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With Malice Toward None

A remarkable speech by a remarkable president. (Full text

The concluding passage from Lincoln’s second inaugural address, a little over a month before he was assassinated:

With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.

Rights and the Brain

RT @OutandEqual: Today, and every day, Out & Equal honors the queer and ally women who have, and are, blazing new trails. Watch @ananavarro…

The Courageous President

For such a powerful, awe-inspiring, wealthy, successful guy, Donald Trump sure whines a lot.

Welcome to Crazy Town

STILL not normal. And not in a good way.

Links to a given word or phrase are coming to Chrome

Okay, this is pretty cool. It’s not “standard” HTML, so I waggle my finger at Google … but it’s useful enough that it’s not a serious wiggle.

A feature coming to Chrome will allow you to create an URL that is effectively a search string within the web page otherwise defined. Rather than say, “Hey, check out this web page of quotations … oh, the third one under Franklin Pierce is a hoot,” you can now just say, “Hey, check out this cool thing on this web page,” and the link will take you straight to that spot, even if there’s no internal anchor to it.

That’s incredibly useful.

Now, it’s not foolproof. The link will find the first reference of the text identified — which could possibly not be the text that the user thought they were linking to. If the text changes, the link will (I believe) only go to the web page. And it’s possible that the surrounding text might change after the link was created, making the link go someplace that isn’t what was originally intended.

On the other hand, for relatively static information, it’s pretty keen.

When H.P. Lovecraft Joined the Beatles

[h/t Daniel Swenson]

The Diplomatic President

Just in case anyone is still wondering: this is STILL not normal. This is the US President, in Vietnam on a delicate diplomatic mission that could mean life or death for millions … and he’s taking time out for petty public snipes at a political opponent.

The Minimum Wage is not a “gift”

Yes, Ivanka — AND people want to get a livable wage for what they work. The transaction goes both ways, remarkably enough. What makes you think someone working a minimum wage job isn’t working enough to warrant that amount, or more?

Drums! Drums on the Campus!

One of the fun bits of visiting +James Hill at school last weekend was seeing him perform with his taiko drum group.

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This is a plaster statue in a humanities classroom at +James Hill's college. There's no marking on the base anywhere to identify who it is (or purports to be), and my Google-fu has failed me. Anyone out there with an historical bent have any bright ideas?

Curly hair, no beard — makes me think Roman. But that shield just isn't right.

2 new photos by Dave Hill

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Bad Science Climate

If at first you fail to quash the science… create some counter-science.

Another “Girl Genius” Collection! Woot!

I just backed Queens and Pirates: a Girl Genius Graphic Novel on @Kickstarter


I'm not a huge fan of haute couture, especially having grown up on a diet of I Love Lucy reruns (their visit to Paris and commentary on the fashion industry has stuck with me). But the Dior exhibit that's currently at the Denver Art Museum was nonetheless interesting — intersecting history, art, and the conflicting drives between form and function.

I still have little patience for fashion design that doesn't let the wearer ride in a car or sit down at a party — the sort of thing that makes Princess Amidala in her full regalia look under-dressed. But I do have an appreciation for class and elegance that's also functional. And there was plenty of that to see.

Dior exhibit at the DAM, through 17 March:


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Back in the deep dark history of Stuff I Grew Up With …

Van De Kamp restaurants were pretty generic coffee shop types of places. I remember going to them (with my mom) for coffees, lunches with friends, etc., when I was a tot.

What set them off from anywhere else was that they were designed as giant windmills. Because, you know, Dutch name, windmills.

The chain was originally a bakery, and though the company finally vanished in 1990, there are still a few remnants of it. In particular, this now-Denny's restaurant in Arcadia, California, which we drove past last weekend. The colors are different from the classic VdK shops (in favor of Denny's), but the windmill was still rotating …


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Let Them Eat Grade Books!

An Arkansas state legislator is fed up with schools that don't improve their reading scores.

His solution: cut lunch funding from schools that don't perform well.

Guess which party he's in.

Arkansas legislator proposes cutting lunch funding from schools that struggle to improve reading skills
One Arkansas lawmaker wants to get more students reading by putting money on the line—specifically, their lunch money.

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Oregon considers its automatic voter registration a "phenomenal success"

Well, yeah, but only if you consider increased voter turn-out, and an electorate that's "less urban … less wealthy … much more diverse" to be good things. I do, but clearly there are some people who don't.

Oregon governor calls automatic voter registration a ‘phenomenal success’ – POLITICO

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The Ronin Rabbit wanders to a new publisher

Usagi Yojimbo is one of the greatest comic series of all time. Though an anthropomorphic, it is steeped in Japanese shogunate culture and samurai lore. Started in 1984, it moved to Dark Horse comics in 1995, and has been there ever since …

… until today's announcement that the comic is moving over to IDW. No word on the reason for the change, but it provides an opportunity for new publishing of collected editions of the tales of Usagi, which can only be a good thing.

I've had the opportunity to meet Stan Sakai, the writer and artist on UY, and he's a wonderful guy. All the best to him with his new publisher.

A Samurai Rabbit Comic Book Adventure Finds a New Home
The long-running saga of the rabbit, Usagi Yojimbo, by Stan Sakai, is moving to IDW Publishing, which will begin a new, full-color series in June.

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RT @_youhadonejob1: Seems like false advertising.

“Very Nice Language”

Donald Trump: “I think my language is very nice.” He realizes his best chance in 2020 is to make enough Democrats’ heads ‘splode.

“We brush, and brush, and brush our teeth”

@SandyBoynton That brings back such wonderful memories.