Worst … power set … evah

Okay, that’s probably not fair. Make it, “Worst … power set visuals … evah.”

I really hate Earth Control. I mean, yeah, let’s make the entire combat area into a completely visually blocked area! Woot!

This is not a criticism of anyone who’s taken the power — from what it sounds like, it’s pretty spiffy. But it’s always bothered me, and it was even worse tonight when I did an unexpected run with Lynn SKing Mal’s Night Lizard, since, as a Scrapper, I was the one up-close-and-personal with the Bulbs of Rock Gone Mad.

And what’s worse and more vision-blocking than the Earth Control graphics? The Earth Control graphics when you’re up against Devouring Earth. As they scale to the opponents, and make the entire map … well … like a Metastasized Termite Mound.

I mean, I know Lynn was in there somewhere — she was reticling stuff, even if I couldn’t see it. Or her. And as long as she was, I could keep hitting. I just didn’t know what I was hitting, or which direction it was, or if there was a better target next to it, or …

Now, that having been said, running with Mal was, as always (and I hasten to point out) a delight — if for no other reason than he laughs at my bad puns (and, not incidentally, plays quite well). And I would be willing to do so again, even with an Earth Controller (as NL is the same level as Idzuna and Unchained Path, that’s quite likely). Good teaming always trumps bad power sets.

But … damn … really wish the Devs would do something with the graphics on that power set. Because *I’ll* never run one of the critters, even if it’s as powerful as it sounds. Just … too … annoying …

Well, it won’t overpower the game, that’s for sure

One of the Vet rewards I picked up was the choice between the Undead Slaying Axe and the Sands of Mu.

Now, I could already tell you from Lynn (who was lucky enough to get stuck with the SoM while temp powers were “stuck” on) that SoM isn’t a game-breaker. It can’t be buffed (at least not enhanced), so it misses a lot more often than Shadow Maul — and that whiff-whiff-whiff effect can be maddening. That said, I found it a worthwhile addition to the attack chain.

(In fact, when I signed in briefly yesterday with Lynn to run a mission, I went ahead and took it for her — and realized I had an hour and a half left of my actual temp one, which means she now has two instances of SoM. To add to the amusment, her mission was the Nemmy Staff one, so she now has that, too.)

I decided, for character purpose, to go with the Axe for Unchained Path. I was disappointed to discover, after the fact, that I don’t get any Containment bonus with it — but it’s still a decent Lethal attack. Similarly prone to missing.

One place where these extra weapons will be nice is with new characters. On a whim, I built Clark Bronze, a Doc Savage knock-off (he looks pretty good with his ragged martial arts robe a must). Fun to find out that, yeah, SoM is available for Level 1 characters, which instantly adds to the attack chain for them. Nice.

At any rate, they are nice little add-ons, but are completely optional — they don’t turn the game upside down, but they give a little something to the character. Which is exactly what the Vet Rewards are supposed to be about.

And, by the bye, (Wings + Kheldian = Fun Angelic Powers). That’s what Kheldiel says, at least.

Pondering Ice/Kin

So I chose Ice/Kin for Unchained Path after reading a very persuasive guide as to how it was a really keen Controller combo — synergizing to turn the opponents into slow-motion old men while you and your team are whizzy, quick-charging juggernauts.

Main problem I have, as I lay out plans for her in CoH Character Builder, is that there are too many great powers in both Pools that I want to take — not to mention the various Auxiliary Pools (and EPPs) that would be of value>

I’m not going to post my plans here, because that would just be silly until I get a better feel for the character. But my main concern was over the idea of what travel power to take. All the Kinetics guides, of course, tell you that you don’t need a travel power for Kin — Siphon Speed gives you Super Speed abilities and Inertial Reduction gives you Super Jump. If you want something, they all say, go with Super Speed so that you can couple it with Stealth.

But … I like Fly

In the end, what decided me to go with the Travel Powerless approach was Margie noting three things:

  1. IR does give you SJ-like abilities (albeit at level 28).
  2. Safeguard Missions should (if like the CoV counterpart) will provide some temp travel powers, for those awkward moments when Siphon Speed wears off and there’s nothing but +3 Purples around.
  3. I can always Respec if things aren’t working well.

Right. Let’s see how it goes.

New Toons

Been a while since I did an in-game screen cap — but also been a while since we built new characters, as were awaiting I8.

Presenting Idzuna (the white fox oni) and Unchained Path (the pilgrim on the road to entropy). Idzuna’s a Katana/Dark scrapper, UP’s an Ice/Kin controller. Together, they Fight Crime!

And, at least up through Level 6, they Kick Butt, too. Love the Scrapper/Controller combo … though by no means will we be abandoning Hildy/Torchy!

But allow me to say that I8 was worth the wait just to get shared mission credit in Outbreak. Glee!

More Wings!

BD posts a link to a YouTube video of various wing styles — including Angel, Demon, Bat, Insect, Fairy, Burned, Cherub, and Dragon.


There’s a a YouTube video of various wing styles here about the video. Very hush-hush. No words on when (I9?) or in what fashion the added styles will be created (part of the Invention system?). Cool stuff, though.

One thing that the pics in the previous post don’t show is how nice the animation on these things are. It varies depending on one’s motion (still, up, down, landing, forward, back, etc.). Really nice.

(Ah … reference here from Positron: “Wings are actually part of a system that is due in Issue 9, but we decided to “tease” them in Issue 8 by giving out Feather and Demon-style wings as part of the Veteran Reward system.”)


So Margie hopped onto the Training Room this afternoon.


First off, Kazima, with the Angel Wings she should have always had. Fabulous in actual flight and movement. These are just damned spiffy! I so want to see Margie run this character again.


Secondly, another test character, this one with Demon Wings and various pieces of Oriental Armor (another Vet reward, with various sorts and which show up in various odd places in the costume designer). I have some serious thoughts about the bat wings, but they’re not nearly as cool as the angel ones.

Four-four, good buddy

Dinged 44 with both Hildy and Torchy over the weekend, wrapping up a couple of arcs (Indigo’s Malta, Countess Crey) and making substantial progress through Tina’s first Praetorian arc.

Had one odd mish where we rescued a Traditionalist (or some such) named Rikti, who thanked us, then promptly died (having been gravely wounded by a Warhulk exploding next to him). The mission seemed to be confused at that point, suggesting we once again needed to rescue the Rikti, even though he was dead and faded out.

So we got to make good use of the “cancel this mission and give us credit” button. Yay!

For 44, Hildy took another Big Attack. Torchy took Fire Shield (so that now she can make annoying whooshing sounds wherever she goes, just like Hildy).

Statesman Speaks

Interview here with Jack Emmert on MMO design. A couple of interesting article quotes:

What might surprise new entrants of the game development industry is that these failures and successes rely in some part on trial and error. “Research, to be honest— we don’t use it in the commercial industry. I wouldn’t even know where to look for it,” says Emmert. But he does know that “ownership is key. Make players own stuff. That way, they’re not going to own you.”

Another way to improve the chances of creating a successful massively multiplayer titles is to use groups. “Grouping is absolutely vital in an MMP,” Emmert says. “If people are playing online and they meet friends, then they are going to play. I have no other evidence of this other than the exit surveys in City of Heroes. “We want to keep people playing. What are the mechanisms MMPs have used to keep people playing?” Some of these mechanisms, from Emmert’s point of view, are not only grouping, but also
classifying player types, such as fighter, mage, thief, and cleric. The designers then need to find a purpose for those player types, which gives them reason to rely on other player types for other purposes.

“You cannot play Everquest alone,” says Emmert of one example. “You have to find other people online. The [enemies] are so tough that no one person can do it. And in fact, you have to get just the right players” to move forward. And while some may questions the true strength of player grouping in games, enough MMOs have succeeded due to the very nature of their grouping that the trend cannot be ignored.

Lots of other good stuff on grouping, too.

Emmert realized, in developing City of Heroes that there is a deeply rooted fear in most people of, essentially, grouping with strangers. He asks by example do you know your neighbors well enough to have them over to dinner? Do you know and trust your neighbors well enough to let them take care of your children. These rhetorical questions beg yet another question about irrational fears, namely, if the odds are absurdly low that we should be wary of our neighbors, why do many people still not know
or trust them?

“We need to develop mechanisms that circumvent this fear that we have. In City of Heroes, we used a few classic mechanisms,” the primary one being “sidekicks,” Emmert says. Using sidekicks, partners in the game play alongside each other and advance to new levels together, so friends playing together can stay together. Emmert notes how the use of sidekicks helped Cryptic Studios maintain a 90 percent conversion rate when their players’ free trials expired. This design choice, he says, was intentional, and
is one that serious game makers can learn from.

“The other thing we did was create super groups,” says Emmert, “large amounts of people willing to cooperate,” otherwise known as guilds in other MMO games. “Super groups are purely a social mechanism that allow people to have a chat chain and that’s about it.”

But the grouping can’t be forced. And a lot of the individual stuff is even more important.

Emmert highlights other facets of the game that players appreciate, such as costume creation and player creation. He also notes that groups often used their costumes to show group identity rather than individuality, illustrating that some of the best team-building, again, originates from the players themselves.

But not all the game design put in place in City of Heroes and City of Villains worked out for the best. For example, “Players don’t ever want to be in a situation when they’re forced to group,” Emmert says. Another example is a facet created by the game designers, that, according to Emmert, were “probably the best designed game element ever.

“We spent more time developing [bases] than any other feature in City of Heroes or City of Villains,” he says. Although bases are built by a team, Emmert and his team viewed them as being “incredibly, incredibly individual” because each piece of the base is designed and added by individuals.

“What happened was players hated it. It’s the most underused facet of the game. It received almost no coverage in the press. And there’s nothing like it in any other MMP.” Emmert’s hypothesis is that “people don’t like contributing money to a group to express individuality. … At its heart, these MMPs are individual game experiences in front of a computer terminal.”

That led to a bunch of discussion on the boards, prompting States to actually comment on it.

Let’s take a look at costume creation. It’s been embraced beyond belief by players…we have in game costume contests and events organized by you the players…Some say it’s the best part of the game. The single most requested item in CoH is to make the costume creator standalone…

Intestingly, costumes have no gameplay value. They don’t boost damage. They don’t boost resistance. They don’t boost defense. They’re only for show.

Now, let’s take a look at bases. Take away the teleporters, take away anything game related.

As just a resource for expressing something unique, base creation is on par tech wise with costume creation. Admittedly, there’s not quite the same amount of textures, colors, etc., but there’s still a lot of versatility. And the layout possibilities are endless.

But what’s clear from this thread – and from many, many posts – is that bases are “too expensive”. To me, that’s interesting (as it is to the Serious Games crowd). Costume changes come with a minimal cost that no one really complains about, but we complain about the costs of bases. Evidently, the costs exceed the perceived value of creating one’s own HQ (btw, I confess that many other games have the notion of personal property, but aside from Second Life, I don’t think they offer as much customizability as our

Let’s turn to the idea of an architect. We foresaw that some people would feel alienated if they weren’t the architect. That’s why some things (Personal Items) can be “crafted” by individuals and placed in the base. But even if there’s an architect: many super groups have a member who designed a single costume which all then use. In other words, they’re more than willing to accept someone else’s opinion in the group identity for their avatar appearance. Again, the primary difference is cost (I think).

That’s what the point of the talk was. I completely agree with many of the suggestions raised in the Base Construction forum, as well as one’s mentioned here, would improve Bases to some degree or another. Posi and I go through them at length; really, it’s just a question of time & resources. Some things would take astronomically long to do – or perhaps there’s something else even more requested or popular.

Interesting stuff. Honestly, the whole base thing has never been nearly as interesting to me as I suspect the devs intended — if base entry simply changed into a “where do you want to teleport to?” I would have very few regrets.

But costumes? Yeah, they rock.

Halloween costumes

Fun times. We got started with the Hostess Heroes a bit late — Margie and I did Trick-or-Treating. Doyce got on first, and we figured we’d do the Respec Trial — until we discovered it took 4. Then we got someone to start it with us … and did fine, until the mission that was full of +3 to +5s.

Sooooo … instead we played a bit with Divinity Chu, whonking on Council. Then Cheesy Poof joined, and we did a bit more.

Costume-wise, Margie had come up with something fun and hi-tech (with a Halloween black cat on her shoulder). Doyce had Bear Claws in a great Manticore outfit. Cheesy Poof did up Back Alley Brawler. Divinity was … Divinity. 🙂 And Ho Ho? She had the Infernal look (once I discovered what my (cough) costume problem was).

Mammarian Physics

While there’s room to criticize CoX for the default over-endowedness of its female characters, there’s nothing like this. Which is all the more amusing when you realize it was inspired by this — which is really pretty disturbing … (and quite probably

(Actually, while the, um, bounce factor in the video is, ah, impressively rendered — jeez, maybe they should spend a few dollars working on the cropping on the hair? I mean, especially when it vanishes into/out of those other prominent features to which attention is being directed? Yeesh.)

Play time, old and new

Post-retreat, we eschewed any work around the house and instead hopped onto CoH. Spent a couple of hours with Torchy and Hildy, and T’Lauro came on as well, which made things entertaining as always.

After T’Lauro left, we started playing around with another set of prototype alts that we’re considering for duoing. I rolled up another Ice/Kin controller, and determined again that it’s a combo I want to play. Margie’s trying out different scrapper types (the scrapper/controller combo seeming to be a key piece of fun for us). She may re-roll Kazima (BS/Invuln), or do another BS toon. I’m rooting for Kazima because she’s a fun character, but I also want Margie to get to a chance to play
something other than a BS, which is what Kazima and Blue Point both are. Katana, maybe?

Did talk her into rolling up a Claws/Inv scrapper, and we ran around a bit. That combo seemed to work well, too.

No plan on abandoning H/T, just looking for a bit of variety. Not sure if we’ll do anything with them until after I8 comes live.

Tank Busters

So this particular thread caught my eye on the LJ COH site, claiming that it was confirmed that Tanks no longer had inherent taunt/Gauntlet/punchvoke powers against AVs and GMs, nor did taunt auras (e.g., Invincibility) seem to have any effect..


So that points to this board thread, which has a number of people making that claim, backed up by someone claiming that an anonymous dev told him that “Gauntlet power effects (including taunt auras) have no effect on ArchVillains, Giant Monsters, Mitos, and Hamidon. This is by design.” Supposedly (based on this secret source) this went in at I7 because the Devs didn’t
like how tanks could lock down AVs/GMs with their Gauntlet stuff, and so they should have to use Taunt on AVs.

This “revelation” was then followed by wailing and gnashing of teeth and “DOOOOOOOM” and “NERF!” and “They want to turn all Tanks into Taunt-bots!” To which the only red name, Castle, says, “No comments on the gauntlet issue at the moment — but I am reading the threads and taking notes.”

And that, in turn, not being a flat denial, is turned around to be proof that it’s all true.

I have no idea, to be honest, though I do have a passing interesting in the issue (currently duoing with a tank as I am, and running into scenarios that may end up with AVs in them if we forget to ratchet down). My inclination is to wait and see what sort of follow-up the Devs have, though, rather than going for the sackcloth and ashes routine like so many of the board folk seem wont to do. That said, if true, I’d have like to have seen it in the patch notes — but I’m also “old school” re
tanks and think they should have Taunt.

So there.

The answer to Life, the Universe, and What Level We’re At

Double-dinged 42 with Torchy and Hildy last night. Nothing terribly exciting involved — some nice Rikti farming, a bit of Malta clean-up, etc. The latter got a bit frantic for us at times — we don’t yet have an SOP quite figured out — but nothing unmanageable. Not even noteworthy except for the levelling — most of which went into Accs and Holds for both of our hold powers.

Actually … played!

Got on again two or three times over the weekend for some quick Torchy/Hildy action. Managed, last evening, to die three times. Rrg.

Part of that’s rustiness, but part of it is simply the T/H dynamic. Psi-clone and Amorpha were an awesome team, but part of their strength in their Controller/Scrapper dynamic, was their flexibility. Both could solo. Both could duke it out with the bad guys — A. definitely better, but PC, too, for a while, especially with a bit of prep and with the pets out.

Torchy/Hildy, not so much. A lot of what we do depends on Hildy maintaining control over the mobs, so that Torchy can blast ’em but good. If Hildy’s bite me aura drops, or she drops altogether (even with her Phoenix rez), Torchy is very, very, very squishy. She has a few mitigations there, and the Epic Powers will help, too, but at the moment, she is not a melee type of girl.

So we’re at 40, and what sorts of folks are we running across but Knives of Artemis (meaning Torchy is as likely to be spotted and targeted as Hildy, and Hildy’s mobility to run up and grab aggro is compromised) and Malta (meaning Sappers can take down Hildy’s bite-me, or very bad people with very big guns can decide to shoot Torchy, or those damned web grenades can ground her).

Hence, three deaths in two hours.

Some revised tactics are in order.

Veteran Rewards and … WINGS!!!!

Okay, after the ennui post, the Veteran Rewards thing is kinda ironic, but … officiall announcement here.

Specifically, for each increment of three months with an active account*, players will unlock valuable in-game “items” which will come in the form of costumes, powers, badges, and more! The program is retroactive by player account and rewards will be applicable to all characters within each respective account.

Rewards have been determined for the first three years of play and will continue to expand indefinitely. Stay tuned for updates as we reveal the full list of rewards!

And one of them is … wings. Very cool. Both demonic (batty) and angelic (feathered). Wings video available, too, though it’s … kinda short. And … the feathers shed? Cool … (Almost as cool as another flying animation — arms forward, “Superman Style.”)

The Big Four-Oh

Dinged Hildegard, then Torchielle, to 40.

It’s only an enhancement level, of course (and not very exciting enhancements at this point — around 40, you start running out of things to drop enhancements into, as most of the exciting powers are already taken and fully 3- or 6-slotted, and the EPPs don’t start until 41).

Biut, still … as Doyce put it in passing. “That’s just wrong — Torchielle should still be running around Steel Canyon.” Yeah, it feels that way sometimes. 🙂

On a related note, I was … irked to discover that I was out of respecs on her. I used the I7 freespec already (to drop Super-Jump for Fly), so I’m stuck with Rain of Fire instead of Grant Invis. until another freespec comes along, or until we do an actual Respec mission (which might be a bit rough to do).

And, yes, it was fun to announce it on the Alliance OOC and have people cheer. No man is an island.

Anyway … forty! W007! Time to start hitting on Malta!