to turn around requires going back out onto the street.


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Kitchen Project – Day 3

The little excavator proving too small for the task, we got in a backhoe. Except that it was too heavy to go up the front lawn at the angle it needed to, not at all helped by the rain the previous evening (sigh).

So instead, they took it up through the front flower bed (after removing some roses and salvaging the bricks lining the edge of the grass). Problem "solved," though my front lawn is looking more and more like No Man's Land.

That does raise some interesting possibilities regarding what both the front and side yards should look like when all is said and done. Do we really want to replant grass? Alternately, if we don't, what does that mean for future projects that may involve moving heavy machinery around the house?

(Reminds self to contact lawn people to tell them we don't need them to come out any more this year.)

This was Saturday — they're going to also be working Sunday, as the weather is about to take a sudden and unfortunate turn for the worse.


In Album Hill-Kleerup Kitchen – 2014-11-08

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Apparently slopes + overnight rain <> fun times with backhoe

Apparently slopes + overnight rain <> fun times with backhoe #KitchenProject .

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Kitchen Project: Day 2

Today was mostly a follow-up to the previous day, only in this case with an excavator to tackle some additional space and to finish getting the hole down to the point where the additional foundation can be added.

Between the hole and the space in front of it (for patio from the walk-out), and the huge mound of dirt resulting — there's not a lot of room. The team will be back onsite tomorrow, with a proper back-hoe to be able to both dig and carry dirt away.


In Album Hill-Kleerup Kitchen – 2014-11-07

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Kitchen Project: Groundbreaking

And breaking ground it is, with a Bobcat (well, a John Deere something-or-another, but I'll call it a Bobcat as a class) moving in to remove some fence posts, smooth out some of the ground, and take out the lilac that lived right where the expansion will be.

I have to give myself a small pat on the back, as the two fence posts they had to take out to open up enough room to get the Bobcat back there were well-enough planted that they needed the tractor to help remove them. Since I'm the one that built the fence, that's kind of a nice complement.

More pictures (fair warning to all) to come.


In Album 2014-11-06

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Kitchen Project: So, yeah, you're probably already tired of me talking about it

But this is the baseline picture that was missing from the album yesterday, actually showing what's being expanded in the exterior. See that big, flat wall (with the little white stove vent)? It's going to be pulled out as far as the living room (on the left) into the side yard, and the basement below it as well, dug out another three feet down to make it a walk-out. Woot!


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Kitchen Project: Prepping the groundwork

The first part of the project — through the end of the year — is external. In extending out the basement, we also want to make it a walk-out, for convenience and for house value. The basement is currently about 3 feet below grade, and even though the property slopes downward that means a fair amount of excavation and shaping of the side yard.

After that, then the basement and kitchen extension above it need foundation, framing, etc. The idea is to have that pretty much all dried in before we break the walls into the existing house. That provides both security and weather protection.

So that's the first thing going on, and in prep for that we spent some hours in the back yard getting things ready:

– Picking up miscellaneous things from the ground that oughtn't be there anyway, as well as the various green men on the fences.
– Chopping back the climbing roses from the sections of fence that will need to be removed to get equipment into the back yard.
– Picking up the brick edging we had around the grass in the back yard, where it would be in the way of construction or in areas being excavated.
– Removing the memorial stones we have for cats passed on from an area that will be impacted by the construction.
– Digging up some roses and some irises that might be munched by the process.

So, some good exercise, and a bit more "Oh my God, this is actually, finally happening" reality checking.


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Kitchen Project: Before

So the first stuff with the kitchen project kicks off next week. These are some reference exterior photos of the house. The kitchen is in the back portion of the (eastern) side of the house shown (the stove vent is the white-painted bit on the wall there). That section is going to be extended out about eight feet, as far out as the living room in the front of the house extends. The basement is being similarly extended, and will be dug out so that it's a walk-out on that side. The kitchen will have a partially vaulted roof, which will pitch up opposite the living room roof. There will be about a ten foot gap between those two extending wings.

(I realize there's one more angle I need to take a picture from tomorrow.)

Anyway, that's how it looks now … I'll be adding pictures to the album as we get towards then. (I'll also start up a new album when we start doing things inside).


In Album Hill-Kleerup Kitchen Project 2014-2015 (exterior)

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Kitchen Project: AND SO IT BEGINS

Our GC came over and we signed our contract.

Dirt starts getting moved next week.


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Kitchen Project: On the Verge of Movement!

So actually some exciting news on the Kitchen Expansion / Remodel: things may actually be about to happen.

We've been finalizing the scope of work and contract for weeks now, but that finally seems ready and the plan is to sign on the dotted line on Thursday (eep!). That same day, the Contractor will be scoping out the first thing that needs to be done — properly capping off the sprinkler system in the area to be excavated (since it's going to go right through all the feed lines to the side and front of the house).

Good thing we had the sprinklers blown out yesterday.

Actually beginning that, and other excavation work … starts Monday.

Woot! Also, again, eep!

We're about to drop a substantial sum of money to redo and expand the kitchen (and the basement beneath), but when all is said and done, it will be a very, very cool thing. The project is currently scheduled to go out into February. We'll see how that looks when we get there …


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An appliance deal perfect for my wife

Not only has +Margie Kleerup been planning on GE for most of our new kitchen appliances, she's of Swedish descent, just like Electrolux. Very fitting!

Electrolux to Buy GE Appliances Business for $3.3 Billion

General Electric Co. plans to sell its appliances business to Swedish group Electrolux AB for $3.3 billion, in a deal that is expected to close next year.

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Kitchen Project Update: Weighing our options

So we put the job out for bid by four General Contractors we'd talked to beforehand.

Two begged off for this season, due to being very busy. One never responded. And we have the preliminary bid back from the fourth.

Which bid is (a) beyond our budget, and (b) scheduled (assuming an immediate start date) to run through Christmas. Neither is practical.

Soooooo … we're going to (a) review how the project can be scaled back some (there are some obvious points we can do that), and (b) approach the contractors who bowed out to see if they are interested in bidding for doing the job in the spring. We're also going to find some additional contractors.

Neither of these options is particularly pleasant, but while we have big dreams around this project, we're not going to be (too) stupid on it.

Kitchen Project: Achievement Unlocked! Building Permit!

Got word that the city, in record time, approved our kitchen remodel / expansion, and without any changes to the drawings submitted.  Wahoo!

We sent out bid packages to four General Contractors on Wednesday, asking for responses (cost, schedule, available start date) by the end of the month.  This is getting pretty darned exciting, at long last!

Kitchen Project: Achievement Unlocked! Building Permit Application!

Went down to city hall this afternoon and applied for our building permit for the kitchen project. Since it involves adding onto the house, it has to go through zoning approval, so feedback should be received in 5-10 business days.

The process was relatively smooth and quick, though some of my prep was overdone. The city supposedly has  "paperless" process — just hand them a CD with all the files and then files can be updated through DropBox — but the person at the building office said that the head building inspector prefers to have paper plans, and would need them anyway for the field inspection.  Sooooo … I did give them a copy of the CD, but also my wet-stamped copies of the architect and structural engineer drawings that I had brought along.

And, a substantial chunk of change later, those wheels are now turning. Huzzah!

Kitchen Project: Achievement Unlocked!

We now have full-sized plans (two sets) to give to the city for the permitting process! Alas, just hardcopy; electronic copy to follow tomorrow or Wednesday.

Kitchen Project Update!

We've interviewed the General Contractors we're looking to use. The Architect came over today with preliminary construction drawings and some questions ("Do you really want a two-foot-wide choke-point there?")

Next up: some answers to the architect, finalized construction drawings to forward to the GCs for bid, deciding on a GC, getting going …

Kitchen Update: Cabinetry

Went through the floor plan yesterday deciding on cabinetry. That sounds like a no-brainer, but is cause for some serious thought.  That section there — do you want a 6" drawer with a cabinet beneath?  Should the cabinet have a couple of shelves — pull-out or fixed?  Or maybe two 6" and two 12" drawers?  Or maybe five 6" drawers?  Or …

A lot of what we're doing is mostly drawers, vs big cabinets. Indeed, one of the unspoken goals of the kitchen is "no dark pits".  We have too many cabinets right now where there are things lurking in the darkness — not monsters, just stuff that was put there and is now invisible or hidden behind other stuff. So lots of stuff in drawers, including pots and pans and plates and the like.

We've decided on bamboo for the cabinet material (here's an example of kind of how it will look  

In other news, I think we've determined out the backsplash material (a checkered mostly-white tile), to go with the off-black-blue quartz countertop, though we still need to figure out a color accent (IMO) behind the stove.  Appliance-wise,  we've determined figured out our dishwasher (Bosch), but we need to settle on the fridge, range hood, and microwave (Margie has the range and the Miele convection/steam oven already figured out.)

Now, if we could get actual ground broken (or a schedule for same), we'd be really stying …

Kitchen Update: Architect!

So I haven't talked much about our kitchen project recently because … well … (Mutters under breath, shakes head, takes a drink.)

But, today, progress!  Our architect came over and did detailed measurements of the existing so that he can start doing as-builts and, from those, the actual design plans.

Jim, my father-in-law — who did detailed sketches and design work for what we have to date — is in town this week, which was fortuitous timing.

To date, we do have the initial structural drawings from the professional engineer. We've also determined that we don't need to get any HOA approval because …

… well, our local HOA has decided it's not really an HOA and has no enforcement authority over the CC&Rs, but is only an voluntary advisory board. Which … I hope means our neighbors don't paint their house Broncos colors next door, but anyway …

So there we are. The next step, once we have the drawings, is to get estimates. We have a contractor we've done work with — we'll see what they come up with for an actual estimate, as well as their time availability. We also have another contractor lead so we can have some options.

In some parallel and possibly more ideal world than this, we would have been actually under construction at the moment.  That's disappointing … but today, at least, we made progress. (Smiles, nods head, makes everyone a drink.)

Remodeling kitchen. Please send money

So this is our big Spring project, a kitchen remodel. Went by an appliance place we hadn't gone to before in the area, and I guess it was a successful visit because it changed our minds (maybe) on everything we thought we had settled. 

To a degree we're suffering from option paralysis in the various design aspects of the kitchen.  We already know what we're doing physically (gutting what we have, pushing out ten feet east, to have a specific layout we've decided on), but the particulars of filling that in — cabinets (and hardware), counters, floor, paint, backsplash, not to mention appliances from fridge to drink fridge to range to ovens to dishwasher — are still way up in the air.

The basic parameters are that this will be our Forever Kitchen — do what we want, no regrets, live with it until we can't live in the house any more.  Price is an object to the extent that we don't want to waste money, but my goal is to not be kicking ourselves over not getting a particular upgrade, design item, etc.  It's already a massively expensive project, just from the construction, so the rest becomes more a matter of selection as to what will work best for us, and that we'll love.

Margie's on all the appliances (with consultation/compliance, but it's mostly on her), except the dishwasher, which I get to choose, and the fridge, which is mostly mutual consent (french doors, water dispenser that has crushed ice, counter depth).  She thought she had figured out what she wanted, but this particular visit threw some significant new options into her viewfinder.

We've decided on the cabinet styles, but that's it.  Every discussion of countertops, or flooring, or backsplash becomes so interlinked that it's hard to take a step forward.  So … working on that.

Time isn't of the essence — yet.  We're still dealing with architect and engineers (structural and geotechnical, since we're expanding the house). We're planning on breaking ground in the spring, though, and I'd love to have some of this figured out by then …

In album Kitchen Ideas