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Seven Years Ago: The Front Yard

I've been enjoying Google Photo's automated bundles of nostalgia shots. This one recently popped up for me — it shows our front yard after all the stone work was added and before any (or nearly any of the plants had been put in.

Seven years on, plants have filled in nicely, a few bits of concrete are getting loose, and the overall look is a lot softer (but still very nice). Also, all the grass is now gone, but that was the most recent project's fault.

Also, that little blond girl isn't nearly so little any more.


In Album 10/1/15

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I, the Impromptu Speechmaker (as recognized by Lifehacker)

The site pulled a picture of me from our Flickr archive (with proper attribution), for an article of how to give a wedding toast. Fun.

Now, how can I work this into my resume …?

Originally shared by +Doyce Testerman:

Amusing article not for the content, but because Lifehacker illustrated the piece with a picture of my best man +Dave Hill giving his toast at our wedding.

Ace an Impromptu Speech With This Template
If you’ve ever been asked to give a speech or a toast on the fly, you know how much pressure it can be. You can deliver a solid impromptu speech by remembering these five elements.

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At the "Family" Marching Band rehearsal last night, family remembers were invited down to the field to first listen to the band warming up … and then learn to actually play their instruments.

+Kay Hill was a pretty good instructor. I got at least one note, perhaps two, right.

Then we had to do three band movements. And maneuver the instruments. And hit our dots. (Fortunately, we didn't have to play at the same time.)

Good times. And Kay seemed pretty happy with the job I did (aside from chiding about starting off on the left foot).


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First Day of School – 2015

Ye Gods, she's a sophomore.

Good luck, +Kay Hill! You'll do great!


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Bricks along 17th Street, Denver, that were marked for some purpose, removed so that stuff underneath them could be accessed, then re-assembled in … not quite the same order.


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My mom and my daughter. A picture I'll prize for a long time.


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The Mattress Gang

+Kay Hill was peeved that I took a picture of her in her "Mattress Sale" outfit. Fortunately for her, the distance was not conducive to a picture from a mobile phone. Still, for posterity …


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RT @MargieKleerup Lunch guest

RT @MargieKleerup Lunch guest

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The Leaves of Autumn

A maple of some sort, down the street, photographed on my walk at lunch.

I love the colors of autumn. Alas, a lot of the local trees got slammed by the hail storm some weeks back, and lost a lot of foliage prematurely, so there aren't as many fine displays this year.


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Dancing for Joy

Okay, last one of these. Even when not marching last night, the band was in the bleachers, often playing something for the cheer squads to dance to. Or, occasionally, for their own members to dance to, like +Kay Hill there in the middle.


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Zipping across the field

This was a sequence from last night's Arapahoe High School half-time show that +Kay Hill performed in. I was very impressed by their footwork, even early in the band season.


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RT @MargieKleerup: Great job k…

RT @MargieKleerup: Great job kitten and the Arapahoe high-school marching band

Apparently the homecoming para…

Apparently the homecoming parade at @FragolaKat ‘s high school is quite the big deal. My high school sucked.

The Most Frenetic Band Ever!

Okay, no, it's the fault of of the Google Auto-Awesome and what it chose to stitch together. But it's the Arapahoe High School Marching Band, at their first home game (and Homecoming, no less) tonight.

The football team lost, but the band (featuring +Kay Hill) rocked.


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Band did a great job for the h…

Band did a great job for the homecoming game. Football team… Well, just glad @FragolaKat plays flute, not football.

Arapahoe Marching Band marchin…

Arapahoe Marching Band marching around the field before the game; think that’s @FragolaKat in the middle.

The flutes, et al, dance to th…

The flutes, et al, dance to the cadence during the game. @FragolaKat is 6th from the right.

First football game tonight wi…

First football game tonight with marching band. Kay nervous about performance. We’re nervous about chaperoning. #band

A Tale of Four Kittens

Three of whom are actually cats (who continue to gradually plop down closer as Kunoichi & Neko and Purrl get used to each other).


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A morning rainbow over Denver

We had showers this a.m., and ended up with a rainbow off to the northwest of downtown.


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