Server Transfer and Character Renaming – woot!

Discussion on the boards about … Holy Mother of Pearl … could it be?  Yes!

Server Transfer and Renaming features being tested.

It’s … about … time.

Quoth Lighthouse:

Starting on Tuesday, July 17th, the Training Room Test Server will have two new game features enabled for testing: Character Transfer and Character Rename.
Character Transfer will allow customers to move characters from one server to another.
Character Rename will allow customers to rename a selected character.

Both of these features are not part of Issue 10: Invasion. Although we are beginning to test them now, we anticipate that they will not be enabled on the live service until after the launch of Issue 10.

We estimate that both features, Character Transfer and Character Rename, will carry a transaction fee of $9.99 each per use (there will be no fee for transfers to or renames on the Training Room). Should a Character Transfer have a name conflict on the destination server, a free Character Rename will be made available to resolve the conflict and rename the moving character.

So, at $10, not something people will do casually.  But it would be very nice to be able to do it — and, honestly, to the extent that I do any teaming, I would be willing to shift most characters someplace else for some sort of group TF/SF activity.

We feel the price of these features is enough to prevent potential abuse, but also reasonable enough to not be prohibitive for those who want to improve their gaming experience by moving servers or changing a character name.

I’m sure people have detailed it somewhere on the boards, but lacking the motivation to ferret it out … what sort of “potential abuse” is there in server transfer?  (Or, really, in renaming?)

Will “GenericHero003497” be able to rename him/herself, I wonder?

Interesting bit here:

IMPORTANT! Customers who are interested in taking advantage of the Character Transfer service should know that it is possible in the future that we may make changes to the game that would remove the need to Transfer servers. One example of such a change would be a “server-less” game configuration where all players can group with anyone, without the restriction of which server they play on. We are not committing to this “server-less” configuration, and in fact there are no plans to implement a “server-less” environment this calendar year, but because we are charging a fee for these services, it is important that our players understand that the possibility exists. We want to be very clear in this regard so that those who do decide to make use of a Server Transfer, when it becomes available, understand that they may not need it in the future.

I have no idea how something like this would work (various DC “Crisis” comics would indicate the answer is “badly”), but … well, good on them for giving a warning.

Some official ramificaitions:

All purchases are final and non-refundable.

Any disputed credit card charge can lead to a permanent account closure. Please ensure that the card on file that you are using is the correct one you wish to make the charge to!

Keep in mind that after the character is moved, your Friend’s list of players on that server will no longer be valid and you will be removed from any Supergroup that character was included in.

Taskforces or Strikeforces in progress will be abandonded.

Kiosk stats will be preserved, but rating positions will likely change.

We cannot guarantee that your character’s name will be available on the destination server you move to.  Should there be a name conflict, your character will be issued a free character rename to change the name.

Some other Red Name (mostly Lighthouse) observations on this:

  • It could be, in the future, be a Vet Reward.
  • It’s cheaper than other MMORPGs … though I still don’t understand the pricing.
  • Is it time for another inactive name purge?  Maybe.
  • No copies, just transfers.  Hmmmm.  Not sure why not, though.
  • Once you move, your name is freed up on your old server.  Some interesting RP possibilities there (“I want to keep Lvl 50 Psi-clone, but start off a new Lvl 1 Psi-clone, too.”)
  • Friends lists won’t be updated (in the case of renames) until you zone or log.
  • Worried that “Psi-clone” is already taken on Virtue, and you’re afraid if you move him you’ll have to rename him to something else?  Try creating a character there by that name first and see if the name is taken.

I have no idea how much advantage I’m liable to take of this feature at the moment.  $10 is enough to make it not something I’d do casually, but if I really wanted to move some folks onto Champs, I have some other character (which I don’t want to delete) that I could move elsewhere (which would cost me $20, which is steep, but not utterly, completely out of the question).

Anyhow … it’s definitely something that’s been asked for, and I’m glad it’s here.

Double XP Weekend – after action report

Well, alas, never did hook up with anyone else for the event, but Margie and I had fun on Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon/evening plowing our Mastermind duo, Gifted Kid and Special Educator, from 23 to most of the way through 27.  Which netted Gifted Kid both an additional Protector Bot (dubbed Dr McCoy to go with the extant Dr Franklin) and the (woo-hoo) Assault Bot (dubbed Ah-nold) (for the record, the Battle Bots are dubbed Huey, Dewey, and Louie — after, of course, the drones in Silent Running — Gifted Kid is, if nothing else, a geek).

Only died once during the weekend (and debt went away pretty quickly).

Did briefly exchange tells with Ktbuffy, but between a final bank-robbery-a-palooza and a very yummy steak dinner with Margie, never did get with her.


Cool Q&A with Jay Doherty, lead costume designer for CoX.  Here’s an interesting one:

Community Qestion (Belga): Can we be given access to the NPC costume pieces? Many players would love to use the Carnival of Shadows pieces, for example, and I’d really like to have access to the Mu Mystics costumes.

Jay Doherty: When NPCs where first made there was no intention to give players those costume pieces, mostly because they would not work with other costume pieces (ex: clipping, overlapping) When the PPD exobot guys were first put into the game, players really wanted those pieces for themselves. Unfortunately all those pieces where made to work with each other not as separate pieces, and they look really silly if you don’t have all the pieces on. So to address this we have come up with a few solutions. First, while not completely copying the carnival of shadows I have built a completely new costume set with the flavour of the carnival. Second, there will be a new NPC group that was built with the player in mind, all costume pieces from this NPC group will be something players will be able to wear. Now depending on how the players respond to this is how we’ll handle more things in the future. Please don’t think that every NPC costume group from this point on will be given to the players, but I will put forth the effort to do as many as possible.

Rumor has it that some of this shows up in I10.

Other topics include scabbards and quivers (not soon), new body types (nope, would have to port over all the costumes), long skirts (nope, too much clipping), I10 stuff (4 new costume sets done so far, 3 of them player-requested), and what he’d most like to put in (A chef costume set, an evil clown costume set, 1930’s robot costume set).


Alt-itis flare-up

Been doing a lot with sub-10 characters of late, playing with power sets I’ve never used (or not used for a long time).

Managed to create what looked like a completely naked girl (except for her cowboy hat) by going with white outfits and white skin.  Yeah, that shouldn’t work (and, of course, it was missing little anatomical details, like toes, that would have made her look “real”).  I decided not to do anything with her, since I really didn’t feel like (a) attracting the attention that I would have, and (b) getting a petition slammed on my head.

I did end up pulling out a Lvl 2 character I created probably my first week in CoH and never went back to — a stone golem (Stone/Stone Tank) with an Egyptian head-dress named Mr. Thebes (“They call me MISTER Thebes!”).  Margie and I had fun PUGging around, but I don’t see doing much with him in the future — Stone Armor, like Dark Armor, seems to be a huge management bother (“Hmmm, Left-Handed Mutants with Red Electrical Attacks — I’d better pull out my Slate/Amethyst Armor, Jeeves”).  Visually, though, a lot of fun.

A SciFi Original Character …

Well, not really.  I mean, sure, he’s a wizard, and he throws fireballs, and has a big, magical, knock-you-back-through-the-air punch attack,  And he dresses in a long black leather coat and hat, and black jeans and a t-shirt.  But his name’s Hal, not HarryThe Wizard Hal, who I ran up to 7 in the Sewers last night (and had a jolly time of it, too).

Hmmm … should’ve snapped a picture of him.

All your desired costume parts are belong to us

Costume items, to date, have been to date of six sorts:

  1. Stuff that’s there in the costume builder from the get-go.
  2. Stuff that requires a specific, mission (e.g., the cape mission) to unlock.  (Arguably, this applies to recostumiing missions for Icon et al.) 
  3. As #2, but event-related (Winter and Valentires costume pieces).
  4. Feature items with box sets (e.g., helmets via buying the CoV box set).
  5. Vet Rewards.

One of CoX’s greatest strengths has been its character creator and costuming.  It’s constantly under expansion, and many folks are drawn to the game just for it.  Requests for a stand-alone costumer are regularly received by the devs, and a lot of people roll up alts just to try out a new visual concept.

Note that most of the above items are available to anyone in the game, at least after a certain period of play. Options 3-4 aren’t, but the number of pieces involved, and their “hotness,” is pretty liimited.  Having the toga is nice if you want a togaed character, but I haven’t heard too much wailing over that.

I9 introduces a new class of costume item:

6.  Costume inventions.

Now, we’ll leave alone the idea of “inventions” for developing costume pieces.  (“You mean I can get all this spiffy power armor stuff just for free, but if I want fairy wings vs bat wings I need to ‘invent’ something?”)  The changed dynamic here is that in order to get the stuff, you need …

a.  To find an invention recipe.
b.  To buy an invention recipe.
c.  To find or buy the underlying ingredients for the recipe.

Simply playing the game isn’t enough.  Especially when these costume pieces — and I’m talking wing types here — are considered premium bits, by design.  Quoth Positron:

I looked at the dataminer today at the costume drop rate and it IS lower than we anticipated.

We are looking into making some changes, but do not expect anything radical or quick.

We DO want costume recipes to be “commodities” that players actively seek and pay top inf. for, but we do not want them to be so rare that players can’t get them, ever, in the course of their play.

If you don’t have “top influence” or aren’t a high enough level to get it, you are SOL.  If you don’t want to be a day-trader at Wentworths (“Where CoX meets eBay with 1985-style computer interfaces!”), you are SOL.  If you want to play a fairy character or a draconic character or a winged robot or whatever, and you’re not a “playah,” you’re SOL.

That just strikes me as a horrible strategic decision on the devs’ part.  If costuming is such a big part of the game, then leveraging that to taunt folks into the invention system is manipulative at best, and for those who don’t want to dive into its clutches, a shut-out at worst.  It’s like going to Disneyland, getting your entrance pass, but being told that some rides can only be ridden if you pay a lot extra, or find a random FastPass ticket for them.  It stops being about fun and starts being about commerce.

Bad idea.

Weekend play

Despite my steady whining about Invention stuff, we did play a fair amount over the weekend, both solo and teamed. 

On the solo side, Fr. Frank (Emp/Sonic Def) got up to 14-15 (travel power! huzzah!) and got invited onto an SG.  Some stray low-level toons — Miss Crackle (Elec/Energy Blaster) and Old Saucy Jack (BS/Regen Scrapper) — sewered their way up to 6.  Woe Nellie is getting there, and now that I’ve gotten him through Outbreak, The Wizard Hal (Fire/Energy Blaster) needs some play time.

As a team, Margie and I got Hildy and Torchy both up to 49 — most of the time being Teh Uber against everything we encountered, until the PI Police Mission sent us headlong into a passel of Dark Ring Mistresses who fed us our lunch.  Yikes.  We also ran Idzune and Unchained Path — I’m not happy with the latter, as I’m sure I’m plenty effective but in a very subtle (slow, debuff, slow some more, hold, slow even further) fashion that doesn’t leave me with a feeling of having rock-em-sock-emed the baddies.

We tried another experimental duo, Winter’s Darts and Winterbound, two fay from the Winter Court here for [backstory pending].  WD’s an Archery/Ice Blaster; Winterbound’s an Ice/something Controller.

Y’know, Archery looks good on paper, and the characters look simply faboo, but the play-feel is just way too wimply. “Twonk” “Twonk” “Twonk” … the damage may be fine, but the sound and visuals are feeble.

Problem is, even though archers are a staple character in comics, they are noteworthy either for clever trick arrows (sorry, that’s the secondary) or for trick shooting — knocking the gun out the guy’s hand (or pinning the guy’s hand to the wall), etc.  A simple “twonk” and an arrow sticking through a guy is kind of lame.  It would be like creating “box cutter” as a Scrapper set — sure, you could make all the big numbers roll up you want, but a tiny little “snickt-snickt” is not going to be an award-winning play experience.  That’s the problems with Archery (and, actually, with Sonic).

Live and learn.

The Winters were the first lowbies Margie had run through the Sewer — she’s a “blast through all the low-level missions” type of gal.  She’s curious as to which approach actually levels faster.  Sewers provide somewhat uninterrupted melee experience — but there’s the delay for the team to form, the comparative of fragility of some teams, and the lack of mission credit.  Missoins give mission credit, but require running all over Atlas/Galaxy and back.

For soloists, I think the Sewers may still be a bit better, but it’s also a matter of play style and interest.  If you have a duo, doing Missions whilst taking out groups along the way combines the best of both worlds.



New respec a-coming with the 3rd Anniversary of CoH.

We wanted to let players know that, as part of our celebration of the 3rd year anniversary of City of Heroes, we will be applying a free respec to all characters. So, if you have been wanting to change your powers around a little bit, switch up your power slotting or make other changes, this will be a good time to do it!

[…] The actual timing of when the respec is applied is likely to be shortly after the actual Anniversary on April 28th. We will post here with specific dates when they are available.

To be honest, I’ve been at it long enough that I have so many Vet Award respecs that … well … not terribly meaningful.

But it beats the heck out of not having a respec when desired.


We continue to plug away with The Gifted Kid and Special Educator. Dinged to 20 last night — which was not nearly the grand hoohah that it is with every other character because, damn, really not having stamina problems.

SE is hitting the endurance the most, with her various Darkish activities. But she’s been doing fine on blues. Before she started taking Leadership, though, she decided to finish up getting to Stamina, which she’ll grab at 22.

TGK, on the other hand, is wildly non-Endurance-sucking — aside from when I summon my Crewe, of course. Aside from the occasional Force Bolt, and (as of 18) Assault, not much going on with the Endurance for him. Bubbling is intermittent, and I spend most of my time directing the ‘bots as to their next attack.

That might change Real Soon Now — just picked up at 20 Dispersion Bubble, so that’s a second sucking toggle. I’m on track to take Health at 22 and Stamina at 24, which will be perfect timing for the Assault Bot at 26. And if I find myself seriously sucking wind between now and then, I can use one of my Vet respecs and swap out the thus-far-unused Recall Friend for Health and get Stamina next power level.

Playwise, things continue to roll right along with them. We’ve yet to encounter anything we can’t handle — we’re bumped up one to Malicious, so the mobs are numerous but never over orange. We might try another tick, just to see how badly it hurts. We can be overwhelmed by numbers — it’s happened with some ill-timed patrols — but concentrated fire tends to make short work of pretty much anyone, and Margie is quite talented with all the debuffy bits.


Masterminds!My own experience with Masterminds has been fairly limited but not all that great — Mr. Thorne was more of a concept character, and I ended up really disliking both Mercs and (again) Dark — but Margie has done quite a bit of soloing with them, so we decided to give it a whirl with a duo.

Great fun.

I played The Gifted Kid (Robots/FF), the young evil genius who got bullied a lot until, well, he killed them all, bwah-ha-ha. Margie did Special Educator (Thugs/Dark), whose goal is to teach her boys some very special lessons …

Together, they commit crime!

Managed to get both of them up to over 14 over the course of the weekend. Neither of us died once, I don’t believe (though I have never gone into so many missions that had mobs posted on the door), and, in fact, we didn’t really have too many troubles with anyone (which makes me think we need to bump up the difficulty).

For me, I enjoyed Force Fields because, well, at this level most of what I do is stand around, manage the targeting and position of the ‘bots, and spam off Force Bolts to keep the boss on his butt. Only rarely do I get targeted, which is hard to object to, and the boys throw out plenty of firepower (when focused) to keep things moving along nicely.

Good times.

Though let me say — Lab Coat has got to be the clippiest piece of clothing out there. Hands, butt, even chest symbol clip through it. Yeesh.

Powers and ATs I have problems with

Allow me to say that the Flame and Cold Melee powers (whether as Brute or Tank) are unutterably goofy to behold almost entirely because of the crazy-ass swords. “Flame Sword!” “Ice Sword!” Looks and feels like bad 70s cartoons.

They may be faboo power sets, but I’ve never been able to bring myself to take them.

And on a related note, one of the other duos Margie and I were looking at was Mastermind/Mastermind, which sounds really fun — except that I really dislike all of the MM Secondaries. Granted, the non-minion Primaries are often kind of cool, but …

I am (or will be) Devoted

According to my account page, I get my 24 month Vet Reward today — two years of playing this thing, complete with ups, downs, triumphs, tragedy, and (best to me) spending time with my wife doing something geeky.

More items for Bases are available at this level. Now players get a selection of the City of Heroes comic-book covers that they can add to their base as small and large posters. Players can select this reward an unlimited number of times.

A new power is also granted at this reward level: The Emergency Base Teleporter. Now players can access their Supergroup’s base from anywhere in the world. This power has a long, interruptible cast time so players won’t be pulling it off in combat, but makes up for this by granting extremely convenient access to the base.

Level 15 characters will also have a whole new set of titles that they can add to their character name. Simply visit any Trainer and check out the new titles that are available.

The base teleporter is probably the keenest item. (Though it makes me wonder — if you leave the base by the “front door,” where does it put you?) Margie, at any rate, indicated her insane jealousy (she hits 24 late next month — I got her first involved in the game with a Valentines Day free account).

Anyway, thanks to Doyce for getting me hooked on this thing (no, really, thanks). It’s been a long, fun road, and I’m still enjoying the drive.

Double XP Weekend


Having had such success with a Scrapper/Scrapper duo, we try out a Blaster/Blaster duo. Get them up to about level 8 and decide, no, that’s really not all that much fun.


Sign on with Hildy and Torchy and basically spend the afternoon bumping them up from 46 to 47. Woot! Also spend the afternoon fending off “Do you want to mid? Will get you to 50 real fast? Mid? Pweeeze?” requests, usually about one ever 5-10 minutes. Yeesh.

Oh, also fend off the Kronos Titan, as we continued with the Crimson arc. Yikes. Gathered together a quick ad hoc team, and broadcast to get another team, and eventually took that puppy down. In the meantime, Torchy died twice, Hildy once. Ah, well.

In the evening, we tried another duo experiment — All Brute/Brute Action! — but it didn’t quite gel. Haven’t given up, but …


This is supposed to be my 2nd Anniversary, according to the NCSoft page — doe the magical “Oooh, Veteran Rewards” stuff take place the next day? Hrm.

Anyway, we focused in the afternoon and evening on Torchy and Hildy again. We finished up Margie’s older Nemmie arc, and finished up the Crimson arc, too (including the final Kronos Titan war walls grind). Big money, big prizes. Started doing Portal Corp. mishes, and ended up dinging to 48, which made a nice way to end up the weekend.

Overall, pretty successful, I think. Tried a few things, went back to a successful team, played a fair amount but not obsessively. Had fun. Hard to beat that.

A few photo shots:


2007-01-27_kronos1aboveOnce the Kronos Titan was loose (and after Torchy had already died once), Hildy tried to guide it out toward the zone entrance gate (and the police bots), while Torchy flew hiiiiiiigh overhead. Ultimately, it wouldn’t budge far enough, requiring calling in a team.


2007-01-28_torchy-wingsAfterwards, Torchy, having gotten a new security level, and tired of dying, contacted her dad (the dragon) for some dragon mojo that might help avert the condition. He gave her some (Rise of the Phoenix), but it had … irritating results.


Cammie Kandachi, the Lightning Kami, and Ana Kojiki, the Sunlight Kami (a/k/a Electrical Melee Brute and Energy Melee Brute). Kami just wanna have fun.


2007-01-28_kronos2Clash against the Kronos Titan (again, in-mish). Torchy is sniping. Hildy is … um … underfoot. Literally.

Return to Paragon City

For various reasons, during our stint in Faerie I touched not a drop of CoX. Read about it, thought about it, blogged about it, but didn’t play.

Last night, Margie and I got on, and had some nice, if brief, fun in Faultline. We saved Mr. Yin (a fun story line), which actually opens up his store to us. Glee! And aside from being visually fun, he sells SOs. In Faultline. Starting at level 13 (and continuing at other odd 5-level increments and in limited flavors). It’s very strange, and yet another bit of I8ish goodness.

Also got to play a little with a Christmas gift I got Margie and myself — the GvE pieces, in particular the Jump Jet. (haven’t yet had a chance to play with the Pocket D teleporter — we had actually parked over at the Chalet, so we reappeared inside of Pocket D. Well, not quite — Idzuna reappeared outside Pocket D for a few moments, before he game changed its mind and put her inside.) The jump jet definitely helps a Super Speed character, though it’s got this weird 30 second timer on it.
Still, it looks nice and will come in handy.

I have determined that Unchained Path needs to take Leadership, in particular for the Tactics (+10% Acc baseline). That would free up many slots that … well, that I should be able to use elsewhere. Or maybe not, given ED slot richness. I just hate double-slotting Acc on everything (or more, given that all my powers really require hitting things to be of use). Biggest problem is that there are very few powers in my Primary or Secondary that I really don’t want
to have, which makes fitting a couple more powers in there problematic.

And so it goes. Happy New Year!


The official Dev stance on Stamina — “No, it’s not necessary for anyone.”

Um … right.

Stamina is a problem power. The game is NOT balanced around a character having Stamina. It is also balanced around characters playing on Heroic. Chances are good that any character of any AT with mediocre or better slotting can solo and team successfully on Heroic without *needing* Stamina.

That doesn’t mean they don’t want Stamina. Endurance is, essentially, a fixed value. You have 100 End (for most characters) and each power uses some of that each time it is activated or cycled. If you add up all your toggles costs and can figure out the endurance cost of your ‘attack chain’ you can figure out exactly what your burn rate is.

Recovery offsets the ‘burn rate’ and, when combined with the size of the Endurance Pool and Burn Rate values, you can determine exactly how long you can stand and fight. Being able to Stand and fight longer is desirable — not only can you advance faster, but you can potentially take on tougher targets as well.

Stamina is the only Power available to all characters which increases the duration a character can battle (endurance-wise.) It’s easy to see why it is such a popular power. It is *not* required though, in the same way that a travel power is not required. The game is definitely easier with it than without, but you can play perfectly well from levels 1 to 50 with or without it. People have done so.

People have also gone over Niagara Falls in a barrel. That doesn’t make it pleasant, or even possible, for everyone to do so “perfectly well.”

Actually, that’s not quite true. If you rest between every encounter and horde blue Inspirations and slot the bejebus out of your powers with EndRed and avoid AVs (on Heroic), yes, you can probably get by okay without Stamina, regardless of your AT and powerset. It just won’t be easy, or pleasant, or effective, and folks are unlikely to invite you back onto teams. So, yes, in that “same way” it’s like travel powers — not required, but damned inconvenient to be without them or a substitute.

Frankly, the Endurance thing needs to be reexamined, if the Devs want to really assert that folks don’t need to have Stamina in their build. Ninety-five percent of the toons I know spend their 12-20 levels mostly getting their travel powers and Stamina. Arguing that neither is “necessary” seems goofy.

Character Quiz

A character quiz, via BD:

  1. Pick one of my characters, any one.
  2. I will tell you the origin of his/her/it’s name.
  3. I will tell you five random facts surrounding his/her/its creation.
  4. I will give you one random fact of his/her/its backstory.
  5. I will give you one random fact of his/her/its forestory.
  6. You may ask me up to ten questions about the character (but if a question is too spoiler-y I’ll respond with gibberish or a dirty limerick or something)
  7. If you place this in your journal/blog, I will return the favor.

An interesting idea. Any takers?


Went ahead and respecced Unchained Path last night — dropped Leadership from her later powers and rejigged her to have Hasten and Super Speed.

Oh my God. Wheeeeee!

Got a bit of a feel for it with Siphon Speed previously, but, damn, SS is fun. Hell, even when we had to the north end of Boomtown it was a blast. All I can think of, when I’m zipping down the streets, was the Flash TV music.

Too much fun. I’ve always enjoyed using Fly at ground level, but this is at least as good.

Of course, when it came to Perez Park, I let Idzuna TP me over. I’m not stupid.

Much happier now.

“I’m too young to repsec!”

Rrg. Just going through 12-13, I could tell that going the No Real Travel Powers for /Kin Controller route with Unchained Path was going to drive me batty. The Superspeed route is going to be tough enough — faux Superspeed coupled with having to find someone to Siphon Speed from every 60 seconds? Bah.

“But, honey, I just got Recall Friend with Idzuna — I can bring you to the mission.”

Yes, because I want to annoy you, too, while twiddling my thumbs. You can bring me to the mission. The gates. The stores. You can wipe my chin, too. Bah.

“Well, you get Inertial Reduction soon, don’t you? That’s supposed to be like Super Jump.”

Yes, at level 28. Shoot me now.

I know that some folks have done this, very proud of managing it and saving two power slots. And heaven knows that Ice/Kin needs all the slots it can get. But … no. Not for me.

Good thing I have all these respecs lying around …

“Like Fontaine and Lunt”

So this morning, all the West Cost servers were down. Or, rather, the connections between the login servers and them were down. So … no Champion … no Virtue …

Screwed around a little while with Molly Magpie (a test Grav/FF controller), then when Margie came down she decided we’d follow up with a pet idea of hers — Duo Scrappers.

Enter Rita the Cat and Runt the Dog. Rita and Runt are escaped mutates from Crey (those wacky Crey scientists are good for blaming everything on), making their way in a world they’ve never seen. Both Scrappers, both /Regen (“No Waiting!”). Rita is Claws and Runt is Dark. Together, They Fight Crime!

Well, that was just too much fun. Over the course of the day (minus a quick Safeguard mish with Mal and Co. playing Cetus and Lunulata), we plowed through pretty much everything. For the first time … ever, I think, we duoed through the Hollows, tearing up the missions, up to and including Frostfire (we won, natch), ending in time for dinner
at SL 9.

(FF was particularly exciting since the ice was invisible.)

What a hoot. Sort of like being brutes — you just launch into the orange mobs and love it. (Katherine amused herself, meanwhile, with a new Pink Winged Demon on Test, playing at Father Time’s chalet. Didn’t realize you could log an account into both Test and Live at the same time …).

An unproductive weekend, objectively, but a lot of fun, and very relaxing.