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Unblogged Bits for 2012-07-27

My Google+ –> Blog stuff is still not working, dagnabbit.  So here are some of the things I’ve been talking about that you haven’t seen live (not unlike NBC’s Olympics coverage).

I’ve been lax in doing this — sorry.  It did give me a chance to do some thematic grouping, though.

The Chick-fil-A Thang

  1. Exclusivity for Me but not for Thee – If you exclude the excluders, are you being an even worse excluder?  More Bryan Fischer zaniness.
  2. Being ticked off at Chick-fil-A – I’ve been a dozen different threats on Google Plus discussing the whole Chick-fil-A thing.  This post sort of summarized my opinions on the matter: it’s one thing to levy social punishment on CfA for their activities, but it’s another thing for the government to do so.
  3. This is why I belong to the ACLU – Because they’re less about ideology than civil liberties.  Which, I guess, is an ideoogy, but it’s one that cuts across all others.
  4. Straight support of gay marriage rights – Applause to Jeff Bezos.


  1. The London Olympics and London archaeology – The coolness — and problems — of construction projects in an area with deep, deep hstory.
  2. Olympic events you won’t see in London – A shame. I’d love to watch tug-o-war.  Or croquet.
  3. The London Olympics … last time – A look at the 1948 Olympics.
  4. There’s Macedonia, then there’s Macedonia – On the naming of countries. Interesting.
  5. The Olympics Opening Ceremonies – My impressions.  NBC sucks. And the Brits put on a show you wouldn’t see in America.
  6. NBC looks out for all its easily confusable audience members – During the Opening Ceremonies, bBy talking, talking, talking.  And not running it live.  Idjits.

Election Politics

  1. No Man Is an Island (Self-Made Man Edition) – Romney’s “We did this, no, really, truly, all by ourselves” examples … aren’t.
  2. Playing the Anglo-Saxon Card – Stay classy, Team Romney!
  3. You lost me at John Bolton – Romney’s getting his foreign policy advice from the Bush team. And not even the semi-sane members of that team.
  4. Mitt makes headlines on his overseas junket – Just not the headlines he wanted.
  5. Our special Anglo-Saxon relationship – Is what other countries think of us important?  The GOP answer varies depending on how Mitt is doing overseas.
  6. Another “busted” attack meme from the GOP – I’ve been hearing finger-waggling attacks against Obama on the Churchill bust for years. Here’s the truth.

Guns and the Aurora Shooting

  1. Rot, rot, rot, rot, it’s a plot, plot, plot, plot! – Conspiracy theorists have a field day with the theater shooting. Cretins.
  2. We need more guns! – Gun sales are up in Colorado after the theater shooting.  People are looking for safety blankets.
  3. A safety net … this time – Why are some victims of the Aurora shootings having to rely on others’ passing the hat?
  4. Societal vs Individual Responsibility — FIGHT! – Reality is a lot more complicated than that binary case. Really.
  5. Heroes – Why some folks weren’t charging the gunman at the Aurora Theater: they had other, more important things to do.
  6. Sorry, Mitt – he had those guns legally – Romney gets called out, even by the Denver Post, on his misstatements about the Aurora shooting.
  7. Forgive them their trespasses – So is this one of those “Stand Your Ground” things?  Crazy.
  8. Printing your own weaponry – That’s probably not a good thing, though the broader considerations of what you can do with that technology is fascinating.
  9. Talking about guns and America – A bit of interesting history of guns and gun possession perspective over the years.
  10. Weapons of Mass Murder – How did mass murderers mass murder in the old days?

Other Stuff

  1. The Legend of Korra – Good stuff. Glad to see it’s coming back for a second season.
  2. Tablets is Tablets (except some are smaller) – The ongoing but somewhat goofy Samsung-vs-Apple courtroom saga.
  3. Descriptive vs Prescriptive Dictionaries – China and Newspeak
  4. The best thing since sliced bread – All about the history of … sliced bread, of course.
  5. Mont-Saint-Michel … from … SPAAAAAACE!
  6. More powerful than a locomotive: Time – A train yard photo.
  7. “You knew full well what was right, Monsignor Lynn, but you chose wrong” – A criminal conviction for covering up child abuse.
  8. Why libertarians are sometimes just plain crazy – The Net Neutrality debate.
  9. Planets and suns and sizes – Cool comparisons.
  10. The Hobbit Trilogy? – I’m there.
  11. Five Men and a Nuke – Not. On. A. Bet.
  12. Water, water, not anywhere – The growth of Las Vegas. Crazy.
  13. The self-made man who admits he’s not just self-made – No man is an island, and individual effort, while essential and laudable, also needs the context and assistance of the efforts of others.
  14. Pop! – A big balloon popping under very special circumstances.
  15. Blogging topics of … the Future! – Political Round-up 2032!
  16. Remember this about five, maybe ten years from now – War in the China Sea? Yeah, that’s certainly a possibility.
  17. Justice isn’t always served – Assuming that the person convicted in a crime is the person truly guilty might work as a generality, but always beware of thinking it’s a certainty in each particular case. Because the justice system is sometimes, sadly, more interested in winning than in justice.
  18. Hints from Hill-oise – Some clever household ideas.
  19. The worst thing the British ever did to India – What the heck are those soldiers doing?
  20. Killing the sickly goose that lays the golden eggs – On why the two big comic book companies don’t even really try to pull in female readers.
  21. Retaining the Bush tax cuts – More Democratic / Republican squabbling.
  22. Studying migraines amidst the mutineers – The Bounty mutineers gave Bligh head-aches. Now their descendants are helping scientists understand migraines.
  23. To see ourselves as other see us – Why do cameras make us look fat?
  24. The House GOP prefer to play a shell game with climate information – Stay class, Republican “leader”ship!
  25. Dork Tower’s Shades of Evil – Heh.
  26. To know recursion, you must first know recursion … – On using social media to complain about social media …
  27. A little lie for Jesus – But if it’s for Jesus, it’s a good thing, right? Right? Yeesh.
  28. Yes. This is why I am a geek – John Scalzi on what it means to be a geek.
  29. Too many secrets, Marty – On not just rubber-stamping national security legislation.
  30. Best prisons lobbyist money can buy – And, of course, it’s Arizona.
  31. Art Deco Batman – coolness.
  32. The worst meeting in the history of show business – Yeah, that was pretty bad.
  33. Oooooh, it’s like owning a Palm Pilot again! – Google’s touch search on smartphones.
  34. Polluting our precious bodily fluids – Have scientists discovered that fluioridation of water supplies is reducing our IQ?  Um … no, they haven’t.
  35. My hair doesn’t actually look like that … – Weight, weight, don’t tell me.


Good touches

This is pretty remarkable stuff. Watch the attached video.

Embedded Link

The Future Is Now: Anything Can Be A Touch Screen Thanks To Disney Research
Any surface, including liquid and the human body, can be turned into a multi touch interface with a new technology developed by researchers at Disney and Carnegie Mellon University, opening the door t…

Google+: View post on Google+

Hacking (but not coughing)

Yup. As a former security guy, yup. #ddtb

I, for one, welcome our new too-fast-to-outrun robotic overlords

All they need are frikkin’ lasersand the human race is doomed. #ddtb

Google+: Reshared 1 times

"The Password is …"

The old security manager in me is facepalming …

Not that this is new news; previous reports have painted a similar dismal picture. I remain convinced that the most important password protection in most systems is not the password itself, but the "if you enter an incorrect password 3 times your account will be locked out" feature. #ddtb

Reshared post from +Corey Howard

Yep, I would agree.

Embedded Link

'Password1' is the No. 1 Password Employed by Business Users
Password security is just one of many problem areas for businesses in an increasingly hostile cyber-world, according to a new report from research firm Trustwave.

Microsoft doesn't like attachments, prefers you use "Skydrive"

Microsoft doesn't like attachments, prefers you use "Skydrive"

Microsoft, not surprisingly, stacks the deck a bit regarding How Awful Attachments Are. For instance, it's not clear to me that people who lose where they saved their attachment and delete the original email aren't going to lose where on Skydrive it is or delete the original email that told them.

That said, using email for collaborative documents is, even if just two people are involved, a not-very-efficient method of working. But it's fairly simple and straightforward: the sender can just keep the file on their own hard drive rather than a slower web drive; the sender doesn't have to worry about who has rights (and of what kind) to the file or directory; collaborators don't have to worry about explicit check-in/out or two simultaneous workers overwriting a doc, etc.).

And that having been said, it's unclear why Skydrive is, for the arguments given, any more cool or useful than Dropbox or Google Docs, etc.

Still, it's an interesting set of arguments for Microsoft to be making. #ddtb

Embedded Link

Microsoft says, "Attachments Suck" in new infographic
Microsoft has released a new and entertaining infographic that promotes its Skydrive cloud-based service for transfers of documents, stating flat out that "Attachments Suck."

Heads up!

Yes, just what we need is more visual distractions when walking. Let alone while driving.

I'm trying to think of what productively I could use a HUD in my glasses for — maybe for some sort of map overlay while driving (though then you run into problems with the GPS not quite lining up with the actual road location). Maybe Google Goggles for translation, or Android Price Check for … price check. A clock, perhaps.

Something that would turn off most functions while the motion sensor showed me moving, definitely.

Heh. Know how we think people are crazy when they walk past muttering to themselves on their Bluetooth headsets. Get ready for thinking people are crazy / drunk when they are sitting there, staring blankly into "space". #ddtb

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Google to sell Android-based heads-up display glasses by year’s end
The New York Times claims to have confirmed previous rumors stating that Google is developing Android-based glasses with a built-in heads-up display (

Fiat Lux!

It bugs the heck out of me when I can't find the "incandescent wattage equivalent" on non-incandescent bulbs. Yes, looking for the lumens works, but that's not the mental benchmark I have ("Honey, do we have any 1400 lumen bulbs in the basement?"). #ddtb

Reshared post from +Les Jenkins


Embedded Link

Find the Equivalent Wattage of CFL, LED, and Halogen Bulbs with This Cheat Sheet [Household]
CFL bulbs can help you cut quite a bit of energy usage in your home, but you can't measure brightness by looking at wattage levels, like you can with incandescent bulbs. This chart will help you figure out the brightness of those newfangled bulbs. More »

Technology and Gender (and why that's more interesting than it sounds)

Technology and Gender (and why that's more interesting than it sounds)

An interesting tale of past and present and what technology we get excited about and what comes along for the ride. Good stuff, plus a great quote (tangentially related) on contraception:

"Right this very second, here in the US, we are having an actual, serious, if incredibly stupid, conversation about whether or not women should have easy access to birth control. We are having this conversation because significant humans in our government believe women should not have access to it at all. I'm super excited about that, because it means it's 1965 and we're gonna go to the moon soon."

Also, animated ducks! #ddtb

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Life With and Without Animated Ducks: The Future Is Gender Distributed – Charlie's Diary
You know that wonderfully, wryly apt Gibson line: "The future is here, it's just not evenly distributed"? I came across this article a few days ago, detailing several self-cleaning fabri…

Microsoft vs. Google … FIGHT!

From Microsoft comes this highly snarky video, trying to convince businesses that a search company "moonlighting" a purveyor of productivity software is a bad choice for them. A few thoughts.

1. Microsoft is hardly a disinterested observer here. Microsoft Office (et al.) is their biggest cash cow, and Google Apps is a direct and ongoing challenge to that. If it weren't, MS wouldn't be producing this sort of fluff.

2. For all MS's FUDding about security and the cloud and all — they have their own cloud Office suite (and one which is multiple generations behind Google's).

3. Google has been running Apps for quite some time. This is not beta software. What is new(ish) is Google marketing directly to businesses with it.

4. Offlline access is an important point, but not necessarily a deal-breaker, depending on your business and where it works. Some companies are persistently online with their locations and personnel; for others, it's more of a challenge.

5. Google is not, in my experience, a responsive company to what clients ask for. They have their vision, their roadmap, and they move forward with it. Microsoft doesn't create customized versions of their apps, either — but a lot more deployment flexibility is built-in, and there's large ecosystem of third parties willing to help with further features and so forth.

6. Google's offerings aren't cheap. Neither are Microsoft's. I think Google per user is less expensive, but not as much as you might think.

7. Google Apps are not as powerful as Office's analogous apps. The question is, how many of those features are actually needed by most users. Some organizations, for example, may be heavy pivot table users; others may well not be.

8. Google Apps online, active collaboration abilities surpass anything Microsoft offers.

So there are some reasonable strengths that Microsoft can bring to this particular discussion, and weaknesses or shortcomings on the Google side that they can point out. Unfortunately, this ad just comes off more as snark than anything else, a typical Microsoft FUD attempt, which doesn't help anyone. #ddtb

Google+: Reshared 1 times

You, too, can make big money win an exciting career in TECH SUPPORT!

Heh. #ddtb

Reshared post from +Brenda Curtis


The Revenge of Grace!

Grace Hopper, that is. Go, Grace, go! #ddtb

Reshared post from +Les Jenkins

True story.

Embedded Link

February 10, 2012
Here's hoping this makes sense!

Oh, and books are back in stock!

Patently absurd

Reading through the actual "patents" that Microsoft is claiming here convinces me more than ever that our whole software patent processes is FUBAR. The processes described are so generic that to claim them as something patentable goes beyond absurd into the surreal.

I desperately hope the court agrees. #ddtb

Embedded Link

The three patents Microsoft is hammering the Nook with—and why they may be invalid
Microsoft's complaint against the Nook has been boiled down to three patents covering methods for annotating documents, highlighting text, and downloading documents. Barnes & Noble says the pa…

Google tests a mysterious home "entertainment device"

My bet is a Google Music player, hooked up via Wifi to your home (etc.) network, supporting Bluetooth headphones. #ddtb

Reshared post from +Linda Lawrey

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What is the mystery "entertainment device" Google is testing?
Google is asking the Federal Communications Commission for permission to test a mysterious Wi-Fi and Bluetooth-enabled "entertainment device," in employees' homes in four U.S. cities. So inquiring min…

"This is your morning wake-up call …"

Boulder Valley School District accidentally sent out a snow day robo-call announcement that their schools were closed … at 4:20 a.m. Yeah, lotta people not happy about that. #ddtb

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BVSD: 4:20 a.m. snow-closure phone call a mistake; next time it'll go out at 5:30 a.m. – Boulder Daily Camera
Boulder Valley School District said the 4:20 a.m. phone call that woke many parents from a deep sleep to tell them that schools would be closed today was a mistake and wont happen again, but phone ca…

I, for one, welcome our future Nano Quadrotor overlords

Didn't we see shiny versions of these in the prologs to the Terminator movies? #ddtb

On the Roads, the People Come and Go

Mapping the actual frequency/volume of roadway usage via geotagged Tweets. A cool idea, and a great way to figure out which routes really are popular, and where one might consider expanding mass transit routes. #ddtb

Embedded Link

Infographic Of The Day: Could Twitter Help Us Create Smarter Transit Routes?
Traditional city maps visualize just one aspect of urban design–the city's intended structure, full stop.

Who could possibly ever use that much storage?

And no skimpy form factor either — this copious baby takes up a fully drive bay! #ddtb

Reshared post from +Derya Unutmaz

The dream 10 MB hard disk, for an unbeatable price of only $3398. Supplies are limited get yours soon!

In album The Hard Disk you've been waiting for (1 photo)

Jailbreaking prisoners is wrong. Jailbreaking phones is not

While I've not jailbroken/rooted my Android phone, I've considered it at times. The idea that Apple (e.g.) wants it to be illegal because it might adversely impact my user experience is laughable. If I actually own my smartphone, it should be mine to do with as I will. #ddtb

Reshared post from +Keith Barrett

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Jailbreaking May Soon Become Illegal Again, Act Now To Help Keep It Legal | Redmond Pie
It was in July 2010, the United States government ruled that the jailbreaking and unlocking of Apple iPhones, as well as the rooting of Android devices was to be deemed a legal act, as long as the pro…

The quaint technology of a bygone age

A mom tries her kids out on some 1980s tech — a boom box, a C-64, an Atari 2600. Will they succeed?

Which makes for lots of yocks … but one has to wonder what tech their kids will use that will make today's iPods, laptops, and Xboxes look like this? #ddtb

Reshared post from +Marcus Smith

What happens if you give today's kids yesterday's technology?

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