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‘Tis the Season

No, not that season. For various reasons (Alpha class schedule, other stuff) Margie and I were serious slackers when it came to watching Buffy and Angel this past season. Lucky…

No, not that season.

For various reasons (Alpha class schedule, other stuff) Margie and I were serious slackers when it came to watching Buffy and Angel this past season.

Lucky for us, Doyce is as compulsive about taping them as I was about B5. And he has been noodging us to catch up. And more than noodging — making extraordinary efforts.

So this weekend, between basement cleaning and tree planting, we watched at least four or five Buffy eps, and two Angels. And FFed through a few more of each. I worry if we’ll be able to catch up, but it’s worth doing.

And, in return, I finally got around to loaning Doyce Season 3 of B5, and will be taping the Farscape stripping that SciFi is doing (though not this week, since it’s all on the tapes I already bought and loaned).

Media ‘R’ Us.

Trees, trees, trees

Trees, trees, trees This Labor Day weekend was, indeed, laborful. Sure, Friday was Dad-at-home, taking care of the Squig, while Margie worked at the office. And Saturday … well, that…

Trees, trees, trees
This Labor Day weekend was, indeed, laborful.

Sure, Friday was Dad-at-home, taking care of the Squig, while Margie worked at the office.

And Saturday … well, that was a golf day. Labor, but of a pleasant sort.

Really, it was all of a pleasant sort. Sunday, post-church, Margie and I went off to CostCo and bought four Gorilla Racks. Came home. And started in on the basement.

Long ago and far away, we had a relatively open basement. Between the initial move-in and some organizing elbow grease from Margie and Ginger (Margie’s mom), it was in pretty good shape. A little cluttered, but not bad.

But time and tide have worked their toll. Progressive Christmases have left boxes of decorations and wrapping materials in disarray. Storage of large items such as Margie’s old loom, the crib and various other baby things, have filled up space. The sewer blockage had left the contents of that room stacked in the rest of the space.

And, of course, there’s Old Man Entropy, making disorder out of order.

It was becoming an intolerable situation, and Doyce’s comments that, hey, we should get it cleaned up so we can use it for gaming made that even clearer.

So that’s what we did.

Not entirely, of course. But it’s a zillion times better than it was. All four gorilla racks are set up, some with boxes on them. Several dozen empty boxes or boxes of trash are in our dining room and living room and back deck, waiting to be put out at the street tomorrow night for the trash men. Things are stacked in a relatively efficient manner.

The trick, of course, is finishing the project. Going down there and getting boxes really loaded onto the racks, things back up where they belong, etc. With a little nudging, maybe I can do that this week. Or maybe not. But at least there’s space to walk around in, which is light years better than where we were before.

A tip of the hat to Doyce, for helping me with the racks, and to Jackie, for helping Margie with the organizational stuff. And Justin, natch, for both trash carrying and babywatching.

That was Sunday. Monday, we tried to return the favor.

Doyce and Jackie’s yard is, to be polite (and as polite as I need to be, since they are the first to tell you), a “fixer-upper.” Heavy on the grass and conifers. Light on the aesthetics.

Jackie got a coupon to Arapahoe Acres for money off a tree. This led to an off-the-cuff “let’s get a tree” party. Doyce determined that one or more of the low pines by the front door needed to go. I bundled up a box of tools and headed over, leaving Margie while Katherine went down for a nap.

Speaking from the perspective of having removed several large, overgrown junipers from the front of our house once upon a time, said junipers being embedded in several inches of clay-cemented decorative pebbles, I was expecting this to be a massive effort. In reality it was a walk in the park. About an inch and a half of pebbles. Dirt that was almost sandy in consistency. A stump with few tap roots, and a pickup truck with a chain to do the actual yanking. And minimal sticky-pokey branches and debris. Not to mention a young helper to clean up the cuttings.

Then off to the nursery to find an appropriate tree. Fittingly, Margie and I purchased two trees (a dwarf apricot and a semi-dwarf Jonathan apple), while Doyce and Jackie got a semi-dwarf Red Delicious apple.

A little shoveling, a little shifting around of rocks, and, voila, instant front yard tree. And it already makes their front yard look better.

One weird thing in this was my taking on the Jim (Kleerup) role — being the Elder, Experienced Advisor, suggesting grand plans and decorating ideas for the yard. Doyce & Jackie seem to welcome the advice, but I do keep waiting for the one piece of it too many. It also worries me that I might steer them wrong on one of these ideas.

Still, it’s kind of fun having a blank canvas like their yard to “work” in. There’s a lot that could be done, limited largely by money (of course) and willingness to get out there and sweat. And if I can help, it’s a pleasure to do so.

And it was neat getting a couple more trees, especially since we just discovered that the aspen in the east side yard has completely died. Not sure when we’ll install the apricot tree there (nor the apple tree on the east side), given my folks coming out around this next weekend, and the need to get the house cleaned before that, etc. Maybe some post-work yardwork. We’ll see.


Children are … complicating. From a purely pragmatic and selfish PoV, Katherine has complicated our lives immensely. Nights punctuated and interrupted by howls of varied distress, often requring getting up…

Children are … complicating.

From a purely pragmatic and selfish PoV, Katherine has complicated our lives immensely.

Nights punctuated and interrupted by howls of varied distress, often requring getting up to find out what the problem is and correct it, but always requiring arousal from sleep. The living alarm clock deciding it’s time for someone besides her to be up sometime between 5:30a and 8, regardless of whether it’s a work day or not, or whether the parents were up until 9 or Midnight, or were up during the night dealing with those distressed howls. Trying to keep her constantly amused so that she’s not screaming for attention. Tripping and dancing about various toys (and pieces thereof), pots and pans, and other dropped-where-interest-flagged detritus. The constant struggle to keep things out of her reach, which keeps getting longer, such that any horizontal surface becomes an emergency hosting place for coffee cups, books, papers, anything that shouldn’t be chewed, taken, or dropped. Outings that come to an abrupt halt because Katherine is too tired to be awake but too wired/unhappy to go down in her porta-crib. The inability to plan or execute any activity without working it around ad hoc right-now-dammit naps, feedings, bath time, bed time, or just I-want-to-crawl-in-your-lap-and-pound-on-the-keyboard sorts of demands, etc.

Heck, not being able to sit down and watch a movie on TV at night without at least one irresistable demand for food/visitation/re-binking from Our Mistress’ Voice. And having to be constantly attentive, waiting for said Voice, whether it comes or not.

There are times it gets incredibily frustrating. And harrying. It introduces a level of stress that leads to me grinding my teeth, Margie and I snapping at each other, and general misery.

It is something that nobody not in the situation can understand. Really. Trust me. I thought I did.

And yet …

Yesterday morning, I came downstairs, having slept in until 9:30a (albeit with multiple interruptions at wee hours of the morning), to find Katherine sitting on Margie’s lap on the sofa in the family room. And she was smiling, and happy, and full of joy, and she looked up and saw Daddy desending the stairs and the look on her face was just astonishingly precious. It made it all worthwhile.

At least until the next time I found myself grinding my teeth …

Back to work

Back in the office after a long weekend. That’s always a mixed blessing. On the one hand, there are the mental pressures of Things that Need Doing which can finally…

Back in the office after a long weekend. That’s always a mixed blessing. On the one hand, there are the mental pressures of Things that Need Doing which can finally be released. On the other hand, it means getting up at 5 a.m. and dealing with … well, the stuff they actually pay me to do.

Last week we had a major server melt-down in the office — two RAID drives on the main NetWare server going bad, which turned out to be actually a bad SCSI cable to the backplane. Non-NetWare services weren’t affected, though, so no major impact on me.

On the other hand, this morning, with most NetWare services back up, our e-mail is running veeeerrrryyyy slowly, and usually timing out after 5 minutes or so of hitting it. Since e-mail is about 90% of what I do and/or how I do it, this is a Bad Thing.

Looks to be one of Those Weeks.

To Margie

Let’s get married, We’re ready for tying the knot, Let’s get married, Set the seal on the feelings we’ve got, Let’s get married, We can make each other happy…

Let’s get married,
We’re ready for tying the knot,
Let’s get married,
Set the seal on the feelings we’ve got,
Let’s get married,
We can make each other happy or we can make each other blue,
Yeah, it’s just a piece of paper but it says “I Love You.”
For the good times,
For the days when we can do no wrong,
For the moments when we think we can’t go on,
For the family,
For the lives of the children that we’ve planned,
Let’s get married,
C’mon darlin’, please take my hand.

The Proclaimers, “Let’s Get Married”

Love you, Margie. Even if it is cuter with a thick Scottish accent.


I have grown old enough that I have given up hope of owning a motorcycle. I know it’s dumb. I know it’s dangerous. I know it’s wildly impractical in this…

I have grown old enough that I have given up hope of owning a motorcycle.

I know it’s dumb. I know it’s dangerous. I know it’s wildly impractical in this climate (when it’s either sunny and hot, or snowy, or thunderstormy, none of which make for pleasant cycling).

I also know that Margie would break both my legs before she’d allow it. Even though I’d wear a helmet and jacket and pants and all the things necessary to avoid it becoming a “donorcycle,” as they so quaintly put it down at the ER.

My Nono (my Mom’s Dad) wanted a motorcycle when he was a youth. His mother disagreed. He went ahead and, when he had enough money, bought one. Hah! Take that, Mom.

The next morning, the tires were slashed.

Some lessons enter the genes. Natural selection at work, I suppose.


A nice evening. Margie barbecued two big steaks. I do have a few digestive difficulties, minor ones, when I eat that much beef at a time, but, wow, it is…

A nice evening. Margie barbecued two big steaks. I do have a few digestive difficulties, minor ones, when I eat that much beef at a time, but, wow, it is so tasty, it’s worth it. So far.

I didn’t claw my way to the top of the food chain just to eat leaves!
— Michael Rivero

The general convivial tone of the evening was not harmed when Margie spilled the sauce she’d made from the drippings and mushrooms and wine onto her dress, and so took it off.

Life is good.

Fuzzy dice

We have fuzzy dice hanging from the mirror of our mini-van. Our friends find this most amusing, so they tell me. They originally came from Margie, who I assume, in…

We have fuzzy dice hanging from the mirror of our mini-van.

Our friends find this most amusing, so they tell me.

They originally came from Margie, who I assume, in her carefree single days, hung them from the mirror of her sportly little Fiat Spider convertible.

Now for a confession: I don’t really know what fuzzy dice symbolize.

I mean, I have a general contextual understanding that they are kind of a wild, young, sporty, “taking risks,” “hot stuff,” “lookin’ for action” kind of thing. Which is why I hung them on our sedate, suburban, yuppyvan, since the root of most humor is absurdity … and because we hate to think that we are completely domesticated, even with the Squig.

But that’s all contextual guesswork. I was never in a crowd as a youth that did the fuzzy dice thing, so if they actually mean, “I am soliciting sex, honk twice if you are cute,” I am, perhaps, doing something a bit odd. Though Margie would be allowing it, which is disturbing in either case. So I assume that my contextual guesswork is pretty much on target.

Listen, rinse, repeat

I have odd music-listening habits. When I start listening to something I enjoy, I listen to it again. And again. And again. Over, and over, and over again. Sometimes a…

I have odd music-listening habits.

When I start listening to something I enjoy, I listen to it again. And again. And again. Over, and over, and over again. Sometimes a single track, played on Repeat, the entire trip to and/or from the office.

Margie is very indulgent of me in this. It has to be pretty annoying. I think she chalks it up to one of my charming eccentricities, and a relatively harmless (if noisy) one.

For the last three or four months, it’s been John Barry‘s soundtrack to The Living Daylights. Barry is the king of James Bond movie soundtracks, and is noteworthy for them as well as for other such trivial soundtracks as Out of Africa, Dances with Wolves, The Lion in Winter, Born Free, Midnight Cowboy, Body Heat, Peggy Sue Got Married, Somewhere in Time, Howard the Duck (!), and many others. Once you know his style, it’s unmistakable, a lush, lyrical melange of violins, brass, and contrapuntal rhythm. (Indeed, if you are not aware of him as an artist, consider the above tunes plus most of the Bond soundtracks. You’ll probably recognize the commonality right there and then.)

When we had to provide music for our wedding video, we (well, I, but Margie agreed) selected his Moviola theme for the finale. Sweepingly romantic, strongly melodic … I can’t say enough about his work. Incredibly neat stuff. If I had to have someone composing the soundtrack for my life, it would be him.

Anyway, The Living Daylights soundtrack has some really fun, driving themes to it, including tunes done by The Pretenders and A-ha. Leaving out the soppy romantic tracks (which Barry also does extremely well, but which isn’t nearly as much fun cranked up on high as you go driving down the freeway), it’s rollicking good fun.

Riding the rails

Denver has light rail. There are a lot of people who pooh-pooh this. Some of them think we should expand our bus fleet. Others think rapid transit is a goofy…

Denver has light rail.

There are a lot of people who pooh-pooh this. Some of them think we should expand our bus fleet. Others think rapid transit is a goofy idea, and that we should just expand our freeways to LA-size megaways (since that has, clearly, made LA traffic so much better).

I, frankly, think light rail is keen. I dearly wish it traveled somewhere along my commute, because I would ride it (as I rode the bus downtown when that was where my job was). The critics would note that it does not do so, and so condemn light rail as a profligate waste, a boondoggle, a passle of porkbarrel.

But there is value in symbols, and light rail, even though it does not solve all our ongoing transit problems (though the Southwest corridor has turned out to be far more successful than anyone thought, and I predict similar success for the Southeast corridor), is a symbol. It is a sign that we can at least give lip service to solving regional problems. It’s a sign that we are looking for alternatives to simply paving more roads to accomodate more cars and more people.

And you know what? People do ride the light rail. And when petrol prices climb even higher, more will ride it. And folks will bitch about short-sighted politicos who can’t wave their hands and make more light rail magically appear.

Such is progress.

Three cheers and a bleat!

Driving off to my golf game today (see below), there were various cars festooned with sports paraphernalia, and many, many people queued up at the Park-n-Rides along Santa Fe. Yes,…

Driving off to my golf game today (see below), there were various cars festooned with sports paraphernalia, and many, many people queued up at the Park-n-Rides along Santa Fe.

Yes, it’s the day of the great CU/CSU game.

People get goofy about this sort of thing.

I always feel obliged to root for CSU, since I lived in Ft. Collins for 9 months in High School.

CSU got waxed today, something like 14-42.

Take that for what you will.

Satanic Games!

The interesting web bit of the day. From Satanic Games: After an exhaustive research one commission, the Christian Life Ministries, tells the naked truth through these incisive comments: ‘Dungeons &…

The interesting web bit of the day. From Satanic Games:

After an exhaustive research one commission, the Christian Life Ministries, tells the naked truth through these incisive comments: ‘Dungeons & Dragons, instead of a game is a teaching on demonology, witchcraft, voodoo, murder, rape, blasphemy, suicide, assassination, insanity, sex perversion, homosexuality, prostitution, Satan-worship, gambling, jungian psychology, barbarism, cannibalism, sadism, desecration, demon summoning, necromantics, divination, and many more teachings, brought to you in living color direct from the pit of hell.’

Wow. I feel so … dirty.

It hurts so good.


So there’s this commercial on TV, on a “treasure chest” of rare coins, including at least a dozen wheat pennies. (Which reminds me, I found a 1946 wheat penny in…

So there’s this commercial on TV, on a “treasure chest” of rare coins, including at least a dozen wheat pennies. (Which reminds me, I found a 1946 wheat penny in my pocket yesterday. It’s been a while since I got one at random. Neat.)

Anyway, “even the chest itself is a collector’s item,” made out of real wood and “genuine brass-tone hinges.”

Genuine brass-tone hinges.


Holy golf

Golf day. The parish was holding a, well, parish golf get-together. Good “fellowship” fun. And it gave me a legitimate way to leave Margie with the Squig for the afternoon,…

Golf day. The parish was holding a, well, parish golf get-together. Good “fellowship” fun. And it gave me a legitimate way to leave Margie with the Squig for the afternoon, saying, “I’m off to do church-related activities, woman.”

Bless her, she didn’t hurt me too badly.

We played at Overland Golf Course, which is a Denver municipal course. Pretty straightforward. Lots of long, straight, wide fairways. Wish I’d been in a few more of them (or at least those of the hole I was playing). Ended up with a 113, which is (so to speak) par for the course.

What was noteworthy was that I actually netted 1 golf ball for the 18 holes. Now, that’s not quite as astonishing as it sounds, since we got three golf balls as part of our admission fee to the soiree. But that means I lost only 2 balls, on 18 holes. There are days and courses where I don’t even get through a single hole without losing that many. Hoody-golfin-hoo.

Golf is one of those sports that really needs to be played to be appreciated. To observers, it is slow, silly, and features folks wearing odd clothing. Sort of like baseball. Actually getting out there, whacking at the ball, and noting its disinclination to go in the desired direction, for the desired distance, instills in one a realization of exactly how talented those folks who do this sort of thing for a living.

As to how my game was — the answer is, uneven. My score actually was worse on the back nine than the front. I had the requisite Great Shots that actually get you to come back (including a gorgeous 175 yard fairway shot right up on the green, woo-hoo), not to mention two pars, and three bogies. I was suffering from a very odd hook this outing. Plus some problems with actually not aiming in the right direction (which is easier to do than it sounds). My putting was actually pretty good — not nearly the normal level of “Three-Putting Your Way To Victory!” that I usually suffer from.

On the other hand, I hit into the fairway from the tee twice. That’s two times out of 18 possible. That’s pretty sucky.

Mercifully, I was not the worst of our foursome, and the group was uneven enough in its play that I won a few holes. Still, there’s a reason I don’t play for money (let alone for a living).

Pet peeves

Calvary instead of cavalry. Nucular instead of nuclear. Irregardless instead of regardless. You have been warned….

Calvary instead of cavalry.
Nucular instead of nuclear.
Irregardless instead of regardless.

You have been warned.

Parish the thought

I finally got around to updating the parish web page. Everyone at the church has been wildly enthusiastic about the job I’ve done on it, but nobody wants to help…

I finally got around to updating the parish web page. Everyone at the church has been wildly enthusiastic about the job I’ve done on it, but nobody wants to help contribute (e.g., send me electronic documents to post). Annoying. Still, it’s a service to the church community, and (dare I say it) to God, which is a bit daunting when I consider my occasionally slothful attitude toward it.

Still, if I had to commit a deadly sin related to my web work, sloth is probably the best. Better than the others. I mean, I could see Pride (of what I’ve done), Envy (of others’ web work), Wrath (pounding on the keyboard when my connection goes down doesn’t really help). Not sure how Lust would play a role (unless I was doing one of those web sites). Or Avarice (unless it’s “I want more megabytes!”). Or Gluttony (wanting to consume those self-same megabytes?).

The acronym I learned as a wee Catholic lad for the Seven Deadly Sins was PEWSLAG — Pride, Envy, Wrath, Sloth, Lust, Avarice, Gluttony.

For a web development Seven Deadly Sins, click here. Or for a more modern pop media interpretation, try here.

Has anyone ever noticed …

Has anyone ever noticed the similarity between Farscape’s Stark and The A-Team’s Howlin’ Mad Murdoch? They even look a little alike….

Has anyone ever noticed the similarity between Farscape‘s Stark and The A-Team‘s Howlin’ Mad Murdoch? They even look a little alike.


I’ve been tweaking my blogger template (if that wasn’t already obvious). Which meant I had to dig back into the old brain pan for my HTML knowledge, sadly atrophied with…

I’ve been tweaking my blogger template (if that wasn’t already obvious). Which meant I had to dig back into the old brain pan for my HTML knowledge, sadly atrophied with such tools as FrontPage, since that’s what the blogger template stuff requires. A fun exercise.

Watching Farscape this evening. Over the last year, it’s been about the only “Gotta watch it, go out of my way to watch it, or tape it, or whatever, gotta watch it” show on my schedule. (We’ve been reeeeealy negligent of Buffy/Angel this year, despite Doyce’ best efforts.)

Well, starting next week (maybe late week, maybe even next week), the ante gets upped, since SciFi is now stripping the earlier seasons of Farscape M-F. Which means (a) Margie and I need to watch them at 6 p.m. every weeknight, and (b) we need to tape them, so Doyce, who doesn’t get SciFi [cosmic balance for my not being able to get DSL, perhaps], can watch it.

On the bright side, I don’t have to buy any more Farscape tapes via


An odd and interesting morning. I’m off today, since my company does a 4-9s-and-a-4 schedule, which on holiday weekends translates into 4-9s-and-an-8 the week before, and 4-9s the week of,…

An odd and interesting morning. I’m off today, since my company does a 4-9s-and-a-4 schedule, which on holiday weekends translates into 4-9s-and-an-8 the week before, and 4-9s the week of, which means 4-day weekends. And that’s enough numbers. Suffice it to say that it was nice not working today.

Margie went in, though, so I’m Mr. Mom this morning. Which isn’t bad. Aside from occasionally becoming clingy, Katherine’s a good Squiggy.

Got to work on my web page (which is progressing nicely, save my inability to FTP the damned thing up to my web site. I don’t know if that’s a DollarHost problem, or a too-many-hops problem between my notebook and them. Irritating.).

[Oops. Had to read to Katherine, change Katherine, and put her down for a nap.]

In the meantime, watching Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom, and (on AMC), Ft. Apache. The second Indy outing is only watchable as an Indy movie. John Ford’s western is good stuff, though, with Henry Fonda, John Wayne, and black-and-white glory.

So a Man Walks Into a Menu Bar

I’m working on my web page. Actually, our web page, since Margie has a presence. It’s a complete redesign, using FrontPage and cleaning up all sorts of obsolete stuff. Should…

I’m working on my web page. Actually, our web page, since Margie has a presence. It’s a complete redesign, using FrontPage and cleaning up all sorts of obsolete stuff. Should be really neat once it’s done.

Once it’s done.

Getting there, though. You’ll read about it here, first.

If you want to see the old web page, you can go to the old web page.