Lessons Learned in the Cavern of Transcendence Trial

(Below be spoilers, me hearties …)
We ran through the Cavern of Transcendence Trial a couple of times last night, with two different teams. Here were some resources we checked out first (though I didn’t read the CoH Forum info):

The following are some lessons learned we took from the trial efforts (one of which was successful, the other of which wasn’t). Hopefully they’ll be helpful to others. A lot of these apply to Task Forces in general, too …
(UPDATE: After the third try, we learned a couple of new things, identified as “NEW” below …)

Continue reading “Lessons Learned in the Cavern of Transcendence Trial”


The Cavern of Transcendence trial is, frankly, quite the trial — long tunnels mobbed with trolls, then a cavern complex mobbed with igneous, regenning mobs, coordinated actions, a very nasty boss at the very end … and timed. Yikes.
2005-04-09_trans-team1.jpgMargie coordinated putting three groups together to do it, from three people who had the mission ready to go. It’s evidently pretty popular, since one of the juggling jobs she did was trying to fit in both folks within the specified level (12-15) and folks up higher (some much higher) who wanted to Exemplar down to do it.
Two groups ran last night. Team 1 took a while to get initially coordinated (both teams did, but the mix of personalities and the “first out the gate” complications made Team 1 more awkward). Of the locals here, Jackie’s Shadow.Cat was mish leader, I was running Honeygun, Margie was in as Kazima, and BD as Puck Bunny.
Utter disaster.
The initial troll tunnels were mobbed a lot higher than we were expecting. Half the team tried to fight, half tried to run, and lots of people died.
We eventually reorganized, restarted the team (to overcome a disconnect), and pulled in someone from the outside to clear the trolls for us. Once in the main trial, it was hard slogging, too. Eventually we had five of the team in place behind an obelisk … and the last trio got themselves killed by pumicites down one tunnel. Honeygun stealthed in and managed to get one of them rezzed … and then we all died again in the ensuing battle.
Ah, well. Quit the TF (which dumps you back, alive or dead, at the troll caves again).
Second TF got started, but we were a lot more coordinated with the trolls (having brought in two ringers to help clear). Again, looking just at the local names, I was in as Torchielle, Margie as mish leader P-Siren, Doyce exempling down Hang Time, BD as Ciunas Bas.
The bad guys in the final caverns were nastier than before, but we were more coordinated in our attacks (Doyce did some good leadership there). We slowly cleared out the side passages, and the main cavern, went to get in position …
… and the side caverns had repopped.
Cleared out a few more, got people into position, stealthed/tported into the last few … and triggered the main door.
Battled our way in, rescued the kid, battered at the purple villain … and heeded the call to “OUT!”
2005-04-10_trans-team-2.jpgW00T! Transcendent badge!
Some final blasting through trolls, and out. Fresh air! The stars! Yay!
Good adventure, and I plan on noting some Lessons Learned here later today (along with pictures). But kudos to Margie for doing the heavy lifting with organizing this thing — it’s almost as much of a bitch to get the adventure put together as it is to actually execute it!


Velvet hit 20 this afternoon. She and P-Siren were hanging around, waiting for the rec center groundbreaking to gel, and eventually ended up at Velvet’s favorite lvl 18-19 hangout, near the Boomtown gate at the north end of Steel Canyon. Velvet hit 20, P-Siren hit 19, and I discovered that Serge at Icon won’t even bother talking to you if you have a full mission plate.
(Velvet is seriously jonesing, so to speak, for a cape. I think she’ll consider herself to have “arrived” if she has one. Even if it’s kind of silly.)
Oh, she took Swift, on the all-too-slow path toward Stamina at 24 (will likely take Hurdle at 22 to compliment the Super Jump).
P-Siren will get a chance to do some catch-up in level tonight during the Cave of Transcendence trial, assuming that Margie’s disco problems this afternoon don’t come back to haunt her.

Post mortem

What’s wrong with this picture?
2005-04-08_carpet-plant.jpgMmmmm … carpet …
Well, all the usual wrong things happened. We got split up, we hesitated too long in the face of Serious Damage Being Ladelled On Our Respective Asses, and we got confused as to where we were which made getting away from the damage dealers more problematic.
The one amusing part of the above photo is that, in both of our cases, we had (separately) staggered into the elevator with our last breaths, and plopped out a floor below, dead.
We eventually (right after we rezzed and regrouped here) went in and finished off the boss that did this, but it was (especially after we discussed what went wrong over dinner) more entertainin in retrospect than annoying, especially with that picture …

Naming of names

Cuppajo has passed on a fine resource for naming your hero: The Phrontistery, a collection of great and often obsolete words. Just on one page, I found some great names whose meanings would make for fine hero names:
Gablock, Gadarine, Galanty, Galeate, Galliard …
Hey, it’s gotta be better than dYYN0m8te! or something like that, and a lot less likely to be taken than Captain Thunder.

Dinging 10

My favorite main, DaveMargie, dinged 10 today. Coolness. Certainly the best toon I’ve run, and the one I’ve run with longest — powerful, resilient, capable of dealing with mobs and with bosses. Good to run with our various friends, but also solid to run solo. Always seem to have a lot of mishes, but that just keeps things fun.
Got sort of a late start with running DaveMargie, but I look forward to many, many Security Levels to come.


Margie was busy watching Iron Chef, and I discovered that I was able to get past the Comcast-induced connectivity problems this evening, so I fired up Truly Unstable, my Rad/Rad Defender (lvl 9) and had at it.
Headed off to the Hollows, got an invite to a Team, and trundled off to it.
Bad. Very, very bad. Lots of “bad guys, charge!” and “hey, let’s split up and clear this level” and …
Well, I did a lot healing and debuffing, but when the second mish started, the first encounter had a passle of oranges and a purple Caliban (for me — and I was one of the highest-level guys in the group). It could have been managed, with care, but “care” was not a watchword of the group. “Charge!” piecemeal … fighting … small successes … crap, tank down before I could … retreat … team mates behind me … do they need my …
Oh. Hello, Mr. Carpet.
Margie was ready to play, so I took the opportunity to bid good night, and we headed out together, with her playing Carilian (Fire/Rad Controller, 8). We kicked around Kings Row for a bit, then spotted BD playing Dubh Bas (Dark Defender).
We headed off to the Hollows, since we had some missions there, and … well, for a team of Squishies (Ctrl/Def/Def), we (a) had a lot of fun, and (b) were remarkably effective. I don’t think it really took us any longer to do the door mish, or handle street gangs, than if we’d had crunchies with us. If only people wouldn’t kill my Radiation Infected targets …
Margie dinged up, and I’m about half an hour away from doing so. Cool stuff.
TU is a fun character. Short, armored, body and brain being slowly eaten away by radiation, and just as likely to fantasize that he’s a medieval knight as to make some quip about a TV show, he’s a nice, loopy PC to run.
As a team, our only deaths were BD and myself, whilst running over to a door mish in the Hollows, all separate, and … oh, crap, Pumicites, I’d better try to (crash, bang, smash) … (beep-beep, beep-beep, beep-beep …) Worked through that debt pretty quickly, though.
Fun time.

Kill me twice, shame on me

We got a late start last night, due to getting Kitten down and Margie playing with keybinds. When we did get going with Honeygun and Kazima, we cleared out a couple of door mishes in KR pretty easily, then headed off toward Perez Park for Hellion Hunting and Fortune Teller Rescue.
Not the most successful journey in the world.
The first part was pretty straightforward. The second part had us going into the park, over the wall, over by the boat house. That particular journey gave us a couple of badges, which was fun. And HG dinged to 14, also fun (I ended up taking Haste, planning on Superspeed next level for travel.)
The group of Lost we decided to take, over in the red zone, was not. All of a sudden, HG was in red and having to run as fast as her stealthy legs could carry her (and good to be stealthed, since there was another group around every corner along the wall). Recovered enough to charge back in as I saw Kazima going orange and red, and polished off the ones she hadn’t managed to down.
Whew. Our first warning.
Wandered along the edge of the forest, trying to find a way in. All red zone, all the time, complete with repeated pairs of Big Clockworks. Eek. Took out one pair, with difficulty (and discovered that Buck Shot works wonders on Gears that spawn from them). Decided to work our way around the other direction, found another Big-ass Prince pair, engaged … and ended with HG running for her life, and K eating turf.
K got back from the hospital after a while, and we bypassed the pair and headed (finally) into the forest. We bypassed one group of Lost, sweated through another Clockworks encounter, and entered the mish.
CoT. With yellow Archers, yellow Spectral Nasties, and orange Mages.
We managed a couple of successful pulls in the first cavern, but on the third, HG got disoriented about her retreat path, got trapped, didn’t have support from K (who was busy fighting her own battles), and went down.
K came over to stand over the body while I rezzed, hoping it wouldn’t attract the attention of the Spectral Nasty around the corner. After all, it hadn’t attacked me while I was being carved up, and it wasn’t reacting to Kazima standing there all glowy.
But rezzing heroes are, evidently, good eats. It charged in as I staggered up. Kazima fought it, while I lurched away — and got spotted by another Spectral Nasty attracted to the sound of battle. Whomp, and back down again, shortly followed by Kazima.
We decided to bag that mission for the time being, and go hunt trolls in Skyway. Which we did, with modest effectiveness, nearly ending up the evening out of debt …
Not our finest hour.


HeroStats is a fine little CoH utility (open source and free) that sits in the background and monitors what’s going on in your CoH session. It collects statistics on what you do that you can review later, and provides some real-time monitoring that’s quite useful
The Good

  1. It will monitor the buffs that have been done to you (and the ones you do on others?) with a timer, showing when they will be coming down. The utility is worth it just for this and the next feature. Very useful to give your bubbler a warning, for example, or to know when your Dull Pain is going to drop.
  2. It notes recharge time on powers, and lets you know (without interpolating from the power tray) how long until each power comes back.
  3. It tracks the type of damage done to you. You can see this in realtime (which may tell you about buffs/defenses you need to put up), and you can analyze it later (“I’m taking mostly X damage on the missions I run, so I should slot up …”).
  4. It tracks how far you are to levelling, and, based on the XP you’re getting per minute or hour, about how long that’s going to be. Good for deciding if you want to go on one more mish before you call it a night.
  5. The statistics it collects lets you see what the damage is you’re doing with each attack, and what your TH success rate is. That, in turn, may influence further powers, inspirations, enhancement slotting, etc.

The Bad

  1. The system doesn’t automatically track and segregate stats by alt, so you have to do some file management, file merging, etc., yourself as you shift between toons.
  2. The quantity of stats it collecs gets very big. If you have to merge in a file from a day or two of gaming, it can take a looooong time (and impact performance horribly while it does so).
  3. The numbers collected for statistical purposes are not always easy to interpret — and the documentation (on the system website) is pretty sketchy.
  4. Some folks find the concept of number-tracking to be offputting, or at least detrimental to gameplay. Knowing that they are 637 XP from levelling, or approximately 0:45 at the current rate, takes them out of the “magic.”
  5. Hey, look — one more thing to clutter your screen!

The Ugly

  1. The system works (in-game) by keeping a window up over the CoH window. this leads to a variety of problems (if you are running CoH in full-screen mode):
    • Framerate hit.
    • Can obscure other windows (especially when you manage enhancements).
    • If you go to move it or touch it in any way, it drops the mouse out of the game and brings Windows to the foreground.
  2. It has some glitches to it, and doesn’t always reliably start tracking stuff. I’ve had to stop, close the ap, and restart it to get it working again.

Overall, it’s definitely worth it for the buff/recharge tracker, secondarily for the stat analysis of hits/damage and the XP/time to level. The latter would not keep me using it, but the former definitely will.

Get Doctor Vahzilok!

2005-04-04_dr-v.jpgAvocet organized a Dr. V mish yesterday. At my suggestion (heh), he kept it small — himself (at 20), Velvet, P-Siren, and Boulder Dude’s Zazi. That gave us a blaster, a tank, a defender (bubbler), and a scrapper. That worked out to be a fine combo.
The mission went actually pretty smoothly. We carefully but steadly moved through the sewer complex, pulling individuals as we could and dealing with the consequences when we couldn’t. I was at 19, and most of the Abominations were white or yellow, the foes ranging up to various Eidolons at red. We gave priority to taking down the Eidolons and Mortificators, then polished off the rest.
When we got to the final chamber, we started drawing bad guys into the tunnel leading down to it, then taking them down. Eventually we pulled (with a little bit of “flying aggro pull”) the Reapers and Abominations off to the right. The biggest problem we had was with the Abominations forgetting, half-way there, where they were going or why, and needing a bit of taunting/pulling to keep coming. That cleaning out made the final battle a lot easier.
At length, just the top platform was occupied. P-Siren zapped one of the Reapers, and that was enough to bring the Bad Doctor himself. Zazi had already stealthed in and dealt with the bodies, so the mish was technically over. That meant that, if things got really hairy, we could, as a last resort, mish out (though not get back in if we did). Clever planning by Avocet, that …
So Dr. V, with one Reaper in tow (thank heavens), headed over. I pumped up my Dull Pain, popped a heavy-duty Accuracy (he was “only” 20, but Purple), and Zazi and I met him at the opening to the tunnel, with Avo on high guard and PS up close for mental attacks and keeping up bubbles.
It was a pretty straightforward if lengthy and endurance-tab-popping slog. The pic at top shows Velvet in front, Zazi slicing from the right, P-Siren in the middle with the bubbling and Reaper-punching; Avo was out of reach (and frame), but you can see the icy results of his hold …
A long slog, yes. None of us really got hurt, but Velvet was down to her last breath by the time V dropped. W00T!
The temptation at that point was to rush right in, but that’s what got V in trouble last time. We did it by the numbers, moving around to the back of the platform and taking out the groups there. Then it was time for a group picture or three (see below – L-R Velvet, Zazi, Avocet, P-Siren), and mish out.
2005-04-04_dr-v2.jpgNice XP, as I recall — several hundred for the mish and again for Dr. V. Velvet is now about Level 19.75, about 2-3 hours from levelling based on the rate we were going (which was probably high). We played for about 2+ hours, so it wasn’t a huge time sink, either.
The team worked very well, and was pretty balanced. No healers, but didn’t seem to need that much. And, being only four in size, we didn’t up the mob numbers or levels, which was also a good thing.

  • Zazi’s stealth was invaluable for scouting and for clearing the mish at the end. Also a fine scrapper, BD ran her around nicely to take on the guys Velvet wasn’t drawing at any given moment. She had a tendency to run a bit far forward a bit fast, but that’s a scrapper for you (and the stealth — usually — helped avoid succeeding incidents).
  • Avo had done his homework and ran the group nicely. His high overwatch blasting was generally positive, though early on we had some of the usual “Hey, I had that group aggroed and you not only scattered them with knockback, but you knocked back the one I had Follow on and ran me out of the remaining pack” incidents. As someone who has a knocking-back blaster himself, I can appreciate the problem from Avo’s end. When he focused on (Dr V melee aside) holding and zapping strays and watching the backfield and our defender, he was at his best.
  • Margie was uncertain whether to bring in P-Siren, and I retported that bubbles were always welcome (even if their utility vs Toxic Vomit is limited). She did her usual fine job with the long-range pulls, keeping us bubbled, and generally providing support (“Mortificator! Mortificator!”).
  • I was pretty pleased by how Velvet did. She drew aggro nicely, I was able to usually use Taunt to good effect (though I still need work on that), and she never really took much damage. Even against Abominations her Unyielding kept her on her feet. Aside from chronically running low on Endurance (an old lament), she worked well in her job slot. Plus she’s fun to play. Biggest problem I had was making sure my reticle was where I wanted it — too often I targeted some mob yards away to taunt, then didn’t retarget the guys in front of me so that I could hit them.

All in all, a very satisfactory evening, and far superior to my first Dr. V adventure.

More on XP/Range changes

Latest I found from Statesman. Some minor changes from previous posts (numbering mine):

Based on data from the Training Room and feedback on the forums, we will be making the following changes to how XP, Influence and other drops are divided:

[1] If a player is in a zone, did NO damage in a combat and has dead for more than a minute, he receives no XP. If a player is more than 300 ft. away (an increase of 100 ft.) from the mob when it

Honeygun – Natural AR/DEV Blaster

This is the first of a series of posts I’ll be doing on my various alts. The idea is to (a) garner discussion (“That trick will never work!”), and (b) possibly inform. Be advised that, as guides, these posts are “informed to the point of where I know things now,” as opposed to Wisdom Handed Down from Level 50. Let the reader beware.
It’s only in the last couple of weeks that I’ve started seriously considering character planning. Something I used to pooh-pooh a bit as something that only CoH geeks got into, I now realize that (within certain bounds of reason) it just makes good sense.
I track my characters using the CoH Planner. There are a number of similar programs out there; this is the first one I found that worked, though the interface is a scosh idiosyncratic. It’s remarkably powerful, though, if you want to have it calculate resistances and endurance drains for your powers as enhanced and toggled (which requires you do a fair amount of bookkeeping to note all your enhancements). As a basic character mapper, though, it works just fine. The stats below are from one of its export formats.

So, let’s start with my current leading lady, Honeygun, specced to level 20 (currently at 13):

Continue reading “Honeygun – Natural AR/DEV Blaster”

Wandering Monsters

So, what’s with the wandering monsters?
I’ve seen this primarily with human-type mobs — Hellions, this past weekend. A group will come wandering through the mish in this weird, crouched run. Looks very bizarre (first time I saw it, it was a couple of Bone Daddies, and I though, hey, must be part of their magic juju). If they run into you, well, then, they spot you and open fire. If not, they go gliding on down the corridor.
Funny thing is, it appears to be contagious. We saw one guy glide down a corridor, get caught in a mob that was waiting there, bounce around trying to find a way out, and then the whole mob turned wanderer and headed off.
Sometimes the wandering will end up with guys stuck in odd places, or climbing the walls.
Now, WMs is not necessarily a bad thing (indeed, it adds some spice, and makes sense from a game standpoint). But the way it’s implemented in the AI seems off — the movement looks very unnatural (they don’t run like mobs usually run, the sort of skate along in a crouch).
UPDATE: Aha. Finally found a reference to this in the Forums. It seems to be legit (actually patrolling) activity, coupled with poorly chosen movement animation. Maybe.

Weekend update

2005-04-02_consortium.jpgFriday afternoon I did a fair amount of work with Torchielle, getting her up a couple of levels as I worked with a pick-up team. Good fun, particularly once I got her travel power, Super Jump. I like her a lot, and would like to play her more.
Saturday and Sunday was, with Margie’s planning for the Cave of Transcendence trial (which is getting a lot of reaction in the SG forums), the beginning of a concerted effort to get Honeygun and Kazima up to speed for that trial, meaning lvl 14-15. Given that we were starting out at 10-11, that means work.
Most of the time, we ended up trioed with BD, in the guise of one of his Bas siblings (either an added Dark scrapper, Ciunas Bas, or a Dark defender, Dubh Bas).

2005-04-03_consortium.jpgWorked out well, even though we were running mostly endless warehouse mishes (to the point of having some idea where the mobs were going to be), be they Council, Hellions, or Lost. On the bright side, the mishes were all at level, meaning we were going up against white-yellow, with occasional orange, or (in one case) yellow-orange with occasional red (mmmmm, spicy Aberrent Rectors).
Anyway, by the end of the weekend we were in the 13-14 range, and I was busy revising my plans for what Honeygun needs to take, as she levels, over this week (more on which later).

Mission interruptus

Margie was not in a good mood last night, after a long drive home. So she was ready to dive into CoH to get P-Siren up a level (to 18), and, at long last, get a travel power.
We had several Skulls mishes in KR, all of which ended up conning grey (for Velvet; green-blue for Margie). We got pretty skilled at simply bypassing mobs on our way to the mission goal.
We eventually went to a Clockwork mish Velvet had, and that was more like it. Everything was conning basically yellow for me, with the occasional white cog and orange cannon knight. “Good eats,” as Margie is wont to say regarding high XP. Though the mission was merely to find a clue (somebody’s trophy, lost to scavanging clockworks), we ended up going along, clearing stuff …
Margie dinged about 2/3 of the way along there, which was good, because, just as we got into Final Battle with Steampunk, the big clockwork boss at the end of the mish …
… Margie discoed. Hard. Couldn’t get back in. Couldn’t get onto the web. Couldn’t shut her machine down. Power cycled, and still wasn’t seeing the network. I ultimately intervened and got her back online, but I’d been forced, once my bubble went down, to take down Steampunk, which ended the mish. (I suppose I could have run away from him — should have done that.)
The result was not only did she not get a bunch of XP for both mission end and boss kill, but it prevented her from rejoining me afterwards (to clean remaining clocks), since the mish was over.
She was not pleased by this. At. All.
She did, however, go off and level and take (ta-daaah!) Teleport, which was the point of the evening’s exercise. She did some practicing, and can now zip across zones at full speed, which will be nice here on out.
I was just glad to have a chance to whomp on some “enemies of color.”
The whole process ran way, way late (like, officially into the Wee Hours) (especially when I still had to set up a backup on my notebook). Later than I’d intended, but I definitely wanted Margie to get that level in.

Takin’ ‘er out for a spin

Ran Velvet around with P-Siren (and BD’s Puck Bunny) last night. Endless string of Hollows mishes (mostly), which will end (in two mishes for Margie) with the Chamber of Transcendence, or so we believe.
Biggest problem was that the endless, endless hordes of Trolls were all conning green and grey (with a very occasional blue, and, once or twice, a white). Which not only was boring, but which made creeping up to 19 with Velvet excruciating.
On the other hand, it did give me a chance to play with different toggles on her — what to use as a default, balancing damage resistance vs. endurance cost (so … must … get … Stamina …). And, ultimately, we became pretty good at looking at the victory conditions carefully, and just doing them, not clearing the caverns. No need to arrest a few hundred trolls (for an hour) when all you need to do is take down Atta and his two guards (and find a clue or two). And since many of them would ignore us (grey) unless we whomped on them, and those who wouldn’t ignore me couldn’t do much through bubbles and Unyielding, that wasn’t that huge a deal to do.
Not sure completely why they all conned so low. The mishes were new (though the trial may be old). Annoying. They were PS’s mishes, so I may break out of that assignment chain with Velvet (who was getting the same stuff from good ol’ Talshak the Mystic) after the next one.
Anyway, Velvet dinged to 19, P-Siren to 18. Good stuff.