- Obama’s Likes and Dislikes – Hold the Mayo – NYTimes.com – He dislikes mayonnaise. He must be our next president.
- Sound familiar? – So why are the pundits not calling Ahnold a looney-tune for his ding-bat fuel economy suggestions?
- Limbaugh Falsely Claims America Is A ‘Conservative Nation’ – Actually, I know some liberals who would argue the same thing. In my opinion, the nation, as a whole, is “conservative” in values, but progressive/liberal in desires and aspirations. The GOP keeps playing the values card, with healthy dollops of fear-mongering, and paper over the rest with promises of tax cuts (or accusations of tax increases).
- Video of attendees at AT&T’s “thank you for letting… – Which serves as a reminder that money knows no political party, and politicians are politicians no matter which party they hang their hat on.
- Will McCain Poke The Right in the Eye? – I actually think Lieberman is the most likely pick, and that the conservative Right’s posturing about whether or not they will back McCain is just that, posturing. They will no more stay home than the Clinton supporters will.
- Being a Former POW is No Excuse – Amen, sister.
- Why I Will Not Vote for John McCain – And amen, brother. Can we please put this “He’s a POW, thus he is instantly gifted with whatever insight we wish to give him and immune to any sort of criticism for anything he says” rhetoric away? Please?
- Fox News reporter Griff Jenkins tasked with ‘causing… – “Fair and Balanced,” right?
- Alan Fein: On The Amtrak To Wilmington With Joe Biden – Worth a read.
- Military Draft Required To Catch Bin Laden? – Is that really what McCain thinks? Or was it just another one of those off-the-cuff gaffes he seems to make on a regular basis? In either case … is that what we want from a president?
- Google’s File-Not-Found Helper Widget – Marking for future reference for my own custom 404 pages.
- USB Office Showdown: Tiny USB Office vs. Portable… – I’ve never had much need for living off a USB drive … but if I did, this would be a useful article.
- Adding reCAPTCHA to Movable Type – Marking for future reference. I like TinyTuring, but the concept behind reCAPTCHA is so incredibly cool, I can’t stand it.
- “A Free Thinker is Satan’s Slave” – And that is precisely why Christians are looked at askance by so many people.