More PC/A goodness last night, hunting Carnies in PI, clearing Rikti on alternate Earths, and facing down scary-looking-but-pretty-flimsy Praetorian clockwork.
The latter mish was with Puck Bunny, who’s also at 45. PB’s play was erratic as Player-of-PB was being inundated with tells viz The Great Schism. Then, mid-mission, I started getting tells from a fellow leader on the “Champions” global channel, which nearly floored me — haven’t conversed in that channel since, well, it was set up, esp. when Coalition Chat started up.
Anyway, long discussions ensued about what had happened, how things were going, how they could have/should have happened differently, how the future might look, etc. (and in so doing received confirmation of another Lurker here 🙂 ).
(Bottom line, to my mind, is that the principals involved (any or all, but in particular Stateswoman and the FP Leadership) need to make a public statement about the matter — not necessarily an open debate, but a straightforward “Here’s what happened, here’s why, here’s what we intended, here’s what went wrong, here’s where we’d like things to go.” Not defensive, I hope, but straightforward and honest. In absence of that, the only folks talking are either (a) ignorant, or (b) biased, which means that the majority of folks out there who are still rocked back on their heels by all this have only unreliable sources regarding what actually happened and why.)
(Yes, by the bye, I could also make a formal statement viz my own role in this as an SG leader. But I’m not going to put words into others mouths or second-guess motivations without statements to work from — and, honestly, my role here was secondary in key ways. Once the Official Word is given, I’m prepared to chime in as appropriate. If it never is … we’ll see.)
At any rate, after Margie headed to bed, I did a bit more chatting with a couple of leader types, and a player or two, then called it a night (so far as CoH stuff was concerned — I ended up staying up too late getting some other things cleaned up, but that’s a different matter).