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The most burning question from "The Flash" is (partially) answered

We don't know yet where they go to the bathroom, but we finally, in this deleted scene, learn how the metahumans stashed away at STAR Labs eat: take-out, provided by Our Band of Heroes.

The article raises a good point that has occurred to me before. Sure, there are concerns over being able to restrain metahumans in a conventional prison, but has any one really thought about what it means to have these guys locked away, in little window-less cells, in solitary confinement, no contact with anyone in the outside world (and no notification to their families, friends, or loved ones), no apparent sanitary facilities, without any sort of trial or appeal or prospect for release?

Hasn't that struck anyone on the show as more than a little bit creepy? Or even just plain evil?

Well, at least they get all the Big Belly Burgers they can eat. When Our Heroes aren't too busy for a food run.

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"Lucifer." "Like the Devil?" "Exactly."

Okay, it's not quite as out there as the Vertigo comic, but there are some possibilities here. I am hoping to see a bit more haunted torment to go alongside the rakish quips.

Yeah, it's Constantine with a higher power level. I'm okay with that.

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"Constantine" is dead. Again. Or maybe not

NBC has canceled Constantine, but is shopping it around for pickup elsewhere. A wily one, John is.

‘Constantine’ officially canceled at NBC
Constantine has officially been canceled after one season, EW has learned….

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DC and CW go Super-Person Crazy

But in a good way. I hope.

Following up on Arrow and The Flash, we will now have DC's Legends of Tomorrow (which managed to beat out Marvel's Agents of SHIELD as an awkward title), which will feature an array of super–heroes and super-villains, rounded up by time-hopping Rip Hunter to avert a dire future.

It has possibilities, and it's coming from the same teams as have been very successful with the ostensibly-solo shows. Indeed, the cast seems to mostly be side characters and antagonists from those shows, meaning plenty of opportunities for cross-overs.

Yes, this is the Future TV that I dreamed of as a kid.

(h/t +steph wanamaker)

CW orders ‘Flash’-‘Arrow’ spinoff ‘DC’s Legends of Tomorrow,’ Julie Plec outbreak drama, more
CW is stocking up on superheroes, giving a series order to the Arrow-Flash spinoff DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, EW has learned. Julie Plec outbreak…

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The Battle for the DC Cinematic Universe

It really sounds like there's a lack of clear vision for what they want to do with the DCCU as a whole. Zack Snyder seems to have a lot of influence (for better or worse), but it's unclear if he has anything to say over films outside his direct control, and there are a lot of layers of WB suits sticking their fingers in as well.

Meanwhile, they're soliciting multiple scripts for each project, apparently hoping that someone will do something that they like (and that hopefully won't conflict with someone else's movie).

I really want the DCCU to succeed, whether I like any given project or not (though that would be nice, too). I'm just not seeing that happen as of yet.

Superman vs. Batman? DC’s Real Battle Is How to Create Its Superhero Universe
This story first appeared in the May 8 issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine.

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Missing the point of Batman versus Superman

The author goes a little overboard in places, but the thesis is sound: Batman and Superman fighting is not about banging together action figures; it is (or should be) about something more profound.

Why Comic Book Nerds Hate ‘Batman vs. Superman’
A day after the Star Wars trailer broke the Internet, the Batman vs. Superman trailer landed with a resounding thunk. It was the nerds who led the disappointment. And it was a sort of scramble to explain exactly why. There…

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If there was ever a trailer that made me not want to watch a movie

I was sketchy over the whole Batman v Superman think to begin with. And, honestly, this trailer only increases the sketchitude. I think I see where they are going to make the story happen, but the trailer is so over the top in presenting a justification for a (new) Batman to take on (ho-hum) Superman that it feels more like fanfic than a multi-million dollar (and franchise-tripping) venture.

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The Old School "Flash"

I was there, at the San Diego Comic-Con, when the original "Flash" TV series, starring John Wesley Shipp, was announced and previewed. And the crowd went wild.

1990 was a dark era for super-hero stuff, and SF on TV in general. "The Flash" was a breath of fresh air, with a visual palette out of Dick Tracy, with murals and primary colors and retro buildings general referemces to a comic-book world.

Oh, and the Tim Burton Batman got a call-out, too, with the Flash muscle suit (and Danny Elfman music).

John Wesley Shipp was a fine Flash, with Amanda Pays as (then comic canon) Tina McGee. I applaud mightily the producers of the current "Flash" series for including both those actors in the new seiries.

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"it’s Big Hero 6. Not Big Hero 4 and two others."

Criminitely. Yes, it's cool that the manufacturer is at least paying some lip service to changing things — but this goes right along with the difficulty of finding Avengers material that includes the Black Widow, classic JL product that includes Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl, etc., except in this case the whole numbering scheme really calls out the problem.

Maybe boys think girl characters are "yucky" because they're pandered to having just boy characters on their t-shirts and sheets and stickers. Maybe boys actually think those girl characters are cool, but the manufacturers are making assumptions based on how they felt in 1965. Maybe enough girls would think girl characters (and boy characters) are cool to make it worth actually producing stuff with them.

(h/t +Les Jenkins)

Big Hero 6 fabric excludes girl characters because boys think girls are “yuck”: manufacturer
UPDATE (4/10/2015, 3:30pm PT): See comment from Springs Creative below.

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An Embarrassment of Riches (TV Edition)

I hate to say it, but there's too much TV we really like to keep up. Not helped by business trips of one or another, we are simply way behind in shows we like.

And mid-season hiatuses don't help because they put in new shows for us to like.

On the other hand, it means we get a great night like tonight:

1. Catching up with "The Flash".
2. Watching an episode (though still behind, season-wise) of "The Musketeers".
3. Catching up with "Marvel's Agents of SHIELD".

I guess this is a good problem to have.


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So I guess we're going with Angry Monarch Aquaman in the Justice League movies, rather than Cheerful Beach Blonde Aquaman ( Good.

Originally shared by +Raymond Cobblepot:

Official Jason Momoa Aquaman photo from Zack Snyder!


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No-Longer-Teen Titans Go!

So the live-action Teen Titans TV series pilot seems to have a script, laying out the character included — Dick Grayson (post-Robin), Barbara Gordon (Oracle, in all but name so far), Hawk & Dove, and (in a brief glimpse) Raven and Starfire.

No sign of Beast Boy yet, and Cyborg seems more or less locked into the DC Cinematic Universe with Justice League for the moment.

As with all such things, this could be genius or it could stink on ice. Here's hoping it's the former. There are lots of interesting things you can do, old and new, with the Titans, and if you're not going to do them the honor of a decent animated series (whether the older "Teen Titans" or "Young Justice"), the least you can do is good job on a live-action series.

Exclusive: Which DC Characters Will Be on TNT’s THE TITANS? « Nerdist
It’s been several months now since we’ve heard anything official about TNT and Warner Bros.’ attempt at bring the classic DC Comics series The Teen Titans to the small screen, now known simply as The Titans. But…

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"Vixen" to get her own DC animated series

Complete with ties to Arrow and the Flash (in some fashion).

I've always liked Vixen — her powers (especially in an animated format) are very dynamic, understandable, and, when used right, imaginative. She tends to be overpowered, though, by the biggest guns in the DCU, so having her own series may make sense (with sufficient guest starpower to keep things interesting).

The only other issue I can think of is how they'll handle her cultural (and magic) ties to Africa, which could be really interesting or potentially handled really poorly.

The illustration below has a "Young Justice" look to it — which would be pretty cool, too.

[UPDATED] DC Comics’ Vixen is Getting Her Own Animated Series on The CW Seed

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The DC Movie Poster Variant Covers are pretty fun

Some variant covers that DC has lined up, based on famous movie posters. Some are remarkably clever. (Fully story at I particularly like the below variant on The Fugitive.

Wonder Woman Enters Frank Miller’s 300, Batman & Robin Head to Hogwarts in New Movie Variants From DC

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The Superman Prequel Prequel

If "Smallville" was a prequel, "Krypton" is …

Whatever. I think we all know how it ends.

Originally shared by +Paul Christopher:

Say what now?

Syfy developing Superman prequel ‘Krypton’ |
The world of Superman is headed back to TV. A Superman prequel series called Krypton from Man of Steel writer David S. Goyer has landed in development…

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The Origins of the new cinematic Wonder Woman

This essay goes into much greater (and read-worthy) detail, but in my generalized opinion (as a regular WW reader since the Perez reboot) …

Both the original WW origin (clay form given life by the goddesses as the sole child of the Amazons) and the New52 origin (byblow of Zeus and Hippolyta) have their own merit. In some ways, the new origin (excluding some further tweaking from Azarello) is more classic and mythological: Zeus chases after anything in a skirt, and his offspring are often famous heroes (or, occasionally, villains) of great power. Tying Diana directly into Olympus, making her a demigod, has a stupid sense to it.

But I prefer the traditional Moulton origin. It makes Diana something special, not just another demigod. It ties her to Earth, it ties her to love, and it gives her a perspective and direction intrinsically unlike any other costumed hero — not the "warrior woman" that even pre-New 52 writers were trying to make her, but a creature of peace who's willing to fight when need be, who has something to teach Man's World that is not dependent on the point of a sword.

It can seem cheesy, naive, out of touch with the grimdark that is DC Comics (and not just them) today, and which seems to be the leitmotif of the new DC Cinematic Universe as it's being framed. But that's even more reason why I like it.

Wonder Woman’s New 52 Origin Should Not Be Used in Film (or At All)

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I do enjoy "Gotham," but

Actually, I look at this as lampooning prequels in general (particularly on the Marvel side of the cinematic universes) more than "Gotham." Well, maybe a bit of both.

But I do still enjoy "Gotham."

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Movie Review: "Batman: Assault on Arkham" (2014)

Hey, it's Father/Daughter Movie Week again. I got to lead off with an animated feature I've wanted to get to for some time. Because it's not really a Batman video — it's a Suicide Squad feature. And a pretty darned good one at that.

A ★★★½ review of Batman: Assault on Arkham (2014)
While ostensibly a Batman animated feature, in reality this is a Suicide Squad / Task Force X flick, headlining Deadshot as he leads a band of fellow sociopaths (Harley Quinn, Black Spider, Killer Frost, King Shark, Captain Boomerang) into Arkham Asylum to recover a McGuffin at the behest of Amanda Waller. Batman eventually plays a role, but it only ramps up in the last half of the feature, and he really comes across second-billed to Deadshot, le…

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BATMAN (In Color!) comes to disc

On DVD and Blu-Ray. I'm not sure if this is going on my Christmas list, but reading the story about the tangle web of conflicting rights that kept this show out of consumers hands (legit copies, anyway) is pretty darned interesting.

Originally shared by +WIRED:

The wait is over. Next week, "Batman" hits retail in all its kitsch-laden glory just in time for the holidays.

Why We’re Just Now Getting the 1960s Batman TV Show on DVD | WIRED

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So … far … behind … on TV

Between marching band stuff and being out of the house stuff and early bed time stuff and visiting family stuff, we are desperately behind on watching all the stuff we really want to watch on TV this season. "Doctor Who," "Gotham," "The Flash," "Face/Off," "Castle," "Forever," "Gracepoint," "Agents of SHIELD," "Sleepy Hollow" … we're 2-3 eps behind on all of them. Not to mention our DVD-grinding of "Babylon 5" and "Fairy Tail" …. Not to mention some other upcoming new series like "Constantine" ….

We need a week-long vacation of just watching the boob tube to catch up. Unfortunately (or not), that doesn't seem likely to happen any time soon.

Oh, and have I mentioned both more parental visitations and a certain intense month-long writing event in the immediate future?


Yes, #firstworldproblems , but it makes it damned difficult to go anywhere near the Internet without major spoilers. (Which, yes, is another example of #firstworldproblems .)


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