From both of us to all of you, a very merry Christmas, and best wishes for the new year!
Author: admin
I was a bit frustrated that, between Vestry meeting and Vacation prep, I didn’t get a chance to get on to play last night.
But it sounds like it might have been a … frustrating experience, regardless.
The end of the world as they know it
We’ve had a slight taste of this in CoH, since CoV came on — especially in the weeks immediately afterwards, when Paragon felt like a freaking ghost town. I mean — arriving at the Talos tram station, or the Steel Canyon Yellow Line, and having them empty? Yeesh. Things seem to have picked back up a bit, of late. Mercifully.
“Anybody out there?” I type, but I already know it’s pointless. There’s nobody anywhere near me. For almost an hour, I’ve been wandering around a desolate plain: Gray clouds scud slowly over rough quartz mountains, while a few birds wheel in the air near mushroom-shaped trees. I never see another living soul. It feels like the end of the world.
And in fact, it is. I’m inside Asheron’s Call 2, an online game that is scheduled to die in two weeks. It never acquired enough players to make it self-sufficient, so the game’s owner — Turbine — is going to do something that only happens rarely in the world of online play: On Dec. 30, it’ll flip the power off on the remaining servers, and an entire world will blink out of existence.
Interesting. And disturbing.
(via Collision Detection)
Back in the saddle again
Finally brought Velvet and P-Siren back online for a lengthy bit — Saturday’s Phalanx Prestige Day (something it might be fun to look at for the Consortia).
Overall? Pretty happy. It’s the first time I’ve done much of anything with VJ post-I5, let alone I6 (and ED), and even with all my resistances down to 3 actual Resist SOs, I was pleased with how resistant to most baddies she was.
Indeed, the only real problem I had was with — hell, I forget his name, big Praetorian running with Freaks. I ended up going toe-to-toe with him whilst the others were cleaning up Freaks, and ended up going down too quickly — and then, insanely, hit the “Go back to Base” button, which meant that the mission finished just as I was back at the Portal … Rrg.
Outside of that, and a bit of creakiness remembering the particulars of Taunting and how to draw folks’ attention and good stuff like that, it all went smooth as silk. Fun times.
Candy Cane Velvet
Take a Christmas cap, reverse her “work suit” black and green, add an extra accent stripe, and voila!
Welcome to Skyway
Except the trolls have cars.
(A shot from my trip to the airport, along the Harbor Freeway.)
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Mutt and Jeff
Al McGordo and Christmas Present. Ran them from Levels 6 to 8 in a couple of hours. They work well together.
On eagle’s wings
So, having a Fly power with various lowbie characters has certainly been —
— fun.
Enough so, that it makes me think that the big “Travel Power at 14” is a mistake. Sure, maybe don’t make it automatic from Level 1 (though it was fun hovering around Breakout), but …
… well, heck, super-heroes fly. They leap. They run really fast. Being forced to jog through the world for over a quarter of your career (level-wise) is, frankly, mundane, not fantastic.
I seriously think the devs ought to think about travel powers at a much lower level, by 10 at the latest, and without prerequisites (at least for the first one).
Meantime, enjoying the flight …
Marvel and NCSoft have settled the lawsuit by the former against the latter. Huzzah. Quoth CuppaJo:
Marvel Entertainment, Inc., NCsoft® Corporation, NC Interactive, Inc. and Cryptic Studios™, Inc. are pleased to announce today that they have amicably settled all claims brought by Marvel and all claims brought by NCsoft, NC Interactive, Inc. and Cryptic Studios, Inc.
The parties’ settlement allows them all to continue to develop and sell exciting and innovative products, but does not reduce the players’ ability to express their creativity in making and playing original and exciting characters.
In other words, no nerfs to the costume designer (or, for that matter, the Claws primary).
Therefore, no changes to City of Heroes® or City of Villains’™ character creation engine are part of the settlement. The parties have agreed that protecting intellectual property rights is critically important and each will continue aggressively to protect such rights in accordance with all applicable laws.
In other words, the devs will still turn your green giant brute “Bruce Purplepants” into “GenericHero470,” and “Wylvoreen” the Claws Scrapper will suffer a similar fate.
While the terms of the settlement were not disclosed, all parties agree that this case was never about monetary issues and that the fans of their respective products and characters are the winners in this settlement.
Regardless of the ludicrousness of the first half of that “agreement,” the second half is certainly true.
Sounds of silence
I’ve not quit CoX or anything like that. But I’m on the road, didn’t do too much of note Monday night, discovered the room broadband was out Tuesday night, and may face the same situation tonight.
I expect the rest of the month is going to be sketchy — we should have 1 or 2 CoH-capable machines with us out in Faerie over the holidays, but the nature of that place is such that I don’t expect to be doing a lot of gameplay. But, I could be wrong. We’ll see …
Raggedy Amy
A new alt for me to solo around with. My first (effectively) Stalker — MA/SR.
My original design for her was inspired by the “DeeDees” on Batman Beyond (who were, themselves, sort of Raggedy Ann-inspired), but a few things got in my way …
… like no simple belt (a perennial bitch for me).
… like no “rosy cheek” makeup.
… like no “go-go girl” hat.
So I eventually looked up some Raggedy Ann pics, and ended up with something different.
She’s fun, she’s crazy, and she’s my last open slot on Champion.l
Christmas Present
Margie’s holiday-themed character (a “seasonal worker”), ready to be unwrapped …
(Champion, Invuln/Ice Tank, Magic of course)
“I’m getting short, man!”
Margie voiced to me last night something that I’ve been slowly mulling over.
We’re getting close. Psi-clone and Amorpha are at 42 and on our way to 50.
Granted, there’s still a huge amount (of content and XP needed) between those levels — but, still, it feels like we’ve swung onto the glide path.
I’m already beginning to think about what will happen with Psi-clone after that. And the Consortium. And what alts I’ll start focusing on instead. (And, it occurs to me, whether I want to try a Kheldian. Well, duh.) And stuff like that.
Of course, the coming holidays is going to frell up our steady march to the sea here, but I definitely see that gleaming Hero of the City badge lurking there on the horizon. To mix my metaphors.
All I’m asking is for a little Respec
Finally got around to respeccing Velvet to I6. We haven’t been playing V/PS in, like, forever — Margie’s still got a serious mad-on regarding FF, and Velvet’s got that crazy Croatoa “don’t let them get through the mystical doorway” mish that we fumbled.
Need to do something about that. I’m feeling a yen. And there’s a bunch of 30-39 action that we missed with PC/A, and nobody else is in position to get to that any time soon.
The Respec went okay, at any rate. I may need to go back and plug some further EndReds into her defenses, and I haven’t actually had a chance to play her, but I’m thinking she’ll be all right.
Option Paralysis
Option Paralysis is a phenominon that occurs when there are too many choices. In theory, you’d think that having a lot of choices would let you make an optimal decision, but in practice that often doesn’t happen because of indecision, because making the “best” choice begins to outweigh making a “satisfactory” choice, etc.
Like, last night. Amorpha and Psi-clone against some Carnies. No sweat. Under control.
Then we ended up in one of my least favorite maps (large room, couch set in one corner, cubes in another corner, glass-walled meeting room and coffee area on the opposite wall, lots of pillers). We started in, standard strategies —
— and things began to go all pear-shaped —
— and things began hitting me. Like hitting me for 90-100 points. Then 100-200 points. Then —
— Carnies running around all over —
— big freakin’ weightlifter in my face and girls throwing stuff —
And option paralysis set in. Any number of things I could have done. Crey freezing pistol would have been good to lock down the strongman. Call in Phred, or Phred’s Army. Bug out. Hit the phase ring. Hit the wedding ring. Pop various shield chicklets (since I was out of greens). Try —
Well, you see the problem. Any number of good things. And while I tried to decide I kept getting hit and trying to heal myself and eventually ended up chewing on carpet that tasted vaguely of stale cotton candy and popcorn.
Margie was extremely apologetic, as though it were her fault for not taking out the entire room. But it was really my fault.
Need to work on some of those stratgies. Maybe having three trays of powers and temp powers isn’t such a good idea …
Deep in the heart of RP
So I’ve done RP stuff on CoH before — usually just staying in character, or maybe applicant interviews, or occasional chit-chat centered around missions. But last night I actually dove/was dragged into a major RP thread.
I think I’ve kept away from a lot of serious RP in CoX because (a) a lot of the RP I see in CoX drips of melodrama and romance novel class writing, (b) I like to feel I’m getting my money’s worth from the game, not from a chat client, and (c) I tend to duo with Margie and, in fact, prefer to game with her, which limits my availability for such things.
There’s also the concern about imposing my plots on others, or vice-versa. I’ve seen that done, badly, too many times in my months on CoX.
That all said, it was fun. Psi-clone got yanked into Midnite Tempest‘s storyline, and it turned into something a lot more elaborate (in terms of how it intersects his own tale) than I’d anticipated. I have no idea the extent to which it will go beyond an hour or two of chat last night (and, to be honest, I’m not sure I want it to go much further (see a-c, above), but if I helped p.MT along with things in her story, I’m happy to have done so.
At the very least, it was kind of keen to be able to use the CoJ base as a backdrop (a couple of rooms worth, in fact).
Gotta jet!
A jet pack? A jet pack?
Yes, that’s what Miss Liberty is gifting everyone with this month (as of last night, in fact). And what Black Scorpion is stealing for all of his cronies, too.
The jet pack should automatically show up when you sign in — but be warned that (a) a bug has been reported that it will vanish again when you sign out (so don’t rush out there right away), and (b) I have no idea how long it will last.
This is, supposedly, on the “beginning” of fun holiday stuff.
Should be handiest for lowbie characters. Not sure that Al will trust such a contraption, though the Elizas will leap at the opportunity.
In response to a request from Puck Bunny, Psi-Clone and Amorpha joined a team with her, Kinetica, Noelle Frost, and Shock.Therapy — with, for a while, Agent Seven and Kessa, too — to take on first Anti-Matter, then Marauder, then various and sundry Carnies.
Not bad. It’s a fun group to play with (even if Noelle was all angsty over the Kid Galahad thang). We had a few deaths (Anti-Matter was the toughest, by far, abetted tactically by some “I’m feeling suicidal” roleplay and a bit of Level 50ness), but ultimately prevailed, and both PC and A. dinged to 42. Huzzah.
Ran off to do some scheduled RP with Midnite Tempest, only to be interrupted by a critical call from work. Alas.
In the cards
Create your own legal City of Heroes CCG card of your own character. Fun.
Map improvements
I notice that the stores in CoV say “Tech Store,” “Mutation Store,” etc., rather than just “Store.”
I also noticed that if there’s a stack of icons on the map, hovering over them causes them to temporarily expand outward (like you had a magnifying glass) so you can see (or target) what’s there; it works both on city maps and on mission maps. It’s a little weird, but a decent solution.
Looking forward to both of these hitting CoH (the former, at least, hadn’t last time I looked).