- Spread the Word — Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer and Gene Patents – How the hell do you patent human genes?
- Why Fred Phelps’s Free Speech Rights Should Matter to Us All – Another example why the calumny that the ACLU is a “liberal/radical/leftist” organization is profoundly untrue. And, as loathesome as I find Phelps and his Gang of Family Idiots, if they don’t have the right to speak, nobody does.
- RWNJ’s Calling For Boycott Of Campbell’s For Making Halal-Certified Soup: Alan
- Giving the individual mandate real-world meaning – I believe I made this observation in my screed yesterday.
- The Original King of Irony Lives On – And yet, he seems to have made an amazing come-back in the GOP. what that says about the GOP I leave as an exercise for the reader.
- Senator Jim DeMint and Morality – NYTimes.com – Amen, Brother Nicholas.
- Random Book Blogging: Money, Greed and God – God is Ayn Rand. It’s now blindingly obvious to me. Or obviously blind. One or the other.
- Missouri Tea Partiers Campaigning Against Proposition Mandating Humane Conditions At Puppy Mills – They’re even against puppies …
- Newt Gingrich Believes Food Stamps Stimlulating The Economy Is “Liberal Math” – Dude, if even the Wall Street Journal accepts the math, give it a rest.
- A Revolution In Mobile Cup Holder Technology – Dunno if I’d call it a “revolution,” but it’s pretty cool.
- Stuxnet – I expect to see more things of this sort — regardless of the origins and targets of this particular instance — in the future.
- Neo-Cons: Don’t Touch Defense Spending! : Dispatches from the Culture Wars – Not to sound like that old Air Force Bake Sale bumper sticker, but, given our domestic needs … do we REALLY need to spend at Cold War levels on defense? Really?
- Technical Support Hell: Today I discovered an employee in my office sending Word docs via email by printing the document, scanning the pages, and emailing the scans. I don’t know where to start. – (Facepalm)
- Lou Dobbs’ Little Meg Whitman Problem – “The Nation also editorialized today that this latest revelation only adds more fuel to the arguments that immigrants, legal and undocumented, are so thoroughly integrated into our economy that those politicians who seek to scapegoat and demonize their work are almost alway engaging in hypocrisy. The piece argues that we must legalize and regulate this work, instead of demonizing the workers our society is thoroughly dependent on.” But … but … but … without evil, lazy, Welfare-sponging, American-decaptitating, job-stealing, anchor-babying illegals to demonize, we’d have to find someone else to demonize!
- So that’s why Koch funded a major evolution exhibit – “The fact that we could be knocked back to a stone age level of technology without going extinct is not a point in favor of welcoming global warming.” But think of the money-making opportunities! Especially if you cunning corner the shell and bead market ahead of time!
- Gap Already Admitting That New Logo Sorta Sucks – I vote for “crappy design work with quick, if cheesy, recovery attempt.”
Category: Military
Armed forces, weapon systems, military budgets
Unblogged Bits (Tue. 21-Sep-10 1731)
- “The Money’s Flowing,” But From Where? – But that’s not really money! That’s (corporate) FREE SPEECH! Right?
- Voter Suppression Plan Uncovered in Wisconsin – “Trying to win an election by getting fewer people to vote is a desperate move, and far from the spirit of democracy.” Which is why the GOP and the Right keep doing it.
- A Reasoned Debate on Don’t Ask Don’t Tell: Miranda
- In defense of extraneous amendments – The GOP hypocritically criticizing a procedural move they’ve used eleventy-dozen times themselves? Inconceivable!
- Matt Kane: When American Exceptionalism Should Be Absolute: Matt Kane
- Dr. Susan Corso: Millions Pouring Into Campaigns — Who Does This Benefit?: Dr. Susan Corso
- Thundarr the Barbarian: 4-DVD Release of ‘The Complete Series’ Available Next Week…But Online Only – Ookla! Ariel! RIIIIIIDE!
- A Challenge To Republicans: Here’s What Reducing The Deficit Through Large Spending Cuts Looks Like – Option 4 for the (GOP) win!
- Being Gay in the Military is a “Private Hell” Under DADT – Sorry, folks – tales of personal sadness and love must always be trumped by the Ick Factor in some people’s minds.
- With Just 40 Votes, Republicans Block Debate Over Defense Authorization Bill – So the GOP is willing to block the defense authorization bill in the Senate for the first time since 1952, all out of base’s fear of Teh Gayz and the “moderate”s’ outrage at procedure. Nice.
- On the Other Hand: Sometimes (Parental) Silence is Golden – I heartily approve, especially if the cowbells are kept home, too.
- Joe. My. God.: CALIFORNIA: Beer Sellers Oppose Marijuana Legalization Bill – “Unless the beer distributors in California have suddenly developed a philosophical opposition to the use of intoxicating substances, the motivation behind this contribution is clear.”
- New Google transparency tool shows gov requests, blocked traffic – Well done, Google.
- Twitter To Serve Targeted Promoted Tweets Based On Who You Follow – I’m willing to put up with some ads (servers don’t pay for themselves, after all) so long as (a) they are clearly ads, (b) their noise doesn’t obstruct the signal.
Unblogged Bits for Monday, 23 November 2009
- United States Color-coded War Plans – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia – Idle hands are the Joint Chiefs planning committees. No, but seriously, it’s not at all surprising that this sort of planning went on (and, of course, goes on to our day). Though some would argue that by planning for war you make war more likely, conversely if war is pressed upon you nobody wants to hear that we’re unprepared and have no plans …
- The 50 most interesting articles on Wikipedia « Copybot – Just in case you’ve got a lot of free time on your hands …
- Efforts to End DADT Stalled in Key Senate Committee | People For the American Way Blog – sigh
- Microsoft Wishing to Pay Publishers to Block Googlebot? – Wow. Classy move on MS’s part. Not particularly illegal, I guess, but clearly the love of profit trumps the freedom of information.
- Eric Hananoki: Fox News’ media critic claims Obama’s bow offended “a lot of people” – own poll disagrees – Will Scott get the zero tolerance treatment, too, from Fox management?
- In wake of misleading Palin footage, Fox News institutes ‘zero tolerance for on-screen errors.’ – So the poor schmucks back in the production room get warning letters and dismissals … and when the “news” folks (let alone the commentators) make patently false statements, will they, too, face “zero tolerance” from Fox?
- Fox Apologizes For NBA Announcers’ Controversial Comments About Iranian Player: Ben Armbruster
- You Can Go with This, or You Can Go with That… – But — but — military interventionism is full of flag-waving statesmen and rock-jawed patriotic heroes! Health care reform is full of policy wonks and SOCIALISTS!
- Drake Lifts Call For Prayers For Obama’s Death – Ewwww. A nice glimpse at the violent / racist / lunatic underside of the Right Wing … which continues to bubble up to the legitimate surface.
- Is this the end for human space flight? – opinion – 20 November 2009 – New Scientist – The first article speaks to my fears and cynicism … the second to my aspirations. I hope the latter wins.
- US bets $150m on high-risk renewable energy – tech – 23 November 2009 – New Scientist – No doubt we’re going to see a lot of money “wasted” here — but that’s just the sort of thing that government is good for (no jokes, please): making investments that may not actually pay off. If one or two of these bets become feasible, they will more than pay for the overall investment.
- Happy Doctor Who Day! – And if anyone had suggested that 46 years later it would still be wildly popular, everyone at the Beeb would have laughted uproariously.
- 9/11 Defendants To Plead Not Guilty So As To Critique US Foreign Policy – Well, there’s a big duh moment. I don’t think anyone is going to be impressed by anything these guys have to say on the stand — but a lot of people may be impressed that we give them due process, and convict them as criminals.
- Do Moderate Dem Senators Recognize Urgency Of Need For Reform? – I sure hope so. It’s not so much the fiddling they’re doing while Rome burns, as the aid and comfort they’ve giving to HCR opponents and their campaign to terrify America into supporting the current for-profit system.
- The Manhattan Martyrdom Declaration: Dobson Vows To Leave America – Wow — it would almost be worth it to have his nonsensical paranoia come true if it would actually get him to leave the country.
- Warren Ellis » T-Shirt Of The Week #005: HEALTH – Heh. Seriously tempted to get this one.
- Planning for a million years – Fascinating work. How do you plan for a million years?
- Melting Arctic: Forget polar bears, worry about humans – opinion – 23 November 2009 – New Scientist – I have no doubt that too many people in power believe they (or their heirs, if they look that far forward) will be able to exploit and profit from the changes in climate in the years ahead.
- Bell’s telegraph killer – The more things change …
Unblogged Bits for Monday, 10 August 2009
- …Aaaand Here’s the Iron Man 2 SDCC Footage – Ooooooh …. aaaaaah …
- The Creation “Museum” [Pharyngula] – Sounds like a “museum” only insofar as the muses covered all areas of entertainment. This is basically an amusement park for Creationism, not a place to explore and learn.
- The Ballad of G.I. Joe Will Break Your Heart – I’ve never been a huge Joe fan — but this is brilliant.
- Rob’s G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra F.A.Q. – Well, now I don’t need to see that movie. Not that it was likely in the first place.
- Populating a Brave New World – I never thought of Mustapha Mond as quite that … white.
- Potential Swine Flu Redux Underscores The Need For Paid Sick Leave: Pat G.
- Gates ‘Furious’ That Brownback And Roberts Placed A Hold On McHugh’s Army Secretary Nomination – I realize it can cut both ways for the political parties, but I’ve found (from either party) these sorts of nomination holds to be really irksome.
- Mark Sanford Used State Plane For Personal Use: Alan
- Charles Atlas profiled – Fascinating story.
- Holiday Inn signs – now and then – Blogged about it before, but, yeah, the New & Improved is pretty Dull & Corporate.
- 1/48-scale model of an F-18 aircraft in Flow Visualization…
- Continental imprisons 50 passengers overnight in grounded plane with no food, overflowing toilets – But, of course, heaven forfend any sort of “Passenger Bill of Rights” style socialism be considered.
- DeMint: Town hall disruptions are ‘unacceptable.’ – “I just don’t understand why the sharks can’t be respectful and orderly when I toss chum into the water.”
- BBC America to air Who uncut, and quicker – Nice. In a world of DVRs, scheduling odd-length shows really isn’t that much of an issue.
- Why Size Matters – Some good reasons why the “go slow” and incremental approach doesn’t fit the health care access debate right now.
- Waxman-Markey as National Security: publius
- Populating a Brave New World – Um … why are we talking about a series of white blondes for Mustapha Mond? Who, at a minimum, is Turkish, if not Arab or African.
Don’t ask, don’t show
First impressions are lasting ones. One of Bill Clinton’s first big public acts was tackling discrimination against gays in the military. It was a worthy subject, but probably not the…
First impressions are lasting ones.
One of Bill Clinton’s first big public acts was tackling discrimination against gays in the military. It was a worthy subject, but probably not the best subject to tackle first. Not only did the backlash lead to a screwy compromise (“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”), but it came across as an odd thing to squander the initial momentum of his presidency on — and set the stage for the failure of his health care initiatives.
Going from the opposite direction, the new Secretary of Education, Margaret Spellings, who started in her job on Monday, seems set to make an odd first impression, too.
The nation’s new education secretary denounced PBS on Tuesday for spending public money on a cartoon with lesbian characters, saying many parents would not want children exposed to such lifestyles.
The not-yet-aired episode of “Postcards From Buster” shows the title character, an animated bunny named Buster, on a trip to Vermont — a state known for recognizing same-sex civil unions. The episode features two lesbian couples, although the focus is on farm life and maple sugaring.
Education Secretary Margaret Spellings said the “Sugartime!” episode does not fulfill the intent Congress had in mind for programming. By law, she said, any funded shows must give top attention to “research-based educational objectives, content and materials.”
“Many parents would not want their young children exposed to the lifestyles portrayed in the episode,” Spellings wrote in a letter sent Tuesday to Pat Mitchell, president and chief executive officer of PBS. “Congress’ and the Department’s purpose in funding this programming certainly was not to introduce this kind of subject matter to children, particularly through the powerful and intimate medium of television.” She asked PBS to consider refunding the money it spent on the episode.
“Postcards from Buster” is a spin-off from the popular “Arthur” cartoon, and focuses on Buster traveling around the country with his video camera, exploring the places, peoples, and ways of life there.
That in so doing, a lesbian couple is encountered, though, is evidently unacceptable to Sec’y Spellings.
Spellings issued three requests to PBS. She asked that her department’s seal or any statement linking the department to the show be removed. She asked PBS to notify its member stations of the nature of the show so they could review it before airing it. And she asked for the refund “in the interest of avoiding embroiling the Ready-To-Learn program in a controversy that will only hurt” it.
In closing, she warned: “You can be assured that in the future the department will be more clear as to its expectations for any future programming that it funds.”
The department has awarded nearly $100 million to PBS through the program over the last five years in a contract that expires in September, said department spokesman Susan Aspey. That money went to the production of “Postcards From Buster” and another animated children’s show, and to promotion of those shows in local communities, she said.
The problem with soliciting and accepting government money, of course, is that it subjects you to the ideological whims of whomever is running the government (and subject to every taxpayer’s bitching about what is and/or isn’t shown). Sec’y Spellings is doubtless correct that “many parents would not want their young children exposed to the lifestyles portrayed in the episode,” but there are likely parents who would object to any number of other things shown, too. For example, the episode set in Utah mentions that (gasp) Mormons live there, and actually explores aspects of their lifestyle! Who knows where such indoctrination might lead?!
Alas, PBS has backed down on the matter, going further than Sec’y Spellings requested:
A PBS spokesman said late Tuesday that the nonprofit network has decided not to distribute the episode, called “Sugartime!,” to its 349 stations. She said the Education Department’s objections were not a factor in that decision. “Ultimately, our decision was based on the fact that we recognize this is a sensitive issue, and we wanted to make sure that parents had an opportunity to introduce this subject to their children in their own time,” said Lea Sloan, vice president of media relations at PBS.
[…] On the episode in question, “The fact that there is a family structure that is objectionable to the Department of Education is not at all the focus of the show, nor is it addressed in the show,” said Sloan of PBS. But she also said: “The department’s concerns align very closely with PBS’ concerns, and for that reason, it was decided that PBS will not be providing the episode.” Stations will receive a new episode, she said.
WGBH, which co-produced the episode, will be showing it, and will also make it available to other stations.
(via Julia)